
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Eye See You


Holy Busy Day, Batman - hehehe. It was practically non stop, all day long. Got up at 8am, had breakfast, got the kids situated, straightened up a bit, and got myself somewhat ready.

At around 9:30am, I drove the kids over to the vision center. We were seen after about 15 minutes. Not too shabby :) They took Tom and Joe and Eme first, and Jake and I and Jimmy sat in the waiting room. Sigh. That sure wasn't a lot of fun. hehehe. Here's Jimmy and Jake in the waiting room.

Jimmy and his gum

Jimmy in the eye doctors chair (perfect vision)

So after about an hour and a half, we were all done. The insurance raised the price for a Contact Prescription, so I decided NOT to get one for Jacob. He has a brand new box of contacts at home, and once they run out, he's done. I did get him a glasses prescription, though. VERY similar to his old one.

Tom's prescription didn't change enough to warrant new glasses, so he's good for a while.

Eme needs glasses now. She was pretty excited, though. ha!

Joe and Jim both have perfect vision.

And me? Well, I have better vision now than I did before. Yup. Lost 1/2 a point. Went from 5.0 in the right eye and 4.5 in the left eye down to 4.5 in the right eye and 4.0 in the left eye. The doctor wanted to know how much sugar I ate, and I said none. I told him that I'd lost 100 lbs from my heaviest to now.

He said that it's not medically proven, but that when people lose weight (40 lbs or more) that their vision improves. Who knew? hehehe. SO, I have better vision now than I did then.

We headed home, and got ready for free lunch. I checked my old contacts, and I had a FULL unopened box of astigmatisim correction contacts (left eye). Sigh. I decided that when I went to buy contacts, that I'd try and exchange them. It's worth a try, right? That's $45 right there....

Lily was sleeping when we got home, so Maddie stayed home with her, and the 6 other kids and I headed to free lunch. Grilled cheese, fries, watermelon, and milk. They LOVED it. And there was enough left overs to bring some home for Lily for when she woke up.






Ella and Tom

Jake and his milk - hehehe.
We went home, Maddie and I ate lunch, and Lily woke up. We were to the pool by around 1:30pm. Here's some random pool pics

Tom and I


Maddie, Lily, Ella




So we headed home at around 3pm. I got dressed, and had Jake and Eme throw on some better clothes, and we headed to Walmart. They have a $38 special for glasses. That cost includes the frames AND the lenses.

Here's the frames that Eme picked out

And the ones that Jake picked out. His were $10 more expensive, but were quite a bit cooler. Plus, since he's not getting contacts anymore, I figured I could spent the extra $10.

And they said YES to switching out my contacts. So I only had to buy one box. They just exchanged the other box. Sa-weet! It ended up costing me $128 for 2 pairs of glasses and 2 boxes of contacts. Not too shabby :)

We had a few things to pick up from Maddie's shopping list, so we got a cart and started looking around. When we got to the produce section, we saw that Strawberries AND blueberries were both on sale for $1 a carton. Nice!

I decided that for Family Home Evening snack, we'd make mini fruit pizzas. I bought sugar cookies for the crust. And cream cheese (and am gonna add a bit of milk and powdered sugar) for the "sauce". And strawberries and blueberries for the toppings. Should be pretty good. Plus, I got enough for Captain America to have some extra for his shakes.
After Walmart, we hurried to Sonic in time to catch Happy Hour. Here's me, giving the camera a thumbs up for Sonic - hehehe. I was still unsure about whether it's diet or not. I'm a bit gun shy now...

So we came home, and started on dinner. I made pork, and mashed potatoes, and green beans. Kids seemed to like it. I made TON and TON of extra potatoes. Oops. I guess I'll have to make it into something else for tomorrow. Maybe a shepherds pie type thing?

So after dinner, I started in on the snack. I made the cream cheese "sauce", and put it in 8 little dixie cups. 7 kids and 1 adult (Maddie and I are on my diet, so we weren't gonna eat any). I also put the blueberries in the dixie cups, and sliced strawberries into a bigger plastic cup. Then all the plastic cups and dixie cups on trays. And put it on the kitchen table. It looked pretty cool - hehehe.

We all sat around the kitchen table, and had Family Home Evening. We sang Popcorn Popping on the Apricot tree, Tom said the prayer, and Captain America gave the lesson on how the Scriptures will show us the way to go, and bring light into our lives (like a flashlight in a darkened room). Then we made these. It was a lot of fun.




I got spray butter on 4 saltine crackers with some splenda and cinnamon. Yeah, not the same, but I pretended - hehehe

Captain America






Jim and Tom


Captain America

Joe's were the best, I think. He hadn't even started eating when the last of the other people were done eating theirs. lol

After making the food, Captain America brought out his guitar, and played songs for the kids for about 45 minutes. Maddie and I cleaned up the mess and the kitchen and the living room.

And me on the couch after the cleaning was done.
At 8:15pm, we put the kids to bed, cleaned up a bit more, and the grown ups watched a movie. "7 Pounds". SUCH a good movie. Well, I think so, anyway.

So, in honor of my trip to the Eye doctor today, here's an "Eye" wordart for ya! Hope you like it :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


  1. Great pics! I love reading your blog every day. :)

  2. Love your blog, ya know, but I think I may have to use it as an example for my daughter. I don't take as many pictures as you! And she hates it! But then, she's 12. I should know better. (sigh) Have a wonderful day!!!!

  3. I just discovered your blog. Thank you for the word art and the pictures and snack instructions were great. If only my 15 & 17 year old could be enticed into making them that way! :o)
