
Friday, June 12, 2009

Pool Time Fun

Well, I was up WAY too late Wednesday night (1am), and tried to sleep in, but my kids weren't playing that game. I need to lock my door, I guess. LOL! Every 10 minutes, someone came in and "needed" something. I mean, do you REALLY need to eat breakfast in the morning? Can't you eat it later - ROFL! I managed to drag myself out of bed at 7:50am, but I wasn't moving very fast - LOL!

I spent the morning finishing off my Twilight book. Eclipse. SO good :) Then we got ready for our pool day. We decided to meet there (the 3 families) at noon. I made up a BUNCH of sandwiches, and mostly fed my family before we left. We took the neighbor kids, Noah, too. Andrea's kids, Ben and Sam, ate a few sandwiches before we left, but I still had a BIG bag of sandwich quarters to bring with me. I also had apple slices and tortilla chips. Snacks for the pool are always good.

We got there at about 12:20, since my kids are slow. I know I was pulling out of the driveway when Jacob (the 11 yr old) said, "Mom, I should have shoes on, right?". Um, yeah, Jake. Shoes are good WHEN YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE!!! I parked near the front door, and let him run inside. When Tom found out why he was going in, he said "I don't have shoes either". So he ran in. I asked everyone in the truck, "Do you have shoes", and ONLY Emeline and the neighbor kid did. OMHeck! What's up with that??? I ran back in and got shoes for the little boys. Sigh.

The pool was AWESOME. It had a ton of seating, picnic tables, shade, a baby pool, and a big pool. It had 2 water slides, and lifeguards. My kids were in HEAVEN. Tom and Jake know how to swim, and Eme does ok. She's more confident with a life jacket, which they had there. Joe only likes to wade. Jim surprised me, and was TOTALLY loving the baby pool. Swimmy Jimmy is back - LOL! He even went with me to the big pool for a few minutes. Granted, he had a death grip on me, but he went in. Twice. That's progress :) Joe wanted NOTHING to do with the big pool. hehehe.

The girls and I had fun chatting, and watching kids, and playing in the water. Between the 3 of us, we had 13 children. OMGosh! We looked like a day care center - hehehe. My 5 plus one, Laurie's 4, and Andrea's 3. Goodness.

I think we're gonna go back at least once a week from now on. What a great activity. But I think we'll go from 11 to 2 instead of 12 to 3. The teens all start coming around 2, and it gets a little crowded.

After the pool, we came home and just relaxed. 2 neighbor kids came over to play. Jake played a game on the computer, Eme played with her little neighbor friend in her room, Tom, the neighbor kid, and Joe played gamecube, and Jimmy watched Toy Story. Me? What did I do? My friend, Laurie, had bought me Dave Ramsey's book, and I started reading it. Pretty good, so far. I'm still in the "why this book is awesome" part, and not to the "how to do it" part. I'm sure it's coming soon :) I'm pretty excited about it.

My mom sent a package to the kids, and it arrived shortly after we got back from the pool. Jake got a Batman tshirt, Tom got a striped polo shirt and a Twilight shirt, I got a Twilight shirt (the one with the cullen crest), a fun pink shirt, and a new dress, Eme got 2 shirts, and Jim and Joe each got a shirt. Thanks, Mom!!! I LOVE it!

I even dyed my hair. hehehe. It was getting pretty gray. Now, it's back to my original dark color. hehehe. I started going gray at 21, and refuse to accept the fact. Hair dye is my friend :) LOL! I showered, and put on my new Twilight shirt, and even fixed my hair and make-up. When Captain America got home, he was like, "Are you going out?". Sigh. It's a sign that I need to shower more often - hehehe.

At about 4:30 my friend Andrea called and said that she was going shopping (kid free), and wanted to know if I could come too. Captain America was home, but he was napping (from getting up at 4am. poor guy!). Jacob, though, is perfectly capable of watching the kids, so I said YES! I was So excited to get out of the house for some girl time. Good thing I showered, eh?

I helped Jacob cook dinner for the little kids, and kicked the neighbor kids out of the house (hehehe). Andrea came to get me at about 5:30pm. We picked up Laurie, and headed for the West Side Mall. We had fun chatting all the way there (about 20 minutes). But, when we got there and got to the first store, Laurie's hubby called and said that he'd been called back to work. So, we loaded back up in the Subruban, and headed back to post. Poor Laurie. I know she was looking forward to some "girl time".

We dropped her off, and Andrea and I headed back out. We went to a smaller mall closer to our house, and decided to go to the movies. It was 6:45pm, and the next movie playing was "Night at the Museum 2". We felt kinda bad going without the kids, but not THAT bad - LOL! It was SO much fun! Great movie, but better company. Thanks, Andrea, for the FUN evening.

Oh yeah, on the way out of the dark theater, these 2 guys walking behind us stopped us and said "Do you have the time", and when we told them 9ish, they said something about it not being late, and then asked if we went to college. hehehe. We both just laughed and said that no, we didn't go to college, and the we were REALLY old - ROFL!!! Yeah, I was a college student..... 13 years ago! Thanks, boys! You made 2 "old ladies" night :)

So after my LONG and BUSY and terribly FUN day, I sat down to design. And my good internet friend, Jen, gets on gmail chat, and tells me that there's a speed scrap over at Ginger Scraps. So, I jump on in, and decide to play. And, I decide that whatever WordArt I make for the layout (because EVERY layout needs a WordArt, dontcha know) would be my freebee for today. See, multitasking. I'm good, eh? LOL!

So, because we went to the pool yesterday, I chose to scrap a pic of Jimmy in the pool. Hence, Pool Time Fun. Is it warm enough for you all to go to the pool? It was in the 90's here. I just LOVE El Paso weather :) Ok, ok, I can see myself getting sidetracked! WordArt. Freebee. Focus!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

WordArt - by me, of course - LOL!
Kits - Scraporchard Mega (I think May, June, and Aprils, but mostly June)
Little suns - those are mine, using an Atomic Cupcake action
Stars are mine too, using a glitter style - can't remember who made that one


  1. Perfect word art for summer. I have lots of pool pictures, so I know I'll be using this one.

    Thanks for all you do, they are great!!!!!

  2. I stop by every day to read about life in Texas and your family, but I seldom comment. But today I feel that I want to thank you for my midday read and your fun stories! Thanks, oh and just so you know you are not alone, I got my first grey hairs at 9!!! and now at 40 I am soooooo glad that someone invented hair dye!! ;o)
    Take care, stay just as you are and thanks for everything, but most of all the good read!

  3. The Dave Ramsey book is AWESOME!

  4. I don't always use "word art" with my layouts but your page looked so cute - I'll use this with some pool pics that I take this summer. Thanks alot

  5. thank you for sharing your GREAT wa!! LOVE the layout! :) sounds like the pool will be the place to be this summer! WOOHOOO! :) Have a FANTASTIC day!

  6. He, he! You must have posted this while I was browsing. My husband asked "What's that?" before I navigated over to Scrap Orchard. When I clicked back to show him what word art is, you had a new one!

    And, it's SO cute! Thank you!

  7. Super cute! Thanks :)

  8. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Jun. 12, 2009. Thanks again.

  9. Thank you! I'll be sure to put this to good use! I love hearing about your daily life. It sounds like you guys are having a great summer!

  10. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 12 Jun [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 13 Jun [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  11. We just about wrapped out pool time season around here and there are a lot of photos I could use this with. Thanks! :)

  12. Only recently found your blog and LOVE your creations! TFS!
