
Wednesday, May 6, 2009


OK, I had to come back in here after I'd already pre-published this and add one more thing. As I was playing on facebook last night, my friend had taken a Lord Of The Rings quiz, and I took it too. He commented on my quiz, and asked if I'd seen the Gollum movie. Um, no, hadn't heard of it. Apparently, there's an indepented fan film, online, called "The Hunt for Gollum". I watched it last night, and it was GREAT! Amazing what they did, considering it was a fan film. Kudos to the guys/gals who made it. It's about 40 minutes long, and if you wanna check it out, here's the website :) Enjoy!

Ha! It was fun seeing all of your comments roll in yesterday :) I'm glad to see that many of you are JUST like me - LOL! Lets go through the list, and see just how crazy I am.

First, #1. A few days ago, I accidently knocked a roll of toilet paper into the toilet after cleaning it. I saved it pretty quickly, and only about 2/3 of it was wet. Being that I live in the desert, and things dry SO quickly, I set out the roll for a day and a half, and it was completely dry. I know, if I didn't live here myself, I would have never believed it. Not possible in Florence, Oregon. Heck, my towel didn't even dry there. Anyway, the TP dried. And it comes off the roll. Who would have thought. Sure, it's a bit hard, but not any worse than cheap toilet paper - hehehe. Anyway, yes, I dried out a roll of toilet paper. But I don't usually do that :)

#2 - Growing up, I can remember my dad empting out the vacuum cleaner bag, and thinking he was SO cheap. Just buy a new bag. Then, I grew up, and bought the EXACT same vacuum, and realized just how expensive the bags were. SO, I've been known, in a pinch, to empty out the vacuum bag into the trash. Just make sure you do it outside. It makes a HUGE mess :)

#3 - Coming back home from Captain America's graduation at Basic Training in October, 08, my glasses broke. My dad and I glued it back together. Twice. Hehehe. The first time, it was nice and inconspicuious. And it broke a week later. The second time, we put a TON of it on there, and it hasn't been a problem since - LOL! Luckily, the glue is brownish, and so are the glasses :)

#4 - Yep, cut the feet out of the jammies. Jim is our last kid, so I don't need to be saving smaller sizes anymore :) I was sure I had some cute pictures of the boys, but I can't seem to find them. I wonder where they are??

#5 - Yep, same with the onesies. When we were living in Florence with my parent, I finally threw them all away. They were falling asleep. Those things aren't designed to be worn HARD by 5 different children - LOL!

#6 - Soda to the restauraunt. OK, this one was kinda misleading. I do it, but not because I'm cheap. I do it because they don't offere what I drink. I'd be THRILLED to but soda from the place, but no one carried caffine free, diet soda. What's up with that? Every once in a while I find somewhere, but not too often. I just order water cup, get ice, and pour in my soda. Sigh

#7 - Plastic silverware. Nope, not me - Here's the fake one. I hate doing dishes, so if I'm gonna wash something, it's gonna be a real silverware - hehehe. The point of the plastic ones are that they're disposable.

#8 - Jewelry Holder. Yep, this one is me too. My friend Maren had an AWESOME jewelry holder, and I did my best to duplicate it with my limited resources. Hehehe. This is what I came up with. My hubby said that he'd make me a better one. Until then, I'm happy with my cutting board and finishing nails :)

#9 - Yep, cinderblocks. They work :) I do like my new bedframe that came with the mattress, though. It doesn't leave cinderblock marks on your carpet, either :)

#10 - Couch from the trash. Sadly, yes. It was a good couch :) Nasty and green, but a good couch. We got it from our friends' neighbors trash in Chicago, moved it to Ohio, used it there, it sat in storage for 6 months, and it came to Texas. We sold it to our neighbors for $5.00. Ha! I made money on that couch. Now THAT'S a good couch :)

So, now you know a little bit more about me, and what makes me tick - LOL!

While I was cleaning out the garage on Monday, I found a bunch of old pictures (well, out dated, we'll say) and frames. I decided that I wanted to put up a scripture on the wall, and WordArt it. I took 4 phrases, and put them in 4 - 4x6 frames, and made the larger passage into an 8x10. I thought it looked pretty good :) And I used my favorite font, too :)

We finally divided out chores yesterday. Hopefully it'll help keep the house a bit cleaner. Hopefully. hehehe. Or at least I know who to yell at when it's messy - ROFL!!!

I figured that since Mothers Day is on Sunday, I'd make this weeks WordArt Wednesday Mother themed :) AND, I found some amazing fonts, one of which is the font used for Mother. Kevin and Amanda fonts. WOW! They have some great ones there. And there CU TOU is wonderful. All you need to do is give them a copy of what you are making. Too bad they don't have their email listed on their site. Sigh. I'd gladly send them the WordArt Packs that I'm gonna be designing/have designed with their fonts. Anyone know their email address???

Click HERE to go to scraporchard to download the zip file, and feel free too play along with the challenge - I know you wanna :)


  1. Funny list! I also love the kevin and amanda fonts. Their email is on the bottom of their FAQ/Contact page of their web site.

  2. HAHAHA!! LOVED the pictures showing your smartness :D For the TP -- it really can work (even here in rainy Portland OR area). You just have to wait for like a month (maybe two, lol - I know it took a while).

    And THANK YOU For the beautiful wordart!! :D


    Scroll down a good ways and you'll find their email. :)


    I LOVE font for peas! I have lots of their handwriting fonts downloaded for my digi scrapping. :)

  4. Thanks, girls! I found it, and emailed them - so I'm all official now, as fonts go - ROLF!

  5. Hi Bethany,
    Loved those 4 scripture phrases (the art wall) .. do you happen to have them for download? They are such an encouraging verses to have.
    Thanks, love you WA .. they are all fantastic!

  6. Thanks Bethany! I love this wa and I have the perfect pictures for it!

    Thanks also for the font link...I was just there & their e-mail is: sorry that's mine hehe

  7. Your collage is AWESOME! What is the font you used for them? And yes, make it available for download. I'd love one of these!

  8. Thanks for all your fun word art. You are so generous to give one away each day. I love your idea of doing a scripture or spiritual thought each Sunday. I used your "delight" word art last month for visiting teaching. (Please tell you sister thanks for the idea!) If you ever can't come up with a Sunday scripture, I would love it if you chose one from the v.t. message. That was so helpful for me.

    Thanks a bunch for all you do!

  9. Hey, thanks a lot for the link to "The Hunt for Gollum"! I'm absolutely LOTR-addicted - watched the trilogy more than a hundred times! And the trailer on this site really made me curious... Seems to be great!

    Greetings from rainy Germany, Silvie

  10. Beautiful job on your scripture, you should totally put it up on your blog so we can all have a wall just like you ;)

  11. OMG... love kevin and amanda's fonts! I look at her site all the time, too! I've downloaded a ton of stuff from her!

  12. Bethany, you are killing me! Whenever my Twilight obsession would start to fade, you would blog a new tidbit and and there I am, back in it. Now, LOTR? I thought I got those Middle Earth folks out of my system long ago. Apparently not, LOL! All kidding aside, I LOVE your daily blogs, I LOVE your WordArt, and I LOVE your wonderful spirit. Don't ever stop!

  13. that looks fantastic, but i couldn't figure out what font is your favorite!!!

    Here’s to more happy scrapping, and
    Hugs from the heart,

    Come scrap your blog with me…
    Easy Custom Blogs-:¦:-.•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-.•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-.•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-
