
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday

So I wanted to show you these pictures that the kids brought home from school today. Aren't they cute? I just LOVE my kiddos :)

Emeline Melissa

Joseph Guild

Thomas Lee

Hey all :) How was your day? Good, I hope! Typical day here. Got up, got kids ready, out the door and too the bus, went on a walk with Veronica, back home, shower and got ready for whatever the day held.

Jake did a good job on school today. He got all of his work done early. Way to go, Jake! Captain Americacame home at lunch time, and we hung for a while. Veronica's little girl had an accident at school, and because Veronica was way across town at school, I went up and picked her up and brought her home with me. She was here for about 15 minutes before her mom was able to come and get her. I gave her some of Joe's shorts, and she and Jimmy played for a few minutes. Poor little thing. I had to go and help Joe with his accident a few months ago. Kindergarten can be a rough year - hehehe.

I got a few WordArt packs designed, and I watched a few episodes of "Fringe" on LOVE that show. I really can't wait for "Lie to Me" to come back on. It's my favoritest, I think :)

Kids came home from the bus at 3:30pm, and we went to the park afterwords. Kari and Laurie and Veronica were there too. Check out this goofy pic that Laurie and I took. Hehehee. You like our long, blond, mustaches?

Left the park at 4:30pm, and went home. We were out and driving to activities 15 minutes later. Yeah, it was sandwich night - hehehe. We had Jacob to Babysitter class by 5pm. He'd missed the 1st aid part last month when he took the class, so this was the make up class.

The little kids and I went to the football park for an hour, waiting for Tom's football to start. They had fun playing. At quarter till, we left Tom, and headed back home. I dropped my library books off on the way (yeah, WAY over due), and continued home :)

Joe, Jim, and Eme played in the sprinker in the backyard for a while. It turned out to be a nice warm-ish day. It was FREEZING (well, 57 degrees) when we walked in the morning. SO cold. hehehe. It was 79 when the kids played in the sprinkler. They had fun :) They only played for 15 minutes, but they had fun.

At 7:45pm we headed back to Jake's class, and picked him up. He was so excited about his certificate. He's now Babysitter Training Certified. Woohoo!

Back home again, kids to bed, blogging, Tom and Captain America came home from football, more kids to bed, designing, chatting online with my friends. Here it is, 9:48pm, and I'm done :) WOOHOO! I wonder what I'll do. I could finish watching the movie from last night. I could hang with Captain America for a while. I could design for a while. I could watch another episode of "Fringe". Hilary is taking her daughter to the ER for side pains. I could go there and hang with them. Lots of choices. Wonder what I'll do. I guess you'll have to wait for tomorrow's blog post to see- hehehe.

SOOO, because it's my sweetheart, my best friend, my husbands birthday, I decided to make a Happy Birthday WordArt for him! Happy birthday, honey! I love you :)

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


  1. Love the WA!
    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your husband!

  2. Bethany, I really love this Happy Birthday. I've been looking for birthday wordart and things that aren't just for little kids, and are a little different. This fits the bill. Thank you!

  3. Thanks so much for the cute word art! :)

  4. My daughter's birthday party is this weekend. She'll be 3 on Monday. Thanks for the perfect word art!

  5. FUN Birthday WA! Thank you for sharing! :-)

  6. Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list

  7. Thanks for the lovely WA. This will help make great birthday cards. I keep saying I will make more of my own but don't as much as I should. This will help put me in the creative mood.

  8. Thanks for a super WA! Give hubby a Cajun Happy Birthday Hug for me! LOL!

  9. Love the mustache photo! Thanks for sharing!
