
Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well, I ended up not going to my friends house the other night. She was babysitting for another friend, and the kids stayed later than she expected. Then, her youngest is teething, and had a fever, so she decided that we could do it another time. I ended up reading on the couch waiting for her to call, and fell asleep at 10:45pm. I woke up at 12:30am, and decided to go to bed :) It felt nice to get a nice nights sleep - hehehe.

I spent most of the day at home, relaxing. I read and designed a bit. The kids played with toys, played outside, and got a little computer time in. We did chores, but mostly just relaxed. At noon, we made Pigs in a Blanket for the kids. But this time, before we wrapped the hot dog in a biscuit, we wrapped them in cheese slices. The kids thought they were tasty :) But then with enough ketchup, anything is tasty. Well, if you like ketchup - ha!

At noon-ish, Andrea called me and said that she and her boys were going to the Indoor pool to work on a Cub Scout achievement. She wanted to know if we all wanted to go too. So, at 2pm, we met at the pool. I didn't like the indoor pool as well as the outdoor one. There was not very shallow area for the little kids to play in. But, they seemed to enjoy it enough. Joe and Jim hung out on the stairs of the pool. Whatever works. hehehe.

We came home at 4ish, and brought Andrea's 2 older boys with us to play. The kids just LOVE to have friends over. They had fun playing on the swing set, and with toys, and with the computer. We made yummy pudding for a snack. Layered graham cracker crumbs, vanilla pudding, graham crumbs, chocolate pudding, then more graham cracker crumbs. The kids REALLY liked it ;)

The kids went home at about 5:00, and we had dinner. At around 7:30pm, we headed out to the Outlet mall. Captain America needed new running shoes. About every 3 months, he'll need new ones. Such it is when you run ha!

I'd never been to the outlet mall here before, and was kinda excited to go there. He went to the New Balance shoe store with Joe, and Tom, Eme, Jim and I headed for the Old Navy Outlet store. Um, I couldn't tell any difference in the prices. Still seemed expensive to me. Not much of a discount in my book. In fact, I think that the clearance in the normal stores is more discounted. But then, I don't clothes shop often. Maybe it was just me.

We went into the Disney Outlet store also, but had the same problem. They were just like normal store. The shoe store, on the other hand, had some good prices. I ended up getting a new pair of walking/running shoes for only $20.00. That's not too bad. Captain America's shoes that were originally on sale for $80 were only $65 after his military discount. Not too bad! We'll have to start budgeting for new shoes.

We were home by 9pm, and quickly got the kids to bed. We're having a garage sale today, with the girls down the street, and needed to go through a few more boxes. Sometimes Captain America and I work FABULOUSLY together, and other times, not so much. It was a not so much evening, I'm afraid. He kept digging through the boxes, finding his "treasures", then finding my stuff or the kids stuff, and trying to convince me to donate it. Like a BRAND new set of tempura paints. Never been opened. From homeschool last year. That's good stuff, right there. Handy to have around. He's like, "Well, I haven't seen you use it since you got here." Really? Um, maybe that's because IT WAS PACKED IN A BOX IN THE GARAGE!!! Yes, painting is mess. Yes, it's not convienent. But it's GREAT for the kids to do. He just kept getting grouchier and grouchier about stuff as the evening went on.

I made the mistake of bringing my laptop out to design/prepublish my blog (so I wouldn't be up all hours of the night after cleaning the garage), and watch him work. Usually, he welcomes the company. Not tonight. I think I was annoying him, just by being there. How rude! hehehe. He finally said, "If you're not gonna help, you might as well go back inside the house". Yeah, like I was sitting in the GARAGE designing because I thought it would be fun. Um, no! I wanted to be near him, even if I couldn't do what he was doing. I'd searched through my fair share of the boxes earlier in the week. Sigh.

I think he's just tired from school, and didn't really want to be going through crap in the garage. I sure didn't. One thing great about Captain America, though, is that he's always first to come in and apologize after he's been crabby. While sometimes I just wanna SLAP the man, he's really a good and decent guy. I'm sure I'm not the easiest person to live with either. Anyway, sorry to vent. This is supposed to be a FUN and HAPPY place to be. But then, real people aren't fun and happy all the time, right? Just fake people - LOL! And I'm SO not fake :)

This WordArt request comes from Toni, who wanted something about Ancestors. Sorry it's taken me SO long to get to your request. I'm answering emails backwords at this point. Whatever is new in my inbox, and then OLD stuff. One of these days, I'll get through it all.

I liked this quote when I saw it, and thought it would be nice with older pictures. Family pictures. Don't ya think? Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks! Oh yeah, and MAN, meaning Mankind. Not just men. So it's gender neutral. Just so you know. It covers women too :)

Ancestors - York Script ES


  1. I like that quote too--You always do beautiful work. And you have fun in life, too. That's the most important :)

    Used one of your older WA today (Families are Forever) in a free blogger template. You are sooo talented. Thanks!!

  2. Love the quote! You're right, it'll be great for family history pages. And it might be good for pics of kids with grandparents, too. I have LOTS of those! Aren't hubbies fun? Sometimes it's best to just get out of their way, or to do it ourselves. LOL. My DH drives me nuts when he decides to redo the kitchen sink area, but then spends months with a MESS around his recliner that he doesn't touch EVER. ARGH! Love 'em, though!

  3. Thank you for sharing ALLLLLLL that you do! :) Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

  4. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Jun. 20, 2009. Thanks again.

  5. Great Quote. Thanks. Mandee

  6. I have never heard this quote before...will have to remember to use it when I scrap some family reunion pics! TY

    Yep been there done that with the garage sale stuff...dh doesn't want to get rid of his old used stuff but wants the new stuff gone.
