
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Walt's World

So today was a rough day. I felt weepy and sad most of the day. And I hate feeling that way. I reminds me of "pre-Prozac" day... hehe. Anyway, Jake was up at 6:30, and chipper. He was apologetic about what happened, and went about his day like normal. Off to the bus at 7:00am.

I called the insurance place, and was told that a committee needed to review my claim, because normally, because the "vandal" was on the policy, it wouldn't be covered. They were gonna see what they could do.

And I got the kids off to the bus at 7:30am, then Jim and I left at 7:40am to take Jim to daycare. I dropped him off, then headed to Hughey Elementary school for Tom's meeting with the Speech Teacher.

And yeah, he didn't wanna bring the robot on the bus, so I ended up bringing it there too. I saw both Amanda and Kari at the front door, so stopped and chatted. Kari hadn't heard the "story" about yesterday, so I filled her in....

I delivered the robot, then went to the speech meeting. THe principal sat in on the meeting too. She said that Tom was able to make the R sound during speech class, and in the classroom. Whaaaat? He doesn't do that at home? She said to ask him about it, that he's probably just being "lazy' because there's no social pressure at home. Oh Tom....

It would have been a fast meeting, had the printer not freaked out. That was 1/2 the time I was there, watching the Speech Teacher and the Office lady try and get the printer to work. Finally, it did, I signed the 2 papers that I needed to sign, and I was on my way.

The principal also told me that Tom had scored a 100 on the reading TAKS test, and a 96 on the Math TAKS test! Way to go, TOM!!! Great job.

I headed home, and got the car. And drove to Amandas house, and picked her up, and me, her, and my car with the donut tire headed across town to Discount Tires. That's where we bought the tires, and that's where Captain America wanted me to go.

And I've never driven on a donut before, so we went really slow. Like 30 mph slow. It took FOREVER to get across town.

We finally got there, the dude looked at the tire, and said that it needed replaced, not fixed. Sure. OK. He said it would only take 30 minutes. So we grabbed Howdy's cups from the car, and walked over to the gas station 2 businesses away. We lucked out on that one!

I got myself a DDP, 64 oz, and I was gonna get one to take back home to Terra, but the machine ran out of DDP. So she got Diet Coke. Sure, I could have been the bigger friend, and given her the DDP, but I really needed it today.

And we walked back to the tire place. And yeah, in the course of our walk, I TOTALLY walked on a manhole! I didn't realize it until it was too late, and I thought I was gonna pee myself. Literally! It was pretty scary. My heart started racing, and my aderiline levels shot up. Funny, huh?

We went back, paid, and headed out with the fixed tire and the spare safely stowed away. And yeah, it was a MUCH faster trip back to post. We dropped the Diet Coke off for Terra, I dropped Amanda off at her house, and I went to the CDC to pick up Jim. Then drove him up to school, since he'd missed the bus.

And I headed back home. But didn't really wanna go inside. I did, long enough to let Boxer out, and prop the back door open for him, but then went back out and sat on the front porch swing. I wonder if I have PTSD? hehe. Just kidding. Kind of...

Krystal from church texted and said that that she had something for me, and wanted to drop it off. So I sat on the porch until she got there. A case of DDP and a card. SO stinking sweet! Thanks, my dear :)

I showed her the destruction, and we chatted for a bit, then she headed out. And I went inside for good. And USAA called to say that unfortunately, they couldn't help me... Because Jake is on our policy as a minor living in our house, it's not vandalism. It's not covered. Crap. So we're out the $2000+ dollars....

Then Captain America was online, and we Skyped for a bit. He'd done some research on Autism, and what to do to "fix" or "help" with it. And sent it to me in an email so I could look at it later. And we talked about what to do, and how to help, and what options were. And I was just really bummed. This really sucks.

We got off the phone, and I headed out. I was gonna go to Walmart and buy a keyed lock for my bedroom to hide all of my valuable stuff inside. But I didn't have time. So I was gonna just go get on from the PX. But as I was driving there, something told me to go see Jake's Autism Dr. And set up another appointment.

So I went in, and while I was in the office waiting to talk with the receptionist, someone called to cancel an appointment for tomorrow. And that's the one that they gave Jake. 12:30 tomorrow. Sweet. I'm not sure what I'm gonna tell the dude, but 2 minutes with Jake every 6 months is just not gonna fly. I need more help than that. Maybe he can refer him to a therapist. Or a counselor. Or something. I need more tools than this to work with...

So, I still had 35 minutes left, so I went to the PX. And priced out EHD's, and got a lock. And 2 bags of sugar free chocolates. Which I ended up eating BEFORE I got home. Yeah, I'm gonna be paying for that later. Total emotional eat... I fully admit it...

I had about 10 minutes to kill at the bus stop, and was just feeling sorry for myself. I didn't get out and visit with anyone. I was doing my best to keep the tears away. I just felt crappy.

I got home, and started cleaning up. I needed to get the door lock put on. So Jim watched some cartoons on the DVD player, and I installed the new lock. And put the keys on a lanyard around my neck. And started moving stuff into my room.

I moved the BIG old TV out to the living room, and moved the 46 inch flat screen into my room. And hooked up "Jake"'s laptop to the TV in my room. It's now my laptop. Well, my TV laptop. Only problem is, there's no HDMI slot on the laptop to hook up to the TV. So I have to use a computer monitor cable and an AUX cord. And the computer monitor cable makes everything look red. I think I need a new one...

I put 2 smaller TV's outside in the living room, one for the DVD player and antenna, and one for the Wii. It looks ghetto, but what do ya do? So now, the Wii lives in my room behind lock and key, and we just bring it out when we need it. All the cords are still in the living room.

And the kids all got home from school, and I had them do chores and odd jobs. Eme cleaned up the garage a bit. Tom cleaned up the side yard. Jake got the WHOLE backyard. Joe and Jim got the Suburban. And it looked a lot better when they were done.

Yeah, I'm messing up the time line here. At some point, we took an hour off and went to the library. Jake stayed home. And we got the books turned back in that were due. And Eme checked out another one. It was a very quick trip, and we watched a short movie about horses, I chatted with Amanda for a bit, then we came back home. I hate it when I can't remember exactly what happened, and in what order...

And soon it was time for Joe to go to Baseball. I let Tom and Eme play on their laptops in my room, and let Jim watch the big TV in my room, and they locked the door. How sad is that...

Jake was in the main part of the house, very contrite, and continued to do chores and play with the dog. And Joe and I headed out in the Saturn.

And I was really feeling bummed out. We got to the place, and I Didn't even have the energy to go and talk with the other moms. We just kinda wondered around until the parent meeting thing started. The coach seemed really cool, and Joe took right to him. Then we all headed out to the field, and the played for a bit.

And, even feeling as crappy as I did, I couldn't NOT find fun looking people to go and chat with. So I picked a mom that looked fun, and struck up a conversation. And soon, another had joined in. And yeah, after NOT getting enough talking time in today, I'm sure that I WAY overshared. WAY overshared... But I don't care... Well, maybe I do a little...

Anyway, practice was over at 6:45pm, and we headed home, and were here by 7pm. I made mini pizzas for the kids for dinner, had them clean up a bit more, and sent them all to bed. And just sat on the couch and felt sorry for myself for about 30 minutes.

I'm really having a hard time NOT being angry with Jake. I know he's trying. I know he's remorseful. I know he want's to earn privileges back. But I'm just so upset about what happened. And about what changes need to be made. And I'm afraid that I'm gonna make it worse by taking it out on him. I need to get my head on straight for tomorrow.

I can't afford to slip back into a "depressed" state, and I can feel it trying to creep up on my. I'm hoping that I'm just PMS'y, and that it's my "mopey" day. I'm keeping my fingers crosses. I can't go back to feeling like crap all the time.

So, it's now 9:30pm. And I'm gonna get off of her, and go read. And go to bed early. And be refreshed for the new day tomorrow. Heck, maybe I'll even shower :)

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Great one, Sharon!


  1. Have you considered that Jake may have oppositional defiant disorder in addition to his Autism? Some of his behavior sounds suspiciously close.

  2. Great on getting the appt!!!! Make them schedule more often. He and YOU need it.

  3. My sister has 3 boys that are on the Autism spectrum. Her oldest sounds just like Jake. They remind me so much of each other. I would be happy to have her email you. Maybe she could share some of the things that have been sucessful in helping her boys. It would probably be helpful for you too to have someone that can relate to you and what you are going through. I know how difficult it was or still can be for her. Keep your head up! You are in my thoughts and prayers as is your family.

  4. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Apr. 20, 2011. Thanks again.

  5. Jake's doctor owes you and Jake more time than a few minutes twice a year. I am sure there are resources available in your community and he should be able to provide the info (or have his staff provide it). They should be testing Jake, more in depth to see if he has secondary disorders to the main autism. It is not unusual, and if they know what he has, they can provide the correct treatment plan to help him and the rest of the family. You are doing a wonderful job managing 5 children, one with special needs, by yourself Bethany. I admire your fortitude, even in the face of adversity. Keep plowing ahead and don't let Jake's doctor give you the rush treatment today. Take care and thanks for today's word art.

  6. Bethany, I am praying hard for you. I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this. I really admire the strength you have. I look up to you. I know nothing about Autism and I really hope you can get the knowledge and support you need from Jake's doctor and those who have experience. Would getting in to your therapist earlier than usual help through this time of change and fear? I wish I could come down there and give you a great big hug! And some DDP! Please know that even though you have no idea who I am, I am sending my love! Don't forget to pray and read your scriptures. You will find great comfort and strength, as well as direction and anwsers as you do them. You are loved by so many! You can do this!

  7. Praying for you and asking God to give you the strength and perseverance you need to see you through with Jake, in addition to your single parenting while Brent is deployed. Get yourself a good group of friends as a support group, someone you can call 24/7 just to talk if you need to. Here's to a better day . . . !

  8. I'm thinking you're seeing more front-line action than Brent so far! I feel so bad for you - I couldn't have kept my cool at all with my kid doing something like that, and can't imagine having to go through it without my hubby nearby. You are doing an admirable job (and most often a thankless one, if truth be told!) and I'm sure Brent is very proud of you and all you're doing on the homefront. Keep seeking help, for Jake and for you!
    I know you've probably had 101 "natural" remedies and treatments recommended already, but I do want to say that I have some friends who have been doing the Feingold diet with their children for the past 6 weeks and have seen marked improvements in the behavior of certain of their kids who have behavioral issues. Here's a link, just in case you're interested in looking into it further:

    Sharon in MI (logged in with my hubby's ID)

  9. Bethany you are so loved. Remember that there is a Father who knows what is happening and he promised that he would not give you more challenges than you could handle. He must have so much faith in you. So find a few rainbows and ask for the help you need. With love and prayers for you, Nancy

  10. I hope that after hearing what happened Jake's Dr. will get serious and offer some real help, resources and suggestions for dealing with a potentially dangerous situation for you and your other kids. I would try to find a support group for parents dealing with your situation. Good luck and hugs.

  11. I so hope tomorrow will be a better day for you. You deserve it.

  12. Bethany,
    Call your county or local mental health department. They will be able to give you lists of resources available in your area. I can't believe that the police didn't offer that information to you! With a diagnosis of autism, services/support should be available for you and for Jake. Isn't there an army liason that is designated to provide support for families of deployed soldiers? Pitch a fit and keep calling until you find what you need. Most of the time, they don't advertise but there's help out there!

  13. I so agree with you that Jake needs more help than they are giving him. I'm praying that you will be able to get it for him.

    I'm also praying for you, Bethany. You've been doing so well and I'm worried about how this is making you feel. Do you think it would be a good idea for you to get an emergency appointment with your therapist to help you through this crisis? In my experience, it's best to deal with issues before they get out of hand. Big hugs to you.

  14. I'm so sorry you have so much going on with Jake. As for Walt's World, I was just there on Monday. Thank you.

  15. Sending you positive thoughts and will be saying lots of prayers for you and your family.

