
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Born to Run

Hey, you guys :) What's up? Having a good week? Mine's been pretty good. Woke up at normal time, did scriptures and prayers, and saw the kids off to school. Jake was sick, so I let him sleep. Poor kid :(

Jim and I got ready to go to Joe's 1st grade Awards ceremony. It started at 8:30am. We parked, and walked on over. And saw Laurie and family there, so sat with them.

Joe got a few awards, and was very pleased with himself. Laurie and I kept Rowan and Jim entertained with our phones and the gameboy.

You'd be proud, I'm drinking WATER!!! After 100 oz, I'll let myself have some soda :)

We came back home, and Jake had moved to the couch. I put on episodes of Buffy the Vampire slayer for him. Then I left Jim watching movies with Jake (he's SO mellow when he's sick - hehe), and headed to the commissary for an abbreviated shopping trip. I needed some apples and some more microwave dinners.

I went home, put all the stuff away, grabbed my Excedrine Migraine for Terra, dropped Jim off at the bus, and went to Terra's house. Poor thing. She was SO happy to have the girls in daycare for the afternoon. hehe.

She made a few phone calls at home, then we decided to hit Walmart. I drove home, grabbed my microwave dinner, and Terra came to pick me up.

See, I'd found out today that the on-post pools are gonna be closed for a while. Weeks. And that was a HUGE part of my summer "entertain the kids" plan. So I needed a Plan B. Big pool in the backyard. I know, I know, Captain America, you HATE pools in the backyard. But I'll do better this time. I'll replace the filters, and I'll get the chlorine.

AND, I found these shorts for Jim!

I decided to go with the biggest one. hehe. It's HUGE! I know we had a smaller one when the kids were smaller, and they absolutely LOVED it. But, we have bigger kids now. So a bigger pool is needed... Yeah, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Some Walmart dude was rolling a womans big box up to the register on a cart, and I stopped him and asked him to come back and help me. And yeah, never did. We waited for a good 5 minutes. So I went to the front to ask a cashier to call someone for me. And she came herself. And pushed it to the front. hehe. I could have done that :)

Terra and I paid, and the chickie pushed it outside. Terra pulled up, and the chickie helped me lift it up to the van. Cool beans :) And, I have a dolly at home, so it should be easy sailing from here :)

Here's me with my first soda for the day! I'd already downed 3-44 ozers of water. This is Diet Coke from McDonalds. Not wonderful, but not terrible either :)

Terra's car thought it was VERY hot outside. It was only around 99...
Terra dropped me off at the house, I carried all my bags inside the garage, got the dolly, and wheeled the pool to the backyard. I raked the corner clean, and ripped the slide off of the swing set. And yeah, the fact that I could rip it off SO stinking easily just tells you how dry it has been here. That swing set has GOT to go...

I laid out the drop tarp, then unrolled the pool. And tried to center it the best I could. That things big AND heavy. Kinda a two person job. Then, I got the vacuum, and hooked up the blower attachment, and filled up the ring at the top. And that was it I hooked up the hose, and turned it on at 2:30pm.

Then went to get Jim from the bus. And I looks SO nasty. hehe. I was SO sweaty. hehe. Terra said that she wanted to take her kids to Carls Jr playland, and asked if Jim could come too. SURE! So off he went, and I went back home. And went to cool off in my room. I watched 1 episode of 24, then the kids got home from the bus.

The kids hated it, but I made them help me clean up the backyard. We filled up the recycle can with the pool boxes, and got 3 trash bags of stuff out of the backyard. We dumped the little pool, and hung it up to dry. And the yard looked SO SO SO much better. I know the neighbors think we're the white trash neighbors. LOL :)

We had dinner (microwave dinner for me, egg sandwiches with cheese and english muffins for the kids with apples), then it was time to take Joe and Tom to baseball practice. I left Eme on the computer, and Jake with Buffy, and Joe and Jim and Tom and I headed out.

I'd let the kids have Popsicles once the backyard was cleaned, and check out what Jim's said. Um, I think that's supposed to say THREE, not TREE. Silly typos :)
We dropped Joe off at Logan field, then dropped Tom off at George Moore field, then Jim and I headed to Lowes by the Transmountain Walmart. I wanted pavers to put in the backyard. As much as housing wants to call it decorative rock, it's dirt and gravel. It really is. And it's gonna make my pool super messy. So, the pavers were a must.

Check out the ominous clouds. 30% chance of rain!
4 pavers and a case of Diet dew... Jim thought riding on the cart was FABULOUS!
We swung by Circle K, got sodas (Yeah, they were OUT of Diet Mt Dew.... ), then headed back towards the fields. And it was looking like it was gonna rain! Amazing! Hadn't rained in 120+ days!

We picked up Joe from his field 10 minutes early, and they'd canceled practice just then because of the lightening. Tom's coach called to let us know, too. We grabbed Joe, then went and got Tom. He'd had fun, though. They played kids vs adults. Fun!

We got home, and checked on the pool. Tom helped carry the paver stones to the backyard, and we placed them where they went.
Then we built the ladder. Yeah, it should have been easier than it was. AND, I can't get the filter/pump thing to work. I'm gonna need someone to come and show me what I'm doing wrong, I think...
The pool is still filling. I put the little kids to bed at 8pm, and Eme and Jake and Tom and I are watching some more Buffy. Is 9pm, and Im about ready to put them to bed. I did enjoy sitting in the backyard for a bit tonight, though. The temp dropped to around 85 after the 12 minutes rain, and it was calm and quiet. Sure, the fact that I didn't have kids outside with me probably helped.

I"m gonna turn the water off when I go to bed, and put the cover on the pool, and start again in the morning. Don't want it to flood while I sleep, you know. hehe.

Eme has her awards ceremony tomorrow morning, and Laurie invited us over for dinner around 5pm. Sounds like a plan!

So, it's the Summer of Song! I'm gonna have song title WordArts ALL summer long for y'all! Aren't you excited!!!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

SUPER cute one, Sharon! Love your take on the song :)