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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Forever Begins Today

Only a few more days till my sweetheart is home!!! [jumping up and down, clapping hands] And if I stay as busy as I have been the last few days, it'll be here in no time :) Yesterday, I went walking with the girls again at 8:15, then hurried home at 9:30am to shower and be ready for playgroup at 10am at Laurie's house. I was a bit late (responding to an email took longer than I thought it would), but made it there by 10:30am. It's always fun hanging out with the girls.

I was at playgroup till about 1:30pm, then headed home. Laurie had a physical therapy appointment at 1:45pm, and she dropped her kids off at my house. Her son is 2 1/2 and is a little mini me of Jimmy. TOO funny. From the back, they look EXACTLY the same. Her daughter is a pre-schooler, and is in the Sunday primary class I help out with. She's hysterical. Gotta love 4 year olds - hehehe. She's full of spunk. Spunk is good!

Laurie was back by 2:15, saying that once she got there, they cancelled the appointment. Sigh. Hate it when that happens. She stayed and chatted till about 3:15, when she went to pick up her kids from school. At 3:30, I got a call from Jacob, saying that he wanted to go to Andrea's house and play with her son, Sam. He said that Andrea had picked them ALL up from school. She stopped at my house on the way home, and asked if all of the kids could come over and play. I said that I'd grab my things, and we'd all come over.

We had fun chatting while the kids played. At 4:30, she had to leave to go to a school meeting, and I watched all the kids. Funny, but 7 kids didn't seem like that many. The 3 oldest were in one room, playing a video game. The 2- 5 year old boys played in his room the WHOLE time. Eme was up stairs most of the time too. That just left me downstairs with Jimmy (my 3 year old) and Luke, her 1 year old. Piece of cake - LOL! We spent the time playing in the living room, and cleaning the kitchen. I like to be useful, so we did the dishes, picked up a few toys, and washed the countertops.

Andrea was all excited when she got home that I'd helped out. See, I'm a nice friend - LOL! She was also excited, because they usually have horseback riding lessons on Thursday nights, but it had been changed to Tuesday this week, and it had been a LONG day for her. Well, the lesson was canceled for the evening, so she had a night off :) She invited the kids and I to stay for dinner, and ordered pizza.

Let me tell you, I may have found a NEW favorite kind of pizza. BBQ chicken and Bacon Pizza. OMGosh! It was so tasty. With lots of yummy onions. I was LOVIN' it!

We stayed and played and chatted until about 8:30pm. I usually don't stay out that late on a school night, but we were having so much fun :) We came home, and put the kids to bed, and relaxed for the rest of the evening. I tried to watch a bit of TV, but the antenna still isn't working so great.

I think, once I get a chance to stay at home for an afternoon (LOL!), I'm gonna call the networks here in El Paso, and ask them WHAT THE HECK is going on with the signal. I thought that the switch to digital was supposed to make it a BETTER viewing experience. I watched Law & Order last night, and every 2 seconds there was a glitch in the program. Yeah, that was real annoying. At least I was blogging at the time, so I was mostly distracted. The last 30 minutes it got better, but I was afraid to move from my spot on my bed. My son came in the room, opened the door, and I lost the signal (ROFL!). It's gonna be one of those situations, I see. Where I have to have someone stand on their head and hold the antenna at just the right angle to get it to work. hehehe. The lengths I'll go to get something for free is scary - ROFL!

Today should be a good day too :) Walking in the AM, lunch at noon at a friends house, Scouts in the evening. AND, it's my designing day. I usually release 5 new WordArt packs a week, and I only have 1/2 of one done - LOL! It's one all about photography. I'm liking it so far :) I'm sure I'll have time today. At least I can design fast. I can design a WordArt pack, from start to finish, in 30 minutes. I only need 2 1/2 hours to get the job done :) I can do it :)

The repair men are also coming today. They're gonna hook up the sprinkler system, replace the A/C filter, and fix some molding type thing in the living room. Andrea told me that if I called them, and told them that they had permission to come inside without me, that they'd do it, and I could come to lunch. I was thinking I couldn't come, so THANKS Andrea, for showing me the ropes :)

This WordArt request is from Andrea. I thought it was a WONDERFUL idea ;) Great for weddings or births :) Click HERE to go to scraporchard to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks, girls!


Cupcake said...

Thought of some word art for you Bethany, as I was walking the dog. :)

"Life is wonderful, and we thank you Lord."

Have a fabulous visit with hubby.

May God bless you and keep you safe during the Memorial Day holiday. :)

xashee's corner said...

i am GLAD to know you are calling your tv provider!! sure hope you get that resolved, i know how annoying that can be! but the way you write it made it funny! :) Thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME wa! :) Have a WONDERFUL day!!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried rescanning your channels? Before you do that though, check out


They have all the information you need to direct your antenna properly for best reception anywhere in the country. It could be you are getting interference from some device or just general blockage from structures, etc.

Becky said...

I just have to tell you that I do really love your work. It's beautiful. I also enjoy reading your blog, with your being so positive and so in love with life. Thanks for sharing yourself and your genius. You make the world a better place!!

Unknown said...

We have 4 kids under 4 and we are also foster parents, we had 2 2 year olds for the past 4 days, 6 kids to me seemed OVERWHELMING! If they were older I could see it as easy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bethany! This looks beautiful, can't wait to use this. You're the best.

Adriana Moreira said...

Talking about pizza... did you tried Domino's American Legend Cali Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza? Ohhh... it is delicious!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Bethany! It is beautiful!