
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hurry Home

OK, so because I took my pill last night at 8pm, yeah, I was up at 2:30am. And COULD not fall back asleep. I laid there for an hour, to no avail. So at 3:20am, I went to do some laundry. And I found Jake's wallet in the washer. Oops. I think he's laundry-ing money - hehehe.

I folded and washed and who knows what else for about an hour, then went back to bed, checked emails, looked at facebook, and finally, at around almost 5am, I fell back asleep. Sigh. Oh yeah, and I set an alarm for noon, everyday, for my pill. ROFL!

Anyway, needless to say when my alarm went off at 6:35am, it was reset for 7am. I read scriptures, said prayers, and tried hard to get kids ready and out the door for school. I was SO tired, though.

Check out Eme in her new outfit for her birthday :) Isn't she beautiful :)

And remember this picture for later in the blog....

I did chores until 8am, then went back to bed, and woke up at 9am. Yeah, I was supposed to go running with the girls at 8:30am, but I was sleeping. I kinda felt a headache coming on, too, and figured it probably wouldn't be a good thing to run with an almost migraine.

I helped Jake with school, which he got done with super fast today, and played with Jimmy for a while, and cleaned my room for a while. And put out a plea on Facebook for someone to go to lunch with me today. hehe.

Both Leslie AND Captain America wanted me to do lunch! Sa-weet! Leslie and I went to the PX to look around, since I hadn't been there since they expanded AGAIN. That things is ALWAYS growing. The clothing section is GINORMOUS and there's even a section of Victoria Secret AND Coach purses. And a ton of other stuff.

Check out these funny clothes we found. People always tell me that I find the most INTERESTING things when shopping. Really, I don't look for them. They just jump out at me. hehe.

We joked that this should be Leslie's "goal outfit". hehe. She had gastric bipass a few months ago, and is getting SUPER tiny. Good job, my friend. Just promise that you really WON'T wear that. hehe.

And these pants were even better/worse! The even had that tight elastic in the crotch. Permanent "camel toe", I'm thinking...

And, um, yeah, zippers? Really? And just over that one boob? What could the point of that POSSIBLY be. If there were one on each side, MAYBE it could be a nursing shirt.... The things that people wear these days...
So after the PX, we headed to El Taco Tote. And I ordered a platter for 2, and so did she. We were gonna bring our men back lunch too! Aren't we sweet :)

Here's me, posing with my soda, wondering WHY I didn't take more time to take a shower... Oh yeah, migraine coming on... I was really starting to feel it here. I grabbed my soda, and downed my Prozac AND a migraine pill. It should be better in an hour...
We ate and chatted and had SO much fun. I really enjoy Leslie, and will miss her terribly when she moves to Hawaii :)

She and I drove to Little Cesars so I could pick up a few sodas and pizzas for Captain America's crew, and we headed back to post. She dropped me off, I went to the bathroom, checked on Jake (he was working on a practice test for the TAKS - state assessment testing...), and was REALLY feeling my headache now. The pill wasn't touching it fast enough. I got home, took a decongestant, some Tylenol, AND some Motrin. One of those should knock it out...and headed out to where Captain America was in the field.

And got stuck behind this SEMI going 5 MPH. Sigh...
I gave him the pizzas and sodas and we passed them out to all the guys, and I sat with him while he ate his El Taco Tote. I was STUFFED from eating at the restaurant, so we just visited. After about 45 minutes, it was time for me to go.

He thinks, that if they can pass their battles (practices) tomorrow, that they may be able to come home. Pray for them, cause I don't want him to be gone until Monday. He went to the field on Tuesday...

And by the time I got back home, I was feeling a little better. Feeling a little less of everything, actually. hehe. I made sure that Jake and Jim were good, and went to lay down for a while. And ended up facebooking and texting for a while, but it was quiet, and dark, in my room.

And JUST as I was about to doze off, Eme and Tom and Joe came home, and Eme and Tom were FIGHTING SOOOOOO bad, I had to go and step in. Sigh. Remember that darling picture from this morning, where you could physically see how much they loved each other? I wish I'd have snapped a picture from this afternoon, because they were both spitting fire at each other.

So I sent them BOTH to their rooms to cool off. About 20 minutes later, Eme's friend Bella came to pick her up, and she headed out to a sleepover. And to the pool. Only 4 kids for the night now :)

Tom and Jake and Jim and Joe played around the house for a while, and I chatted with Andrea on the phone for about an hour. I miss that girl! She's in South Carolina now. It was SO good to chat and joke and laugh with her. She really is a GREAT friend. I think of her like a sister!

And then we had dinner, and watched a movie together. It was fun sitting on the couch taking turns snuggling with Jim and Joe. My little boys :)

And here it is, 8:31pm. I'm gonna design a quick freebie, and watch a few episodes of "Glee", I think. Everyone I've talked to LOVES it. Or maybe Fringe! Cause according to y'all, they DIDNT cancel it. hehe.

The kids are all upstairs watching Star Wars Episode 1. Apparently it's gonna be a 6 Episode Star Wars weekend. ha!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

(How crazy is this, I can't get my Dell laptop to upload to, but my DROID phone will)


  1. Thanks for the word art. As for the kids being friends and enemies in the same day, boy can I relate to that.

  2. Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
