
Friday, May 15, 2009

Life Is Good

I had the most wonderful day yesterday :) I was up WAY too late again, so I was tired when I woke up, but I pushed though it :) Jimmy and I got the big kids off to school, then I put Jimmy in the stroller, and we headed down the street to my friend Andrea's house. From there, we walked a few blocks to meet some other girls for a morning walk. The other girls had seen a coyote the other day, so drove the 2 blocks to the trail head. LOL! Andrea and I figured we could take the coyote between the 2 of us - ROFL!

It was Andrea and I and Laurie, and 2 other ladies. I had forgotten how much I really do enjoy exercising with friends. Maren and I used to walk/jog all the time at the park back in Florence. It's a great social time :)

After the walk, we headed back home. I ended up staying at Andrea's house for a few hours after, and just visiting. OMGosh, it was fun :) Jimmy and her little boy, Luke, played in the slip and slide, and we just chatted. I'm so glad that I'm making friends here :)

We came home at lunchtime, and after eating, Jimmy and I went in my room to lay down. I put in a movie for him (he wanted the live action Scooby Doo movie), and we both promptly fell asleep. When the movie got over, it went back to the main menu, and the music, which lasted about 1 minute, started to loop. Well, I was having dreams about it - LOL! I was at a friends house in the dream, and accidentally turned on some loud music. I keep going from room to room, trying to turn it off. When I finally found the source, and turned it off, it would start up again in a different room, and I'd have to run and find it again. Funny how our brains incorporate things into our dream, isn't it - LOL! But, I did get a 2 1/2 hour nap, and felt FABULOUS when I woke up :)

The kids got home around 3:30, and the older boys went to play at the neighbors house. We had some YUMMY chicken for dinner. Here's the recipe. Well, kind of a recipe - LOL

1 bag chicken drumsticks, thawed
1 can orange soda
1 bottle bbq sauce

Brown the chicken with a bit of oil, add the soda and the BBQ sauce. Add a bit of water. Cook until done. OMGosh, did my kids LOVE this chicken. They usually don't drumsticks quite so well :) I'm putting this one in the rotation for SURE!

We watched Survivor as a family, and had a good time. They voted off (HERE), which we didn't really like. It was funny, because Joe kept saying, "I'm XXXX". Then, once they were voted off, he's was like "I'm NOT XXX". ROFL! Do your kids do that? Do they have to "be" one of the characters? I always thought it was funny when they tried to assign me one of the Power Rangers to be - LOL!

I did really well on my eating too! Not like the past few nights, where I've been eating chocolate chips - LOL! I ate PERFECTLY yesterday. I went to the cupboards at 9pm after the kids went to sleep, and really thought about making brownies (I know, that's not good), but I took a piece of gum and went back into my room. Aren't you proud of me! :)

Woohoo!!! I'm remembering ahead of time to post my new WordArt packs! Yeah for me. I guess that exercising thing is really paying off - LOL! Click HERE to go to my store. Thanks!

layout by fun2educate

layout by Jaimee
I've got another treat for you guys today :) My digi-buddy (and CT memeber), Jen (Graham Like the Cracker) has another kit in SYTYCD! I grabbed her kit again, and made some more WordArt for ya! Click HERE to go to DSA to find her kit, and click HERE to go to her blog :)

I also have 2 other CT girls who are in SYTYCD. Here's a link to theirs: Charmaine & Katherine

AND, Jen and I teamed up again to make you some FABULOUS WordArt :) This first one is available on Jen's blog. Or it will be soon :) Don't you just LOVE the colors she picked? Wonderful!

And this second one is available here from me! Woohoo! I just LOVE frames :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work :)


  1. Thank you for sharing this and yesterday's wordart too! i had trouble with leaving comments yesterday (blogger wasn't playing nice) so i wanted to leave a comment for yesterday too! :)
    i, too, don't get jimmy fallon! but thank you for sharing these AWESOME clips from your friend!
    They are WONDERFUL!! Have a TERRIFIC day! :)

  2. Love your work!
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Great quote! Great Frame! Thank you!

  4. Thanks again for sharing your talents! I was personally thrilled to get rid of that person from Survivor. He was driving me and Sarah (15 yo dd) bananas. LOL. Spencer (12) loved him, though. Too funny.

  5. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on May. 15, 2009. Thanks again.

  6. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 15 May [LA 07:18pm, NY 09:18pm] - 16 May [UK 02:18am, OZ 12:18pm] ).

  7. Thank you so much for this works of art. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in SARIWO Digiscrap Freebies Search Engine, different to also find out can about Your works. Look at the post:
    16 maj 2009 [11:00am Warsaw].Thanks again.
