
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Don't Stop Believing

Hey, peeps! How goes it! Pretty good here! I set my alarm for 8:05am, and totally went back to bed until 8:30am. Then I was rushing around a bit. Oh well, I was a little more rested. A little. hehe.

I got dressed, got Jim up and dressed, and we headed out at 8:50am to his Sports Camp. Same place as Eme's was last week. From 9-11am. We met Amanda and Austin there, and got the boys all signed up, and with their coaches/teachers, and Amanda and I headed to the commissary.

I needed a few things at the commissary, but my cart seemed to fill up SUPER fast. ha! My kids seem to eat the food WAY too fast. LOL. As fast as I buy it, they consume it.

Amanda brought me back to the Sports place, I transferred my groceries into my truck, and headed home. And she headed home to put away her groceries, and I headed home to unload my groceries. The kids all helped me carry them inside.

Jake was still asleep, and I did my best to wake the child up. Sometimes it's SO hard to get him to wake up. We put all the groceries away, got on our swim suits, grabbed Jim's swim gear, and tried again to wake Jake up.

I SO needed him to go to the youth center. He'd been home ALL weekend long... And not that he was necessarily bad, but I just needed a break. So I needed him to wake up. Eventually, after having to threaten an electronics ban to get him motivated. But it worked.

We all ended up in the truck, and headed out to Free lunch at the main post CDC. Amanda had picked up Austin and Jim from the sports plex, and met us over there. They had Texas Toast Pizzas for lunch. And Jake REALLY wanted me to take him to the Youth Center BEFORE swimming. He didn't wanna swim. He didn't care that he'd have to sit outside the building for 20 minutes before it opened. He'd brought his book and his MP3 player. OK, sounds good :)

We dropped Jake off at the Milam Youth Center, and headed to the pool. And there was practically NO one there. Sweet! We swam till the first pool break, then had some snacks. The kids LOVED the cheese puffy things.

Cucumber and cheese for me!

We ended up staying at the pool for about 3 hours. And we were only planning on staying for 2 hours. But we were all having so much fun. hehe. Kari came for the last hour, and we got to hang with her too. We we loaded up to head out, Joe was invited to stay and play with Leo, then spend the night. The was SO excited.

We headed out, and Emeline realized that her glasses were gone. Crap. I left our name and number at the snack bar, and at the life guards station. Hopefully they would get turned in, or were at the bottom of the pool, and they'd find them after the slides got turned off and the water settled down. Nothing else I could do, right?

We got in the truck, and headed home. And then the pool called, and said they'd found her glasses! So we turned around, and got them. Thank you pool people! Eme can SEE again. hehe.

We went home, got all changed, got the kids situated with what they needed to do, and Amanda and I headed out to Walmart and the Dollar Tree to finish our grocery shopping.

I'm sexy, huh? LOL! We went to the Viscount Dollar Tree, and found the good Nature's Own bread for a dollar. Bagels, and english muffins, and good bread. Sweet! I ended up with a whole cart full for my freezer! Sa-weet!

And we were STARVING! LOL. So we "made a run for the boarder", and grabbed some Taco Bell. It had been SO long since I've been there. I got a Bean Burrito, hold the red sauce, add the creamy jalapeno sauce. OMHeavens, pure JOY.... hehe.

And we headed to Walmart..... We were gonna make nachos for dinner. My hubby is gone, and her's will be gone for a bit, so we're hanging.

Help me, please.... LOL!

We got all the stuff we needed for dinner, and headed home. I grabbed all the kids, and we headed to Amanda's house. And I totally shut my skirt in the truck. Yeah, I'm a dork!

We made the cheese sauce, go the cheese, and tomatoes, and sour cream, and chips, and lettuce, and all other toppings ready. And made these YUMMY cookies and cream puddings. Oh yeah, baby!!
Here's my nachos. We all ate, and the kids played, and we all had a grand time.
We drove out to the Youth Center at 7pm to pick up Jake, and grab Amanda's little wallet from her hubbys car, then headed back to Amanda's house. And we smelled this NASTY smell when we walked in. Kinda plasticy. Or minty. Strange smell, and we couldn't put our finger on it. But it was definitely strong. Amanda called housing, and they said it wasn't an emergency. She was like, Well, OK, I'll call you back when the house catches on fire.... Sigh.

The kids and I packed up and headed home, and I got everyone situated for the night. Joe was spending the night at Kari's house, Jim was snuggling with a blanket on my couch in my room watching a movie, Eme and Tom were on their laptops, and Jake was watching a movie on the Wii.

I grabbed my laptop, and headed back to Amanda's. The smell had gotten worse, and she'd called housing back. And they were sending a dude over to fix it. So I was gonna be there so that she wouldn't be home alone with a strange man. ROFL!

We watched some TV, and played on our laptops, and ate some chocolates (bad, I know...). Finally, the after hours work order dude came by. And he smelled the nasty smell too. Guess what it was? We thought maybe the A/C... Nope. It was the door bell. ROFL! It had seriously overheated, and burned out. At least it didn't catch fire!

He totally disconnected it, removed the box, and made plans to come back tomorrow. Thanks, after hours work order dude! Enjoy the Red Bull Amanda gave you! hehe.

The little boys have Sports camp in the morning, and I'm sure they'll be a trip to the pool in our future. Maybe I"ll do some housework. That'd be good, too! LOL!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Sharon, LOVE the butterfly pictures! SO awesome :) Thanks, hon!


  1. You have some really fun days and gorgeous food :D Had to smile as I downloaded the Word Art because that song was playing on the radio at the same time! Would you believe it??? LOL

  2. Dork or not: you ROCK!
    I always love reading about your days :) But you gotta stop making those yummie things OR share the recipes LOL.

    Thanks for all your fab word art!
    xoxo from Holland

  3. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Jul. 06, 2011. Thanks again.

  4. Your kids are blessed to have such a fun mom.
    One of my ALL TIME favorite songs! Thank you so much :)

  5. Hungry now! Love the WA :) Thanks

  6. You all look so happy at the pool. Fun times!

    Love the word art. Thank you. Big hugs!!!

  7. I had to LOL when I saw your skirt caught in the door! As for the doorbell burning out, whoa! Glad they came out! Thanks for the word art.
