
Thursday, June 11, 2009

United We Stand

First off, THANK YOU to everyone who sent me the post from yesterday! I got it all back up and fixed. Nothing lost. You guys are the BEST!!!

Howdy hey, friends! Yes, I am a dork. And yes, I'm proud! hehehe. Another fun and exciting day in the Harty household has passed us by :) Even though I'd gone to bed at midnight the night before, I still woke up before 7am yesterday. My internal clock needs re-adjusting, I think. LOL!

Captain America was back from PT when I woke up, and Joe and Jimmy were awake. We had breakfast together, and the other kids slowly woke up. Eme was the last to wake up, at 9am. Wish I could sleep in till 9am - hehehe. I worked on my WordArt for a little while. I was up to 2 WordArt packs for the week by 10am. I was on a roll!

Sam, my friends boy, came to the door sometime around then, and wanted to know if we all wanted to come hang out at the park with his mom. So, we quickly threw on some clothes (I was still in my jammies - yes, I frequently stay in my jammies that long, and there's NOTHING wrong with it!) and headed over to the park.

The kids had fun playing, and us grown ups had fun chatting. At 11:30 ish, we headed back to our homes. I took Ben and Sam back to my house to play, and we decided to go to the Sprinkler Park. I'd never been to one before, and it sounded like fun. Anyway, back home, Eme, Jim, and I made Pigs in a Blanket. They helped me make the dough. Kids love hot dogs, and my kids LOVE biscuits, so it was a Win/Win - hehehe.

After lunch, we headed over to the sprinker park. Here was an umbrella thing with water coming down in a waterfall off of it, some squirter guns type thing, a few fountains from the ground, and this AWESOME bucket thingy. It shows it in the pictures below.

See, the buckets fill up with water, and tip, dropping a bucket full of water on whoever is below. I thought that the sprinkler park would be BORING for the big kids, but they ABSOLUTELY LOVED it! The bucket one was their favorite.

Here's Tom getting drenched

Look out below, Joe!

And again!

Jacob getting it in the face with a bucket full of water.

And Jimmy, posing for the camera.

Crack KILLS!!!!

Isn't she SO cute!

Eme and Elise. She's my friend Laurie's girl. She's 10. Eme is 7. But they're about the same size - LOL!

And, a random picture. Remember I told you that when we drove to Cub Scout Day Camp we drove along I-10, going real near Mexico. Well, here's the shot that Jacob got from the freeway. Our camera only has a 2x zoom, so we were pretty close. Check out those houses. Aren't you glad that you live where you do??? I sure am :)

OK, back to my day yesterday :) hehehe. We were at the sprinkler park from 2 to about 4pm. It was a BLAST! I'll definitly have to put that on the summer fun rotation list - ha! I think we're gonna go to the pool tomorrow. Pools are fun too!

We got home in time to cook some dinner, clean the house, and get ready for Cub Scouts. Here's a quick and easy dish to give the kids. Cook 1 package of pasta (we used the curly noodles - can't remember the name), add 1 package frozen veggies (califlour, broccoli, carrots), and continue to boil until warm. Drain. Add 1 can cream of chicken soup. Add 1/2 cup parmesean cheese. Stir. Add salt/pepper to taste. The kids seemed to like it. It sure smelled good. I'm still doing well on my diet, so no tasting for me :) If it's gross, don't blame me. THEY seemed to like it :)

After dinner, Captain America had some errands to run, and took Jimmy with him. I took the other 4 to Scouts. We got there on time, and of course, most people showed up 10 minutes late. Geesh. We need to work on tardiness, people! And, NO Cub Scout leaders showed up, so I'm glad that I grabbed something on the fly.

We made paper constelations with pencils and paper. It was midly entertaining - hehehe. The boys got to poke holes in paper, so it wasn't all bad. Then, we split into 2 teams to see how fast they could build a small dome tent. The first group got it in 3:30 and the second group got it in 3:40. The 2nd group SWEARS that the reason they lost is because they had 1 less person, but they lost because they were getting their tent poles in the wrong holes. But you can't tell that to little boys. Oh no. They don't wanna listen, the just wanna whine about why they lost - ROFL! Silly boys :)

We packed up, and came home after the meeting, and I sent kids to their rooms to read. I sat down to design. I only got 4 WordArt Packs done this week. Sigh. I just didn't have any creative juices left in me - hehehe. Next week. Next week I'll do better about NOT procrastinating my designing until Wednesday night.

I'm almost done with Eclipse (Twilight #3). Love the books :) Such a nice read. You know you wanna read them (again). You know you do! ROFL!

So, Jen, from Graham Like the Cracker, has a new Kit out this week! It's a FABULOUS Patriotic kit! I just LOVE Patriotic things :) Flags, red white and blue, songs, soldiers (wink*wink). ROFL! Anyway, here's the kit and the link.

So, here's the one that I made for Jen. Isn't it cool! You could buy some Iron Transfer paper, and make your kids a COOL 4th of July shirt out of it. Just downlad the WordArt, open it in PHotoshop, reverse the image, save it, print it, iron it on. One of a kind! Unless someone else reads this, and does it too - LOL! (Can you tell I'm getting tired - my jokes just get worse and worse!)

Anyway, click HERE to go to Jen's blog to pick up the wordart below.

And, here's mine :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!



  1. Bethany, I have a wordart request...we do not have a "king of the grill" in our home but we do have a "princess of the grill". My daughter is 12 years old and does all of the grilling. In fact we got a new gas grill on Memorial Day. Could you please make a wordart to reflect the same. Thank you so much.

  2. You are SO right in that being in your jammies til ANY time of the day feels SO good! You can often find me still in mine late afternoon if we're not going anywhere. :-)

    LOVE both of the new wordarts.

  3. That sprinkler park looks like a blast! I wish we had something like that here. Although, it would probably draw in crowds only about two months out of the year since we mostly get rain and cold here in Washington.

    Thanks for today's wordart! It's beautiful!

  4. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Fourth of July - Red, White, and Blue post on Jun. 11, 2009. Thanks again.

  5. here it is 10:15 and I am still in my nightgown... you know those lazy creative types...

  6. oh my goodness i LOVE sprinkler park!! what FUN for your children!!! :) GREAT photos too! thank you for sharing ALLLLLLL that you do!! Have a WONDERFUL day! :)

  7. Home of the Brave is beautiful. Thank you.

  8. Love the wordart. I check in every day! I was wondering (since you've mentioned you are the Primary chorister or used to be or are in leadership or something) if you wouldn't mind sharing what song your primary has picked to do in July. Just looking for a few good ideas...

  9. I love the "crack kills" picture, too funny! and eme is such a beautiful girl! I love that one picture of her by herself, definitely worth scrapping. She sure looks like her mom!!

  10. I'm reading the first Twilight bok after seeing the movie, and i have to say that i'm not really impressed. It's just taking tooooo long to get into :o/
    The bucket thing looks great! That pic of the water just about to hit your son is awesome!
    And your daughter is VERY beautiful :o)

  11. So gorgeous! Thank you!

    Hey, now that you're in Texas, you need to make a series of "Fixin' to...." Also, women in Texas don't get PMS, they get FTS (fixin' to start)! LOL! (Sorry, I used to live there - moved from California to Texas when I got married. I think I went into culture shock.)

  12. Gorgeous wordart, thank you!

  13. That sprinkler park looks like so much fun! Thanks for the WA.
