Day 4
Christ's Example of Obedience during Trials/Sufferings
Christ's Example of Obedience during Trials/Sufferings
To Ponder: When we are faced with trials do we turn away from the ways of God or do we continue to obey and cling to him? Do we accept the will of the Father in our lives and recognize His love for us even when we cannot see the happiness in store?
Scriptures: Luke 22: 41-44; John 6:38; Hebrews 5:7-8; Alma 36:3; Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalms 37:3-9, 46:10
In obedience there is joy and peace unspotted, unalloyed; and as God has designed our happiness...He never will institute an ordinance or give a commandment to His people that is not calculated in its nature to promote that happiness which He has designated, and which will not end in the greatest amount of good and glory to those who become the recipients of his law and ordinances." Joseph Smith (History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 5:135)
Songs: Be Still my Soul; Peace,
So yeah... I woke up after a bad nights rest. Sick. Tired. Not sleeping well. Afraid to sleep too soundly for fear of throwing up. I didn't, so that was good at least. But I did eventually wake up.
And Joe wasn't feeling well when I woke up. Poor kid. He didn't look that sick to me, but I didn't feel well, so I just let him stay home. I told him to go back to bed if he was sick. And he did. Jake, of course, wouldn't wake up, so I had to battle with being sick, AND trying to wake him up. Oh the joy!
I eventually got everyone going and moving. CPT came home, and was noisy getting ready. I'm guessing he's always like that. I went into Joe's room to sleep with him. And fell back asleep. We both slept till around 10:30 or 11am. I guess he was sick too! And we both felt a lot better when we woke up. Still sick ish, but not as bad.
Kim brought me a Sonic a little after noon (SO sweet), and Joe cooked himself an Egg Sausage Biscuit. He was feeling a lot better. He read some books, and I just laid around more. I got a call from the school saying that Jake was now sick too. I texted CPT to go and pick him up. I had a headache, and couldn't drive. I didn't feel nauseous, but I couldn't drive. He was busy, but I said that I'd cook his lunch (somehow), and then he'd have time (barely) to go and get him. I'm SO glad I'm not a single parent this year! It was SO hard last year!
They came home, CPT ate, then hurried back to work. After lunch, Joe and Jake and I watched a few episodes of Once Upon a Time, and it was time to go and get the kids from the bus. My headache meds had kicked in, and I was tolerable to the light, thankfully. I got the kids, and took Eme to piano. I had to take Joe and Jim, because I couldn't leave them home with Jake.
We went to Big Lots while Eme was in lessons. And a few times, I didn't think I was gonna make it. I wished I'd have had my suburban with the TV, but CPT needed it to get a Trip Permit for our Marriage Retreat this weekend. The army requires vehicle checks before such things. So we had the saturn. Otherwise, we'd have just sat in the vehicle and watched a movie.... But we walked around Big Lots. And I wasn't feeling too well...
They didn't really have anything that I needed. We got some corn chips to go with dinner. And a new, louder alarm clock for Jake. And that was about it. I didn't even make my $20 minimum purchase for my rewards card! hmpf. hehe :)
And we headed back to get Eme, then home. And made some nachos for dinner. And then Jake started up about "Why can't I sit on the couch to eat dinner???" Sigh. Because kids can't eat on the couch. And he wouldn't let it go. And was being mean and hateful. And I was patient for the longest time. And then he was disrespectful, and swearing, and throwing chips at me, and swearing, and I was trying to pull the chips and dip out of his hand. Yeah, it went out of control fast.
But then CPT came home about that time, and it's a miracle when you have 2 adults in the situation. And one stays level headed! I wasn't, but he was. I left the situation, but he stayed and talked Jake down. And Jake cooled off, and then he came back and apologized, and the evening went on like normal. Wow. What a different 2 parents makes! Evening saved. Disaster averted! Thank goodness! I guess CPT HAS been paying attention to the things that I've been telling him about Jake - LOL :) Thanks, my prince charming, for rescuing me. Because all I could think about when you were talking to Jake was crawling up on the childs lap and pummeling him in the face... I was SO angry at him and his disrespect. Some days... Deep breaths, right?
Anyway, I was exhausted after that. No more energy. I just kinda sat around for the rest of the evening. After the little kids went to bed, Eme and I used the rest of the rotten bananas and made some mini loaves of Banana bread. And I blogged while they were cooking. It's now 8:41pm. CPT and Jake are working on hanging a clothes rod in his room. The two of them are REALLY getting along good these past 2 days. (not to jinx it, you know!)
I should go and check the banana bread. I can smell it. And if I can smell it, it might mean that it's getting ready to burn! hehe :) Night, you guys! Wish me luck that I will be back to 100% in the morning! No more flu in our house, PLEASE!!!
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Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Mar. 29, 2012. Thanks again.