
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pool Alpha

First off, just wanted to show you my NEW SWING SET! Isn't it fabulous! Thanks so much to my, um, neighbors (yeah, never did catch their names - they lived 3 blocks over too, so not really neighbors.....Tom's buddy Olens parents. We'll just call them that) for the swing set! My little boys think it's WONDERFUL!!! Here's Captain America and Jimmy taking the swing for a test ride - LOL!

And, Captain America was taking a new pic for this Facebook avatar, so I decided to get a new pic of myself too. I straightened my hair today, and look how long it's getting. Kinda fun :) Really, I'm just too cheap to go and get it cut. I just style it different as it grows out. Yep, really cheap. That's me :) But happy. Cheap and happy. (Aren't my peacock earrings FABULOUS! I think my Aunt Sue made them for me. Did you, Aunt Sue? I can't remember. If you did, THANKS!!! I just LOVE them)

hehehe, you can TOTALLY see my farmers tan - LOL! But look how BROWN i'm getting :)

Wow, 7:15am came early today. Only 5 hours of sleep. The kids and Captain America were all already awake. Really, I didn't wanna wake up. I was really just rolling over. Oh well. I'll sleep later. Sleep is overrated, right? No? You like sleep? Sigh. OK, I admit it. I like sleep too. It's not overrated. I guess I just need to schedule better - hehehe.

I managed to get up and get the kids some cereal (yeah, I know, stretching myself there), and myself breakfast. I spent the morning designing, and managed to get 2 WordArt packs designed before lunch time. Andrea stopped by to return some sunglasses I'd left at her house last night, and then was off to pick up her son from camp. I told her to bring the kids back over, and I'd make lunch for everyone.

My kids and I made some homemade mini pizzas. They turned out looking pretty nice. We made biscuit crust (with added basil), topped with pasta sauce and cheese. The little kids had fun helping to roll out the dough. And eating the dough. I can't lie - hehehe.

When Andrea finally got back (traffic was bad), she'd stopped by her house, put the baby to sleep, and left the 2 big boys at home, because they were fighting. Yeah, I know that story. That was Eme and Tom on Tuesday. Sigh. Anyway, she stayed for a few minutes, and offered to watch Joe and Jim when I went to take Tom and Eme to their "GT" (Gifted & Talented) Assesment. THANKS, my friend!

It was nice to not have to worry about small children running around the office and causing trouble. Tom, Eme, and I brought books and read. Good thing, too. They were about 30 minutes off schedule. Tom is reading Harry Potter #7, Eme had a few chapter books, and I was reading Breaking Dawn. Not a bad way to kill 30 minutes :)

Eme and Tom both thought that their assessment went well. I'm supposed to call back on Friday to get the results. If they qualify, they'll be put in GT classes in the Fall. I think it would be good for them. But then , who knows if they'll get it or not. I know that I got FABULOUS grades in school, but I worked hard for them. I was very studious. I was tested for GT (but they called it TAG there) and didn't make it. I told the kids that GT just meant that they had a special way of looking at things. If you were not GT, that was no big deal. You could still be SUPER smart and not GT. Just like me - LOL! I'd like them to be in the GT classes, though, because I know that the GT teachers have had more training. I'm just saying....

We got back to Andreas house at about 3:00, and stayed to play until 4:00pm. She's a lot of fun to chat with. Where I'm pretty shy, she not. She LOVES to talk, and there's never a dull moment with Andrea. I just LOVE it :)

I came back home, and got right to designing. Captain America beat us home! All the other days, he's been home at 5:30pm. Don't know why they got out so early today, though. It was nice to see him. The kids sat down and watched a movie, and I designed. I got another 2 WordArt packs designed before dinner.

At 7pm (I'd decided to skip Scouts even before they called to tell me it was cancelled - we must have been on the same wavelength - ha!), I finally put down the designing and cooked dinner. After dinner, the kids finished their movie, and I finished my designing. 5 WordArt packs for the week, and a FABULOUS freebee for you all.

I spent a little quality time with my hubby, and even made sure that he was in bed and asleep by 10pm. See, aren't I good :) Poor thing has to get up SO early in the morning. Such is the life of a soldier, I guess :) I'm sure glad that my job is a mom. I like that job!

So, as I'm pre-publishing this on Wednesday night, it's 10:15pm. Early for me. I'm either gonna sneak out and go watch a movie with Andrea, or read Breaking Dawn. Either choice sounds good to me! Options. I just LOVE having options :)

Hey girls! I have to giggle at the evolution of this alpha. See, I was at a speed scrap over at Ginger Scraps, and one of the directions was to use an alpha. Well, I don't have alphas. Nothing against alphas, per se, I just like to make WordArt for the title. Go figure - hehehe. So, I made the WordArt, and recolored one part with my water from the pool picture. I decided that I'd go back and turn it into an alpha later, that way I could technically say that I was using an alpha. hehehe. I'm so tricky - LOL!

So, click on the link below to go to my account to grab the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Font: CAfe Rojo


  1. I always love your work. So creative. Did you get my request about the "Princess of the Grill"? I know, you are busy and all you have to do, I'm sure, is just make our "wordart" request. LOL I love reading your stories, it is always the highlight of my morning. Thank you. Teena

  2. What a lovely alpha! Thanks so much!
    Looking good girl, great tan!

  3. Yay, I'm a happy girl today. Thanks for sharing this water alpha

  4. thank you so much for sharing ALL that you do! i LOVE the swing set and know your children already LOVE it too! hehe Have a GREAT day! :D

  5. Hey sweety! Wish I could take credit for the earrings, but it wasn't me! Keep up the wonderful daily reporting. I feel much closer to you reading them each morning!!!! But more pictures, OK????? Love Ya! Aunt Sue

  6. Thanks for all you share!!! I love this alpha and I can't wait to use it!!

  7. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Jun. 18, 2009. Thanks again.

  8. Thanks for the alpha. An alpha isn't much of a stretch from word art is it? :)
    I really enjoy your work and reading your blog.Thanks

  9. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 18 Jun [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 19 Jun [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  10. Great! Just perfect for summer days :) Thanks

  11. Thanks Bethany - this alpha is great! I am already imagining all sorts of uses for it!

  12. Bonjour Bethany,
    Merci beaucoup for this beautiful alphabet !!
    C from Paris :)

  13. YES! I like this alpha! TYVM!! Glad you had such a productive day!

  14. Thanks so much for the alpha, love the story that goes with it too!

  15. TYSM!!! I have a lot of layouts that this alpha would work perfectly for!!

  16. Thank you!!! Jenny

  17. Thanks for the cool pool alphabet....very cute!

  18. This is perfect for scrapping my boys in the pool on holiday - thanks v much!
