
Friday, June 19, 2009


Here ya go, girls! Here's all my new stuff for the week :) I liked how they turned out - especially the masks. I just LOVE masks :) I played around with them a little bit, and I decided that I need to use them more in my layouts. They're just SO much fun :) OK, shameless plug ended - hehehe. Click HERE to go to my store.

Layout by Jaimee

Layout by Charmaine

OK, admittedly, mine isn't as good as my CT's, but it's OK. This is my sister's little girl, Ella. Isn't she adorable.

Layout by Grace

Layout by Jen (Graham Like the Cracker)

Hey girls. Hope you had a good day yesterday! Mine was good :) I ended up going to my friends house the night before. Remember how I didn't know if it was gonna pan out? Well, at 10:30pm, I headed down the street to her house - hehhe. My kids and hubby were fast asleep, and I snuck out to play. We ended up watching "Along Came Polly". It was pretty funny! Then, we just sat around for HOURS chatting. It was great! Just like a slumber party, but not slumbering - ha!

At 3:30am, I headed back home. I fell into bed, and slept till 9:30am. Good thing my kiddos are pretty self sufficient. hehehe. I got up, and cleaned for a little while, then read for a little while, then started to get people ready for the pool. We planned to meet our friends at 11am, when the pool opened. Andrea called at one point, and wanted to know if I still wanted to go, since it was cold? What? I looked outside, and sure enough, there were clouds. But it was still nice and warm. I'm sorry, but this native Pacific Northwesterner doesn't think that 83 degrees is cold. It's a nice day - ha! Our lakes that we swim in are FREEZING. The Harty's can handle the pool - LOL!

I made up a ton of sandwich quarters, and brought chips and salsa, and carrots and ranch, and bananas for my kids. I knew that the other kids would wanna share, so I brought tons. We were the first ones to get there, and the little kids wanted me to come and swim in the big pool with them. That was a first. So, I braved the water, and found that once I got used to it, it wasn't too bad. Joe, who's usually TERRIFIED of water, was doing so well. He put on a life jacket, and I pulled him aroudn the big pool. After a while, he was confident swimming around the big pool, with his life jacket, BY HIMSELF! I was so impressed. This was the kid, who last week, almost was in tears because I wanted him to get in the big pool with me. Funny kid.

Adela showed up next, and I got out of the water to visit with her. OK, so I'll admit. When you're dripping wet, 83 doesn't feel very warm. But, I dried fast, and felt much better. Andrea, Laurie, and a few others showed up by noon. The kids ate, the kids swam, the moms chatted, and it was a GREAT time. We didn't end up leaving until almost 3pm. It was a fabulous day at the pool. Free pool. Even better :)

The kids relaxed when we got home, and I decided to brave the garage in search of Garage Sale items. The girls and I are doing a multi-family garage sale this Saturday. We're meeting between Adela's and Andrea's house, and are selling what we have. I have a few baby mattresses, a few computer monitors, some of Captain America's "fat" Scout Clothes and suits, some kid clothes, and some odds and ends. I've never done a garage sale (can you believe it!), so I'm not sure what to expect. But, I'm looking forward to it :)

I found my rice cooker while I was cleaning, and was so excited that I cooked some brown rice for the kids when I was done with the garage. Captain America came home at the same time that I was cleaning up. Poor guy looked really bad. He said that his tummy hurt. Ever since his Splenectomy, he's had trouble with digestion. He can't eat too much raw veggies, or things get backed up, and he has SEVERE indigestion. So bad that he thinks he's gonna die. I helped him get into bed (he coudln't bend over to take his boots off), and left him to feel better.

The kids had rice, and chicken, and steamed veggies for dinner. For my brown rice, I cooked it in the rice cooker, then when it was done, added a 1/2 tsp of granulated chicken bullion, and a 1/2 cup of shredded cheese. The kids LOVED it. I had my usual stir fry. Yummy! I'm doing well on my diet, too. No more strong food cravings. My body is feeling pretty good. I think I've hit my groove. About time - hehehehe.

After dinner, I sat down to answer some emails. I got through about 40 of them. Sounds like a lot, but I still have over 200 to go through. And these aren't random spam. I delete all those. These are actual people who want/need something. Sigh. So, if I haven't written back to you, I"M SORRY! I'm trying. I started at the back, and am working my way to the present. I'm to January 15th. Sad, I know. 6 months off. How did it happen? Why did I let it happen. I'll try harder girls, really I will.

I put Joe and Jim to bed at 8:00pm, and Tom and Eme to bed at 9:00pm. It's not 9:30pm, and I'm gonna go design you all a FABULOUS freebee for today. My dh is still sleeping (poor thing), and I think, after I get everything done and pre-published and all, I'm gonna sneak back out to my friends house. hehehe. I'm gonna fall over one of these days from exhuastion, but it will be happy exhaustion. I think that everyone needs a girlfriend who lives down the street from them. SO much fun. And we're inviting Adela this time. She had the COOLEST blue toenail polish on her toes, and she said that she'd bring it, and we could do our toes too! I'm SO excited. And I think we're gonna watch Disturbia. SCARY movie!

This WordArt request is from WAY back in January. See how bad I am. My inbox gets OVERWHELMED, and I just can't seem to keep up. Going backwords to forwards might help me. Well, it helped "It's Daddies, Plural" anyway. She requested this saying. Sorry it took so long, girl! Hope you like it! I thought it would be good for any baby picture. Especially a pic of a parent holding a baby. Not just adopted parents, but any parent.

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks!


  1. These are such beautiful sayings. I love your work! Thanks again for another freebie.

  2. Thank you sooooooooooo much for sharing! Yes your niece is ADORABLE!! :) Have an AWESOME day!

  3. Bethany -
    Thank you for this lovely sentiment - it is perfect timing! We are in Ghana right now preparing to bring our newly-adopted 8-year old daughter, Akos, home! This is a wonderful word art for adoption! :) Will post a link to it on the online group I participate in (adoptingfromghana).

    Sad to say I haven't been designing lately (Scrapdoctor Designs), but hope to resume once all is settled after Akos comes home. I now have a different blog for our adoption journey! :)

  4. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 19 Jun [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 20 Jun [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
