
Friday, June 5, 2009


Real fast, just a warning. This post is MASSIVE. Sorry. I'm kinda long winded :) But you know you like it - hehehe. OK, on with the blog post :)

Woohoo!!! Friday is here, and SCHOOL IS OUT! At least it is in our district :) Hopefully, I'm sleeping in right now! We'll see how that plays out, though. I told the kids that Electronics couldn't be turned on until the following 3 conditions were met. 1. 9am. 2. Chores done. 3. Rooms cleaned. I also told them NOT to come in my room at 6:30 am saying "Mom, my chores are done, and my room is clean, can I do xxxx early". That would NOT be a good time - LOL!

Anyway, here's my new stuff for the week! Since it's been nice and sunny and summery, I just couldn't resist :) Click HERE to go to my store, and remember, all my new stuff is 20% off the first week (or $2.00 each)

Layout by Charmaine

Layout by Trina

Layout by Tammy

Layout by Trina

Layout by Neverland Scraps
AND, I promised my mom some photos from our week, so bear with me. I know you wanna see them! My kids are so cute, who wouldn't - LOL!

Here's on of Tom and Jake in the background at the Scout Nite At the Baseball game. He's such a cutie!

I love this picture of the boys, but especially little Joe. Him and the CRAZY eyes again :)

And, here's what my backyard looks like after the sprinklers turn on. Sigh. They're coming on Monday to fix them. Don't you wish you had a mud pond in YOUR backyard :) I know you're jealous!

Here's my friends' baby, Luke, at the park. Isn't he a cutie! LOVE those blond curls.

And me at the park.

Tom at school getting an award. He got the AB Honor roll trophy and a perfect attendance trophy.

Jimmy and I at the assembly. Hmmm, I guess this is why I should wear make-up. My face is all sweaty - gross! LOL!

Tom with his awards. He was SO proud of himself :) Love ya, Tom!

Tom and I

Tom's teacher Mr. Gonsalez, Tom, and his teacher, Mrs. Jula

Which bring us up to yesterday. I was up at 6am to read a little bit before the craziness that is my life began. hehehe. At 6:30am, I started making my dessert for my lunch group. I made little dessert cups. They had a layer of Sugar-Free jello on the botton, followed by a layer of Sugar Free Pudding, then a few sliced strawberries, then a layer of Light Cool-whip, and finally, crushed Graham Crackers. Doesn't that sound DIVINE!!!

Anyway, I made those up, and enough for my kids to have one with their breakfast. I figured, it has milk, and it's sugar free - must be good - LOL! AND, it's the last day of school. So, I got the kids out the door by 7:30am, and kept cooking.

I made little sandwiches. I went to a tea party (herbal tea) at a local restraurant in my home town one time, and they served these ADORABLE little sandwiches. I tried to duplicate them. I made cream cheese with mandarine oranges, cream cheese with cucumbers, egg salad, cream cheese with ham, and peanut butter and jelly. They looked SO yummy. I cut each sandwich into 4 triangles. So cute!

At 8:40am, Jimmy and I headed out to Jacobs school for his award ceremony.

He ended up getting a medallion for Excellence in Reading and Excellence in Math. Way to go, Jacob! All I can say, after being in the gym with SO many 6th graders for an hour, is I"M GLAD I"M NOT IN JUNIOR HIGH ANYMORE! I hated those years - LOL! He seemed to be enjoying himself, though :)

I came back home, and spent the remaining time before noon cooking and cleaning. My house looked pretty good by noon. I also made Tortelinni soup. OMGosh it smelled good. It had

1 onion
1 green pepper
basil / italian seasoning
8 cups chicken broth
1 sweet potato (not yam)
2 cans diced tomatoes
2 bags of dried tortelinni
1 zuchinni

Sautee the onions, garlic, and green pepper until tender. Add broth, sweet potato, and tomatoes. Cook until potato is tender. Add Tortelinni and cook as directed. Add the zuchinni in the last 5 minutes. OMGosh, it looked FABULOUS! I should have taken a picture :) Top with mozarella cheese, and you've got yourself a WONDERUFL meal.

Anyway, I had the soup, and the sandwiches, and mini muffins (Triple Berry, Blueberry, Honey Bran, and Chocolate Chip), and the little parfait desserts. Yummy!

My friends started showing up at noon, and we had fun eating and chatting. It's supposed to be a game group, but I didn't really feel like playing games. We just chatted. I think that most of us come for the grown up conversation, and that's what we got :)

The kids kept slipping outside to play, and the hose was just TOO big a temptation for some of them. See our "rock" back yard. Half is "rock" and half is grass. Um, more like dirt. Just waiting for a small child to add water, to make mud.

This poor little girl was NOT thrilled by the mud on her sweet little face.

But this one was :) LOL! This is Rowan. Doesn't he look similar to my Jimmy :)

My friends all went homy by 3pm, and I straightened up the kitchen a bit, then laid on the couch and read. I needed a break. It was a very nice one :) The big kids were home by 3:45pm, bringing all of their "last day of school" stuff with them. Joe, Tom, and Eme had report cards with them. Joe got mostly S (Satisfactory) with a few N (needs improvement). Most of those were staying on task and participation. Yup, that's my Joe :) Shy and non social, yet goofing off with his buddies - hehehe.

Tom got all A's and B's, and a few S's on his report card. Good job, Tom. And, this is one that I've never had before in a kid, Emeline got ALL O's (Outstandings). I've never had a kids with straight O's before! Way to go, Emeline. I think you need an extra special treat for that!

At 4:45pm, we were ready to head out to Day Camp. I got the directions from the internet, and packed the rest of the food from lunch for dinner. We didn't actually leave the house until about quarter after 5, but we were trying. We ended up only being about 5 minutes late to day camp. But, it started about 10 minutes late, so we were actually 5 minutes early - ROFL!

Tom's group did Knots, Crafts, Archery, and Citizenship. The boys REALLY liked the archery. But then, what kid doesn't :) Captain America was teaching the Citizenship class, and did a WONDERUFL job. Jacob went as a Boy Scout helper, and the little kids went to the nursery. I was able to walk around as an Adult Leader for our pack. It was a great time.

Here's Tom listening to the Archery director.

And Jacob and I in the Citizenship class. Aren't we cute!

We didn't even get home until after 9pm. Long day. And, I had to report on my diet, too. You guys can keep me honest :) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday make 3 days on the diet. On Monday, I'd gone out to eat mexican food, and I knew that I was gonna weigh heavy on Tuesday, but I weight anyway. Tuesday, I weighted 166.2 lbs. Then, Wednesday, I was 161.8 lbs. Thursday I was 160.2. Woohoo for me! I still can't believe that I let myself gain 25 lbs. Well, 20 now. But, I'm making good progress towards my goal :) But dang, it was sure hard to pass by ALL the yummy food I made. But I can honestly say, I didn't eat anything off my menu. I had 1/2 a cup of diet jello, which I guess is technically not on my diet, but I figured it had the calorie content of a stick of sugar free gum, so how bad could it be :) Yeah for me!

This WordArt request is from Rose. I thought is was cute, so I wordart-ed it :) Hope you like it :) click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!



Be - TURBO ripped


  1. I just got tired looking at your day - LOL! :-) Great word art - great quote.

  2. Hey Missy thanks for the great updates. . .and the pics! Tell the children their box is on the way!! HA

  3. i soooooooo LOVE reading your blog & visiting you! Thank you for sharing that recipe and your WONDERFUL wa!! i LOVE all the photos!! and yes, that one child looks like one of yours!! sure hope they fix those sprinklers for you! even though mud can be a BLAST! hehe and i hope you got to sleep in today too!Have a BEAUTIFUL day!

  4. Thanks for the WA. That soup sounds yummy! Can't wait to give it a try.

  5. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on Jun. 05, 2009. Thanks again.

  6. I love this wordart, thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 05 Jun [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 06 Jun [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  8. wow that WAS a busy day!! you are always so busy and it amazes me that you find time to design! thanks for todays WA, I totally love it!!!

  9. I just wanted to let you know that recipe for the soup was great. I read it this morning and made it for lunch. Thank you.

  10. I love reading your blog. That sound sounds delicious. I'm kind of cooking dumb though - what is a sweet potato if not a yam?

  11. Great Wordart Bethany! Your children did wonderful. I work in EPISD and all Os and A/B honor roll is a wonderful accomplishment. You should be proud of your kids. Enjoy your summer with them :)

  12. I saved your recipe for the tortelinni soup and can't wait to try it! Sounds so yummy! Thanks so much for the WA! Love it :))

  13. Was that the Diablos game ya'll went to? We used to love going to those baseball games when we lived in El Paso!
