Check out these pics, though. He's there in the tree. That's WAY off the ground. Of course, I'm afraid to go higher than the 3rd rung of the ladder. Did I mention that I was afraid of heights - LOL! Anyway, here's some "monkey" pics of my dad. He did a SUPER jobs with our Christmas lights this year! Awesome job, Dad!
Look close, that's him up in the tree. Look in the tree, past the green, in with the blue sky. He's there!
Well, after dinner I told my 6th grader that he needed to go over his homework for the weekend, and show me his progress report. 40% in all classes. What's up with that? He a solid A/B student. I looked at it, and he just didn't turn in 60% of the assignments. And I know he's doing them, because we work on them every night. I took away TV and Computer until the assignments were found and accounted for. Let me tell ya, that didn't go over well. Apparently I'm a mean mom, and he hates me. The fun begins.
I called his dad (luckily he had a pass tonight, so he was cell phone available), and they had a little "Talk". Captain America's so good with Jacob. He knows just what to tell him to motivate him. I used to be good at that, but I'm WAY tapped out right now. Anyway, Captain America got him back to acting civil, and I wasn't hated so much anymore.
My mom and I sat with Jacob for a good hour, going through his trapper, finding a WHOLE stack of papers, sorting, organizing. Now granted, he was sick for 3 days, and had a ton of make up work (which he did). But come on, if you go through the trouble of doing the work, at least turn it in. Anyway, it's all sorted by subject, in order of date, ready to turn in on Monday. He has 2 or 3 make-up assignments that he needs to get the handouts for on Monday, and about 8 pieces of homework to do this weekend. I told him that once he completed the "this weekend" homework, the computer/tv privileges would be restored.
So I'm stil not on the top of his nice list, but I'm not public enemy #1 anymore. I guess during the teen (or pre-teen) years, if you're hated, you're doing something right. Sigh. Have we started that ALREADY?
So, we're doing the 12 Days of Christmas over at the Orchard. Each designer gets to do a sale, freebie, whatever she wants for the day. I'm gonna give out a freebie. A 6 piece set, all in one zip file. Aren't you SO excited! You're gonna like it. So, below is a list of all the girls who are playing. It's starts on Friday the 12th (MY B-DAY!!!), and I'm day 5. So that's the 16th. I'll post a little reminder here each day, just so you don't forget. We're only leaving the links up for one day, so get it fast!

So I decided that since I move around WAY TOO MUCH, and all my IRL (in real life) friends may not have a clue where I actually live (LMBO!), that you guys should send me Christmas cards - hehehe. You guys are my digifriends, and I'm SO grateful for all of you!!!! And, that way, I can decorate a wall at my moms house with Christmas cards like I usually do at home. Isn't that a FANTABULOUS plan? hehehe. Here's my address (see, I'm serious - LOL)
Bethany Harty
PO BOX 857
Florence OR 97439
And why not sweeten the pot. If you send me a Christmas card in the mail, be sure and include your email address, and I'll send you a free WordArt pack (email cards don't count for the free pack). Is that like paying people to send me Christmas cards - ha! Oh well, if it fills up my wall......
I had a TON of positive comments about my Mom's Christmas card saying this year, so I decided to give it away to you guys. One today, one Sunday, and one on Monday. She really does have a way with words. Thanks again, Mom! You're fabulous :) Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Stephanie Marie JF
Stephanie Marie JF
Thanks very much for the great wordart.
So I have to send you a REAL Christmas card? lol! OK, where's your address?
Your mom really does have a way with words! Thanks for sharing that! You will need to post pictures of the lights on the big tree! They must look FANTASTIC!
oh, found it. Next time I should read more closely! LOL!
YIKES he is up there really high, that would freak me out! lol Heights scare the beegeebers out of me. :)
Oh the joys of parenting, you get to be the best and the meanest all wrapped into one.
Great wordart, thank you
I was gonna send you a card anyway, Eli still has to write a letter for Tom!
Tell your mom THANK YOU for creating such beautiful words and a thank you bethany for making them beautiful on paper (or computer screen).
I really wish the Christmas season wasnt about gifts and commercialism but since that won't change, I think more should do what you are doing - reaching out to those who touch our everyday lives... even thru the comments on a blog. Look for my card... So on its way.
Thank you! Such beautiful words about the true meaning of Christmas.
I love this - thanks so much!!
When my girls tell me I'm a "mean mom" I say, "well, I must be doing my job right then". LOL
Good luck and have a wonderful Christmas!
And thanks for sharing!
Wonderful word art. Love the ones that tell the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you so much
December 12?!?! NO WAY! That is my birthday! I thought I was the only one! LOL Seriously though, I'm happy to share it with you, and wish I was as young as you. ROFL
Thanks for the Christmas card word-art. I love it and will be using on my cards, now I know I can get them done next week. Thanks so much!
Thanks for the lovely word art! :) That is the really meaning of Christmas.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 06 Dec [LA 09:00pm] - 07 Dec [NY 12:00am, UK 05:00am, OZ 04:00pm] ).
YAAAY! Sooo glad you decided to share it with us! Thank you Bethany and Bethany's Mom!!
Thank you so much. Bless is your family for they have a loving mother.
Thank you for the wonderful word art!
I too am afraid of heights-so just seeing your Dad up there made my tummy hurt! I've fallen off a roof before and so I know the reality of the fall! I just love reading your blog and all that you are sharing with us about your family. I will be sending out my card to you tomorrow..._sandy in colorado
Thank you for the word art. This should definately go on a layout this year in my photo book!
Love your work and your dad is brave, but the way i look at it if the good Lord wanted climing tree He would have made uswith fur and a pouch for extra peanuts LOL... not that brave to clime trees.
Great word art! Thank you for sharing it.
Your dad is a crazy man for going up that tree. But then all loggers are crazy. :)
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