
Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Somedays I hate being a girl. Well, about once a month, to be more specific. LOL! I haven't actually started yet, but OH MY the hormones are running rampant. Either I'm weepy or I'm not very nice when I'm hormonal. Sigh. Captain Americacalled yesterday evening, I we ended up getting into a little tiff. He was tired from a SUPER long day of training, and I was hormonal (need I say more), and it wasn't a good combo.

After hanging upon each other, he texted me how sorry he was, and that he should have been more understanding about my hormonal-ness (hmmm, is that a word). You know, it's true that the ones that we love the most can also drive us the most crazy - hehehe. While he makes me want to slap him sometimes, he's always first and fast to say he's sorry. Gotta love that :) I'm sorry too, hon! OK, enough of that :)

I cleaned out the garage yesterday. I know I said that I was just gonna leave it, but I couldn't stand it anymore. Well, I didn't really go through any of the boxes, I just re-organized. There's almost room for a car in there now - LOL! Maybe a Mr. Bean car - hehehe. When the movers put the garage boxes in the garage, they just put them anywhere. Paper boxes stacked on plastic boxes stacked on paper boxes. Yeah, not the best system. I noticed a few days go some "leaning towers". Not a good sign. SO, I opened up the garage doors, pulled out all the paper boxes, pulled out all the different kinds of plastic boxes (large ones, medium ones, small ones, different brands (cause they don't stack nicely otherwise). Then, once I sorted them all out, I put them back in nice, neat rows. I chucked all the "doesn't fit nicely" boxes and stuff into the trailer (yeah, Captain America's gonna love that one), and found that we had a big space in the garage. It was a job well done :)

We went to WalMart to get Jacob new shoes after school. His had holes in them. Holey shoes are no good - LOL! I was prepared to get him a pair between $20 and $30, but the pair he found that he liked were only $11. Amazing! They were pretty funny, but he liked him. His new shoes kinda look like the ones below , but much more generic - he was just STOKED that he didn't have to tie his shoes anymore - ROFL!! AND, my baby is wearing a size 10 in men. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? He's 11, for Pete's sake. And a size 10 in mens??? Dang!So I was thinking the other day about how cheap I am - ROFL! I thought we could play a little game. I'm gonna make a list of the ways that I've been cheap, and put in one fakie, and you have to pick out the fake one - LOL! Let see if you can figure me out :)

1. After dropping a roll of toilet paper in the toilet, I dried it out and reused it.
2. I've emptied my vacuum bag into the trash and reused it.
3. My glasses broke, and I Gorilla Glued them back together
4. I've cut the feet out of kid jammies in order to get more life out of them
5. I've cut the snap part off of onesies to make undershirts for older kids
6. I frequently bring my own can of soda to fast food restaurants
7. I wash plastic silverware in the dishwasher
8. I made my jewelry hanger out of a cutting board and some finishing nails
9. We used to use cinderblocks for a bed frame
10. My old furniture came from a friends' neighbors trash

Alrighty! That's a might embarassing list, I must say. All are true, but one. Yep, I do/have done all those things but one. Can you find it???

AND, I scrapped again. I KNOW! What's the world coming to?? Me, scrapping ? LOL! I took some photos of Jimmy and I making homemade donuts this afternoon. I know, I know, I'm never gonna get my iPod. But boy were they tasty. What a weird recipe, though. Who ever heard of putting mashed potatoes into donuts? Coudln't taste them. Maybe that made them HEALTHY! Yeah, that's why they're in there! They're healthy donuts. I knew there was a reason :)

This layout was made during the Make It Scrappy last night. I was 1/2 way through when Captain Americacalled. Sigh. It's so much better to fight in person, you know. Fighting on the phone is very unsatisfying - ROFL!!! 19 days till he gets home :)

Scraporchard May Mega

This WordArt request is from Kim. I know that I have several pics that would fit with this WordArt :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Laugh - AL Scratched


  1. Am I the first? Ok, I've done almost all of those. I'll have to guess #8 the jewelry holder out of a cutting board.

  2. My guess is 6, it seems kind of rude and the rest seem a lot more plausible. My son stuffed 4 rolls of TP in the toliet when he was 1.5 and I seriously considered drying them out. lol

  3. I will guess #6 cause, well you know! lol You say cheap, I say frugal! :)

    Thanks for the great wordart!

  4. I would guess the TP in the toilet. it never seems to come off the roll the same after being wet.

  5. HEHEEHEHE this is FUN!! :)
    i am going to say #1. i have considered doing this when my cat has knocked a roll in the toilet but i found it pretty tough to do, so after careful consideration (sounds soo smart!LOL) i think all the others are EASILY done (and i am SURE i have done a few too! lol) my final answer is number ONE! lol oh Bethany, thank you so very much for sharing this FUN!! AND your WONDERFUL wa too! Have a FANTASTIC day! :)

  6. Well-i guess if you are cheap them so am I-I've done all of those!! I'm gonna guess #1-its hard to dry the whole roll-trust me I've tried....then my kids never want to use it anyway-but i have one kid who uses so much paper-shes kinda ocd about being wouldn't believe me if I told you! :) Just think-when Brent gets home it will be better to fight-then you can make-up!! hehehe

  7. #1 seems like almost impossible to do.
    I guess that would be my guess. lol

  8. i hope you didn't do the toilet paper. the rest seems kinda reasonable.

  9. #1
    I don't think TP dried will be reusable... but the rest I think everybody did one... including myself :-)

  10. Hehe, I would also say #1! And oh, the hormones... I know that. I can be really crabby when I'm hormonal. Thank God my Doc found a way to prevent that.

  11. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on May. 05, 2009. Thanks again.

  12. I will guess no. 7 even tho it is doable. Would hate to smell the burnt plastic so air dry for sure! Thanks for all your cute wordart and your funny stories! We are all frugal in our own ways I'm sure. Yard sales are my favorite shopping!

  13. My guess is number one. Second place is number 2. Toilet paper doesn't dry very well and i can't imaging emptying a used vacuum bag... that would be tough!!

    Thanks for the WA!

  14. Okay -- I, myself (or family) have done numbers 1-3-4-7-10 ... I love the idea of 5 (with the onsies), lol -- and I didn't even make a bed frame, it was just on the floor. I've never had a vacuum that had a bag - but I'm sure I'd reuse it too..

    LOL!! So my answer is... 6 or 8 ... I'm going with 6 just because 8 seems a little too specific to be made up, lol :)

    You're not alone in being cheap, lol -- I'm right there with ya! :)

  15. love your wordart...thank you...I'll say the tp

  16. I love #7, but I'd say #1 too...

  17. Number 1, because it's so darn hard to do, and messy and...well YKWIM!

  18. I'll guess #6 b/c if you're really cheap (and following a diet) you'll just drink water!! ;) See, I can do it, too!

  19. I'd hope it's #1, but I'm going to say #7 because I'd think plastic silverware in the dishwasher might melt?

  20. Ha ha... Love all your frugal ideas! I guess #7 because plastic silverware will melt in the dishwasher.

    Thanks for the cute word art today!

  21. Please tell me drying out toilet paper is NOT one thing you did! UGH! I try to be thrifty too, but I'd have to draw the line there. I KNOW what organisms lurk in that toilet bowl!

  22. OK, got to be # 1 . I think you are 'thrifty' but I can't imagine you drying toilet paper.

  23. Thanks for the great word art! Love reading your blog. Great health food donuts. I figure the toilet paper was the fake "cheap" feat. Right? And no matter what, you gotta get an iPod. You'll love it, and if you don't already exercise, it'll make you want to. I'm 55, and I just got back from running three miles listening to thumpin' good tunes on my iPod.

  24. i say #3 as I've never seen you wearing glasses! who knows, those are all great thrifty ideas, well, maybe except for the toilet paper. I would have tried to flush it lmbo!

  25. Please tell me it's the drying of the toilet paper one. I actually super-glued my own glasses back together too! Unless that's the one you didn't do but I'm guessing it's the toilet paper #1.

  26. Okay I have one for you if you wear panty hose. I usually wear the same color, and so if I get a run in one leg, I cut that off ( at the panty), then when I have a second pair of the same color with 'one' leg I wear them both. Those suckers are too expensive to throw for a silly run in one leg!

  27. My grandma would wash all the plasticware after a family party. She'd also save the aluminum foil after doing baked potatoes. I guess I'm a lot more wasteful. :) #1 is tempting (assuming the toilet was clean & all), but I'll go with the vacuum bag.

    Thanks for your wordart!

  28. Dang, I got it wrong. I wash plastic utensils all the time. My kids think they are the greatest thing and won't eat with the real things. I'm too cheap to buy more. I wash them til they're all gone and then take a trip to the dollar store.

  29. I am so happy that you are sharing your beautiful talent with me! Thank you so much!
