
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Believe In Miracles

First off, I just have to apologize to everyone who's sent me emails recently. I'm really not ignoring you. Really. I have every intentions of writing back to you. And hopefully soon. BUT, I'm getting bogged down again. I'm sorry. One of these days, I'm gonna sit down, and take a day, and reply to you all. I just LOVE to hear from you :) Really, it makes my whole day. See, this is my face smiling :)

I had another fun day yesterday. It started off at 6:30am, when I woke up, on my own, and felt rested. It's AMAZING how much better one feels when they go to be before midnight - ROFL! Anyway, the kids were all ready to go to school without rushing around,because they were p before 7am too. After they left, Jimmy and I got ready, and walked down the street to Andrea's house, then walked over to our "walk" route. It's about 4 miles total, and we have fun just chatting the whole time :)

After we were done, we went back to Andrea's house to hang out. Laurie came over for a bit, too, before she had to pick up her daughter from pre-school. You know, I could really get used to this "socializing" thing - LOL!

At noon-ish, Andrea, a FRG (um, not sure what it stands for, but it's some family organization inside of the army) leader in Andrea's group, and I went to Sam's Club to buy some food/water/soda's for their sale tomorrow. I guess it's Military Appreciation days at Ft. Bliss (or something like that), and her FRG group is selling food to raise money. It was fun to tag along. I'd only been to Sam's Club once before, I think. With my sister-in-law. Pretty cool store, I have to say :)

After shopping, we went back to Andrea's house, and hung out until it was time to pick up kids from school. I went home, and waited for my 4 to walk home. We had dinner, and headed off to the PX (military shopping center of sorts) to buy a slip N slide. When we got there, they said that they'd moved the entire toy/swimming section to the PXtra. What's that? I asked. Well, during the summer, they set up a HUGE tent across post, and sell things there. Well, it was more than a tent. It had A/C and good walls. But it was tent like.

Anyway, I loaded up all 5 kids, and drove across post to the PXtra, and found the SlipNSlide. It was a Backyardigans one. LOVE that show. GREAT music :) LOL! We drove home, and set it up, and the kids played in it for almost an hour. Funny, that at 7:00 pm, it's still warm enough to play in a SlipNSlide. This Oregon girl was impressed - hehehe. We even had a neighbor kid come and join in the fun.

Today we're gonna go to the Military Appreciation (or whatever) thing. Andrea said thta Howie Mandell was gonna be there. Really? That's pretty cool. I just saw him on Leno the other day. He was wearing a full body germ suit to prevent himself from getting the swine flu. It was HYSTERICAL! Who knew that he was such a germophobic - LOL!

I haven't talked to Captain America in a few days, and I'm hoping that he'll call today. Sigh. Only a few days left now, and he'll be home. His training gets over on the 21st, and then he drives back. He figures to be here LATE on Sunday. Can't wait!!!

I wanted to give you girls a chance to play with a new WordArt similar to those in my "Word Strip" WordArt packs. AND, I thought this one would be PERFECT for pics on brothers and sisters (or sis and sis or bro and bro) playing nicely together - ROFL!

Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.


  1. thank you for sharing this GREAT wa! :) Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

  2. That is an awesome wordart! Hey, I would love it if you would design a wordart that says something about kids and shoes. I have a little boy who loves to put on any and every pair of shoes he finds and I can't find any cute word art about shoes. Just a suggestion!! I love you blog by the way! Thanks for all the fun wordart!

  3. This will definitely be used from pictures of my daughter while she was in the hospital (after being born 10 weeks' premature)

  4. I'm so glad you're making friends so quickly there; that has to help your situation quite a bit. I'm sure it has seemed longer for you, but on this end at least, the time has seemed to fly by from when Brent left! I remember feeling sorry for you for having to go so long without him again, but seriously, it seems like that was just a few weeks ago!
    Thanks once more for your awesome freebies, and think about taking a small vacation - you sound like you are on the verge of getting burned out.

  5. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 17 May [LA 02:53am, NY 04:53am, UK 09:53am, OZ 07:53pm] ).

  6. TY this will be great for our Disney pictures!
