
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's Your Birthday

First off, I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby, Jacob! He turns 14 today!!! Hope your day is fabulous, my dear :) Love ya, hon!!!

Yeah, just look at this photo, and you can tell how tired I was this morning.... I look like I'm about to burst into tears. hehe. Yeah, THAT tired... LOL.

The alarm went off at 5:20am, and I tried to talk myself out of going to Seminary. See, Jake had a therapy appointment at 9am, so he wasn't riding the bus to school. So, he really could miss a day, right? hehe. Captain America convinced me that no, we still needed to get up and go. And I knew he was right. But I was sleepy.

I got Jake up, and grabbed some sweats to wear under my night gown, and grabbed pillows, and headed for the car. Captain America took a little longer to get ready, but was soon ready to go.

I found Jim sleeping on the couch when I went in the living room. Oops.

Jake got up and fell back asleep on the couch. hehe. Come on, Jake! Let's go!
See, me and my pillows. We headed out to Seminary, dropped Jake off, and totally went back to sleep. hehe. Sure, it was in a hot car, but it was still sleep!
After what seemed like 5 minutes, Seminary was over, and Jake came out. And scared the crap out of me. hehe. It really startled me - ha! He hopped in, and we headed back to post. Yeah, I didn't feel so silly leaving post in the dark, but going through the gate all jammie-fied was a bit embarrassing. Ha!

We got home, and got the little kids ready. Jake went back to bed for an hour. ha! At 7:15, I walked Joe and Jim and Eme to the bus, and hung with the girls for a bit. We chatted, saw the kids go, then chatted some more. My girls are fun :)
Maggie, and Amanda, and Crystal. She was fixing her hair, not being sexy. Ha! I just met the chickie on the end with the sunglasses, and don't recall her name.
I finally came back home, and joined Captain America and Jake. They were watching an episode of Star Trek. So, I sat down and watched part of it with them. And yeah, that eliminated my shower. Oh well. It was pool night last night, right? Doesn't chlorine count? No? Ok maybe tonight...

I did have time to put on new make up, and put my hair up nicely. So that was good. See, here's my finished look! I like the dress, because it doesn't squish my fat like my jeans. ROFL!

We left the house a little later than I wanted, but still got there relatively on time. Mrs. Nance saw Captain America and I for a few minutes first, then she saw Jake for about 20 minutes. Then the rest of the time was Captain America and I. It really went well. She explained a lot about Asbergers kids to him, and about what we could do to help him. How he'd probably require therapy for the rest of his life to thrive. And some kind of "anti-irritability" drugs, too. Hey, the more info we have going into this, the better, right? She seemed very hopeful for him, though :)

Here's Captain America and me in the therapists office

After the appointment, we drove on over to Austin High School to drop Jake off. And since it was Tuesday night, and Jake has "Go Live" club (TV news club of sorts), I wanted to get him a bus pass for the youth center. And Transportation was all the way across campus. It took FOREVER to find it. But we finally did, and got what we thought was the right bus pass, filled it out, and helped Jake navigate back to the office, so he could find his new class. He'd never been where we were. hehe.

Captain America and I loaded up, and headed to the West side. One of the things that Captain Americawanted to do while on leave was go to Rudy's BBQ. Oh yeah, I was TOTALLY in for that one - hehe. LOVE Rudy's!
The turkey is my favorite! Yummy! Thanks, kid! And thanks for the 10% military discount!

DDP, baby! Captain America had Coke Zero. Personally, I like Diet Coke better...

Last time I went to Rudy's with Amanda and Aunt sue and Maddie, Amanda got some sausages. And let me try it, and it was SO yummy! So I got myself 1/2 a sausage today. Oh yeah,!
We didn't really have time to go anywhere else, so we just stayed at Rudy's and chatted. And watched some Sports center. Well, Captain America did. I just kept changing the subject to random things. hehe. But it was a fun and enjoyable lunch :)

Finally, we headed out, and headed to our therapy appointment. We were there about 15 minutes early, and our therapist got there about 5 minutes late. Oops. We just stood outside an chatted.

And it was a really good session. We talked about some things that we'd learned about how we get along with each other, and some personality conflicts that we'd discovered and figured out how to work around. It really was a good session.

We also discusses my Prozac. Both the therapist and Captain America said that I seem to just not care as much about anything while on it. And yeah, I have to agree. Nothing much phases me. Probably why my house is messy, and I've picked up 40 unwanted lbs. So for me, I need to decide if "caring" is worth the trade of being happy go lucky...

But really, I can see the benefits of going off of it. I know that I can cut the weight without the prozac. And my routine habits would be easier, too. Cause now, I just don't give a crap. ha! You've seen how I leave the house, right??? So, it's something that I'm gonna be thinking about over the next few days, and see how I feel. And pray about it, and see what I think.

We tied up, and headed out. And a Slug Bug was parked next to us!!! So of course I had to pose with it! hehe ;)
After our session, Captain America and I headed out to the outlet malls. I wanted to go to the Jewelry Box. Our first stop at the outlets was New Balance. And it was funny, because Kari and I were talking about Fanny Packs the other day, and they totally had them here!!! Who knew they still made them! ha!
Captain America got a new pair of shoes...
And I got a new pair of flip flops. You know those "Shape Up" shoes? Well, these are "shape up" flip flops of a sort. I thought they were pretty cool. I also go some new workout shorts and a shirt. Motivation to workout, right??

We got done there, and headed over to the Jewelry Box. And yeah, it was gone. No sign. No products. Nothing. What the crap??? We looked around for a bit, then Captain America found Vitamin World. And he got some vitamins, and chatted with the chickie who worked there for a bit. I swung over to the information desk for the mall, and asked about the Jewelry Box. Apparently it's moving locations again. To a different wing. Sigh. It won't be opened until September 1st. Well, that doesn't help me!

After Vitamin World, we got a smoothie from the yogurt place, then headed back home. We made it JUST in time to get the kids from the bus! Captain America dropped me off at the bus stop, and he headed home. I chatted with the girls, and waited for the bus to come. Then went home.

And yeah, I noticed today that some of my nails were coming off. My gel topped ones. I've never had fake nails, so I kinda freaked out. Eme and I left the boys at home, and headed up to the salon to check it out.

She said that they were starting to separate, but that I should book an appointment for Thursday, because it was the 2 week mark anyway, and they'd just do another fill. But since we were there anyway, I paid for Eme to have her nails painted. She was SO excited!

She picked some blue crackle nails. Nice, I have one girl, and her favorite color is blue. hehe.

Crackle nails aren't my favorite, but Eme was SO pleased with them. So I was happy. We paid, and headed out to pick up Captain America's dry cleaning. Eme was SUPER excited, because she'd never been to a dry cleaners before. She liked the machines that moved the clothes around. hehe.
We paid there, and headed back home. Jake was there, because he didn't have the right bus pass. Oops. We got the kids a big snack, told them to do their chores and have free time, and Captain America and Jake and I headed out. First stop, drop Jake off at the youth center.

We went inside, and he gave his dad the tour, then he went to his Go Live club. The lady in charge had GREAT things to say about Jake and his editing skills. Sweet! Way to go, Jake! She said he was a natural at it, and knew things that people went to school for years to learn!

Next, Captain America and I swung by the mall. There's a store called Eve's there that we wanted to look at. hehe. We chatted with the Verizon dude for a bit at the kiosk, but he couldn't help us. Our best bet would be to ask around to see if anyone had a Verizon non smart phone that they didn't need. I'd asked for phones in general, and got a non Verizon one, and it didn't work. So I guess I just needed to be more specific.

I facebooked it there in the mall, and had a friend let me know that she had one for me. Sweet! The universe will provide, right? ha!

We stopped by Little Cesears on the way home, and picked up a few pizzas, then got Jake from the youth center (amazing how fast time flies!), then headed home. The chores were mostly done, and the kids were SUPER excited about the pizza.

Captain America and I had a steak for dinner (I did have a few pieces of pizza), and we got kids ready for bed. I started blogging, and here it is, 9pm. How did it get so late??? We totally wanted to go on a walk. Because my legs are SO freaking sore from Zumba on Monday. And I know that a walk would stretch it out. But, I think I'm too sleepy. I need to tie this up and go to bed. 5:20am comes SO early :)

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

What a precious layout, Sharon, my dear! I absolutely love it :) Such sweet and soft colors :)


  1. Happy birthday Jake!!! I hope it's your best one ever.

    Eme looked so happy to be getting her nails done. Most girls I know her age say blue is there favorite color. I guess they aren't a girly girl generation. lol

    I'm praying for you as you make your decision about the Prozac. How about a different anti-depressant? Seems like going to none might be too drastic of a step while Brent is gone and you're coping with everything alone.

    Thanks for the fabulous word art. Hugs!!!

  2. Happy Birthday, Jake - I hope you have a great day! Eme's nails are really cool looking, too.

    Thanks so much for today's wordart, Bethany.
