
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Someone to Love

Wow, I'm super tired last night when I was writing this. You know, it's hard to know which tense to use when pre-publishing. Hmmmm, too tired to care now - LOL!

I went to bed on Tuesday night at 9:45 ( I KNOW!), so when my hubby woke up at 5:30am to get ready for PT, I was awake and alert. I decided to stay up after he left, and read some in my book, Twilight. By 6:45am, I hopped on the computer, and checked my emails and such.

Kids were out the door by 7:30am for school, and Jimmy and I were ready to head out at 8:10am. Tom had an awards ceremony at school. I did take pictures, but am WAY too tired to mess with that right now. Maybe tomorrow.

Tom ended up getting a perfect attendance trophy and an A/B honor roll trophy. He was SO proud. After the ceremony, I got a picture of him with his trophies, and one with him and both of his teachers. They said how WONDERFUL Tom was, and how liked having him in class. Awe, that's JUST what this mom wanted to hear :)

Since were were already off post anyway, Jimmy and I headed to Wal-Mart. I needed to get supplies for the lunch at my house today. I bought stuff for Tortellini Soup, sandwiches, dessert, and muffins. Mini muffins are SO cute, and fun :) The dessert is a layer of diet jello, a layer of diet pudding, layer of diet cool whip, layer of sliced strawberries, and topped with graham cracker crumbs. YUMMY! Too bad I'm still on my diet. I think the diet jello is ok for me to eat. At least I get that :)

I also got another antenna for my living room. When Captain America was gone, the kids and I would watch TV in my bedroom, but now that he's home, that can't really happen. So, we set up a TV in the living room, and the kids won't be all over Captain America's stuff - hehehe.

After Wal-Mart, on my way back to home, Andrea called and said that she was going to the on-post thrift store. I hadn't been in a while, so I met here there. She'd had me pick up a few things for her at Wal-Mart, so I was able to pass those off to her. Her son, Sam, was gonna bring a shirt to school to have all of his classmates sign. I thought it was such a good idea that I bought one for Eme and Joe also. I think they're gonna have fun with it today.

I found a VCR at the thrift store for $5.00. Awesome, eh? The one off post at Goodwill was $20.00. Who pays that much for someone elses used electronics? That seems pricey to me. $5.00 was DEFINITELY in my price range.

I also found a Lord Of The Rings Movie Trilogy Trivial Pursuit Edition game, for $2.00. I was SO excited! I aslo got 8 videos for $3.00. There was some Dragon Tales, a Sharks Tale, Ninja Turtles, um, can't remember the rest. Jimmy was pretty excited about it.

I got home at about the same time as Captain America, and we had lunch together. I hooked up the VCR for Jimmy, and laid on the couch and vegged. I was tired. I read my book until 2pm. I went into the kitchen, and made jello, and pudding, and 4 batchs of Mini Muffins, and put a pot of Black Beans and BAcon on the stove.

I straightened up a little, then went back to reading. I read till the big kids got home. Then, it was dinner. At about 6:30pm, I decided it was time to design. Wednesday night is my last day to get products into my store. So, it's always a mad rush to get everything done. Luckily, no Cub Scouts tonight. Jacob and Captain America went to Boy Scouts, but the other kids and I were still home. So, I was able to get a lot done.

My friend Andrea and I went for a walk at 8pm. We cut 5 minutes off our walk without children. Woohoo for fast walking :) We walked, and chatted, and walked some more :) Friends are good!

When I got back home at 9:30pm, Captain America and I headed out to the store to get some treats for Eme's class. I'd TOTALLY forgot to pick some up at Wal-Mart when I was there. She'd be crushed if she didn't have something to contribute to the party today. I couldn't let her down :) We were home by 10:00pm.

Then, Captain America went to bed, and I went to work :) I designed 2 more WordArt packs, and loaded them all in my store. I designed a freebee for you all for today, and then made this post. It was midnight before I was in bed. I slept well, though.

Oh yeah, I have to tell you :) You know how the last 2 days I've been on my diet again, right? Well, on Tuesday night I had food dreams. I was at this dessert table, and there were a TON of cookies. I was loading up my plate and eating them as fast as I could. I felt really bad that I'd cheated on my diet. I was SO glad when I woke up, and it was just a dream :) hehehe.

This wordArt request is from Janet. Elvis is SO cool :) click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.


Someone - Title Wave
L - Beautiful Caps ES
ove - Beautiful ES


  1. Ya gotta love the king. Oh, and Bethany, you gotta love Bethany. Great art today :)

  2. I really like this one. I am making a wedding album (even though we just hit our 2 year anniversary!) and this will be a cute addition. Thanks for all your great work!

  3. Hey Bethany, Thanks for doing some of my chores for me! You are a life saver. I really love this one too.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing!! Have a TERRIFIC day! :)

  5. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Jun. 04, 2009. Thanks again.

  6. Thanks for the WA, I LOVE Elvis. :) Sounds like you had a busy day. Congrats and good luck w/ staying on your diet again. :)

  7. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 05 Jun [LA 12:13am, NY 02:13am, UK 07:13am, OZ 05:13pm] ).

  8. Thanks for all the great freebies! I have a Father's Day request. Something like "If at first you don't succeed, then you're not dad." I know my dad would get a kick out of that. :) Thanks!

  9. Thank you for the great word art. Beautiful verse. Have a great weekend.

  10. Thank you for this free word art.

  11. THAT IS FABULOUS!!! And DANG you're quick!!

  12. Oh, whoops! And thank you! You do beautiful work!

  13. what a lovely wordart...i actually love all your works..thanks for sharing..

  14. i made a scrap last not using your wordart..thanks's really beautiful

  15. I think I could spend all day here staring at your stuff! Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us.
