I started off the day with grocery shopping. I was in the truck, and pulling out of the driveway when Captain Americacalled. He needed me to bring something for him to his class. Sigh. I made Tom and Jim (who were shopping with me) go back into the house, grabbed what he needed, and drove on up. He was very grateful :)
I came back home, picked up the two boys, and headed out. First stop, Time Warner cable. Apparently, when we moved on post, and switched our internet, the account number changed too. Who knew. So, the last few payments were made to the wrong account, but were automatically switched over. For some reason, they didn't do it last month, and my account was past due. I didn't realize it until they called me. Sigh. Anyway, I got it all straightened out.
Next, we went to the commisary. And guess what? I was $35 under budget! Woohoo! I'll hang on to it, though, because next week I might be over. I headed home, and put all the groceries away. I even cooked up one of the dinners and froze it. The past few weeks, I've gotten to the end of the week, and not had the needed ingredients left for one of my dinners. I decided to cook it up ahead of time to fix the problem - aren't I tricky! LOL.
Next, I helped the kids clean their rooms. And it took ALL DAY LONG. The bunk bed was in Eme's room, and we moved it to Jake and Tom's room. We had to use the allen wrenches to take it completely apart, then rebuild it. Jake and Tom's beds went to Joe and Jim's room. Joe and Jim's futon mattrress (from the floor) went to Jake and Tom's room. Man, it was crazy.
Jake and Tom's room was SO messy. They had so much stuff, and it was all over the room. We moved the desks to a better place, organized the gamecube and tv, and made a pile in the middle of the floor with the rest. Then, we went through and pulled out the trash, then the books, then the dishes (I KNOW! I found all the plastic cups in the house - seriously, more than a dozen), then the dirty clothes, then the clean clothes. And on and on and on. Then, we went through the closet, and played the "Does it fit and will I wear it" game. Yep, that's a fun one - hehehe. We got rid of a bunch of stuff that didn't fit, and got it looking all good and organized.
Then, I moved onto Joe and Jim's room. It looked just as messy on the surface, but only took about 20 minutes to clean and organize. Thank goodness. I was exhausted when it was all said and done.
About 4 something, Katy called and said that she was going to go deliver a puppy to some guys house. She didn't feel comfortable going by herself, so she asked if I'd go with her. Andrea went too. They guy was late getting there, so we got home late. I was supposed to go on my date night at 6:30pm (to get to the movie at 7:05pm), and it was 6:40pm when I got home. And I hadn't even showered. Sigh. I felt really bad. Captain America didn't want to go to the movies later, because he was tired from getting up at 4 something.
I still had to make dinner for myself, and cook dinner for the kids (yeah, I don't know why he didn't cook something for them when he got home, but he didn't). I went and looked for a later showing of GI Joe (our date night movie), and found one at 7:45pm and one at 8:30pm. I hopped in the shower, and got all pretty (hehehe). We headed out for the 8:30 movie. Well, Captain America was still upset about the "late" thing, and I got upset that he was upset, and we ended up fighting the whole way there, sitting in the parking lot fighting, then drove home fighting. Sigh.
About 1/2 way home, he said that we could turn around and go back and still see the movie. I was still feeling pretty upset and hormonal, but said that there was a showing across town at 8:45pm. We made it to the theater a few minutes after the starting time, but it was sold out. Sigh. We went back to the car, fought a little longer, then went home.
Once I was home, in the privacy of my own closet, and cried and let it all out. Wow, it's amazing how much better you feel after a good cry. Too bad I couldn't just have done that in the car and got it over with. We talked it out, and both felt better. Come on, stupid hormones - work yourself out and let me get back to normal :) I think we may try the movies again on Saturday night.
Captain Americawent to bed, and I headed out to Wal-Mart. I have a primary meeting on Saturday morning, and was in charge of buying the plates, silverware, cups, and napkins. Plus rolls and butter. Plus bringing a dessert. So, off I went. Luckily it didn't take too long.
I came back home, baked the brownies, and watched a movie. And blogged and designed for the next day. Hopefully Saturday will be less hormonal. Or more, depending on how you look at it- hehehe.
I thought this quote was fabulous, so I decided to make a WordArt out of it :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file. And as always, leave some love if you like my work :)

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Aug. 08, 2009. Thanks again.
I so sympathize with the PMS thing. I had all that removed 8-1/2 years ago and I don't miss it at all! My DH doesn't miss it either LOL. Thanks so much for the word art, and thanks for your stories. I love to come here and read about your life. My daughter sometimes likes to read too, she laughs about the boy things (she's 15) because some of them really remind her of her brother (12).
I got tired from reading your post! I as exhausted by the time you got home from the commissary! THen you cleaned rooms, made dinner, showered,went out, went to Wal AMrt and made brownies? All in one day? I DON't know how you do it! I think Mormon women have more energy than us non-Mormons! I have a friend who is MOrmon and she gets lots done too! You are amazing! Thanks for the word art!
LOVE the quote (and sure hope you get your period SOON too!!) :)
thank you so much for sharing your CREATIVE talents!! :) Have a SUPER day!!
Hi, hope your hormones are back to normal - I'm 61, so I'm past that, but I still get those power surges LOL.
I love your art work and would like to ask if you would do this quote I heard tonight on, of all places, 3rd Rock from the Sun.
A person should never be sorry about the mistakes he made, but about the mistakes he's about to make.
East El Paso
Thank you - I love this xx
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