I spent yesterday morning cleaning Jimmy (3) and Joe (5)'s room. There were a TON of clothes that needed put away, and I found some of the toys from storage in Ohio, and put them away in their bedroom. I cleaned for about and hour and a half, and it loos pretty nice :) Of course, when I went to check on them right before bed, they'd pulled out ALL of the toys, and strewn them around the room - nice - nothing like seeing all your hard work undone in one foul swoop - sigh. Jimmy and I will clean it up today, I guess :)
I also worked on switching my bank account from National City to USAA. NOT a fun process. I pay all my bills on billpay, so I needed to add "new payees" for the new bank. Talk about time consuming. But, it's done. Now, I just need to get our paychecks auto deposited into the new bank. It's in the works, but will take a while to take effect.
I also called the health insurance people today. Tricare West covers El Paso. Anything East of here is a different one, so I lucked out. Woohoo! I need to print off a form (um, no printer hooked up yet) and take it to Tricare (I think there's one at the medical place) and have them fax it to Tricare headquarters, so we can get into the system here, and get to the doctor. The kids haven't been in at least 6 months. Eme and Tom need another vaccination for school, Jacob has something wrong with his heel (he tweaked it last year, and it's still hurting him) and a possible undescended testicle, Tom has warts on his feet (nasty, I know), and I haven't been to the doctor since my 6 week check up after I had Jimmy (turning 4 this year). I think I'm due for a visit :)
You know, I sometimes feel like I'm stumbling around in "Army World" here. Those of you Army wives out there, is this how it is??? No idea what you're doing until you actually do it? Someone should write a book about "What to expect when your hubby joins the army". I'd buy it :) Well, I wouldn't now, but I SO would have back when he first joined.
I did a bit of cleaning in the kitchen and living room today, just so we could find the floor again - hehehe. I'll be happy when everything is unpacked and put away. One box at a time, right? One box at a time :)
We're going to a Valentines Day Party at church tonight. It's a 50's dance, apparently. I'm excited - it should be fun :) And the kids are really excited about passing out their Valentines. Last night, we cut out the Valentines (3 to a sheet - 4x6 photos) and they wrote their friends' names on the back. Emeline took it one step further, and made hand drawn cards for EACH of the 18 kids in her class. Dang, girl!
So I wanted to show you all my new stuff for this week. It's kinda fun :) Hope y'all like it! Click HERE to go to my store to pick up my FUN new stuff :)
These birth month ones were pretty fun to make :) If you buy the Birth Month pack (24 WordArts), you get both the boys and girls version for $6.00 (20% off the first week)

Or, just buy the Birth Months - Girls (12 WordArts - one for each month) for $4.00 (20% off first week)

And here are some fun WordArts, one pack for each decade - I bet you could have some REALLY fun layouts with these :)

And, since it's almost Valentines day, and I'm feeling the love (LOL!), here's what I'm gonna do:
1. Leave me a comment on this post, and I'll pick ONE winner at random to get a $10.00 coupon to my store before I go to bed on Valentines Day.
2. Purchase WordArt from my store, and be entered into a drawing to win a $10.00 coupon from my store. Each WordArt Pack purchased gets your name entered into a drawing on Monday morning when I wake up (after the kids get to school). So what are you waiting for? Get shopping - LOL!

Thanks, Bethany, for the nice word art. I hope you are enjoying Army life. You might get a kick out of the fact that when I was first a Marine wife (43 years ago), I actually did have a copy of a book, The Marine Corps Wife or The Marine Corps Officers' Wife or some such. It was even a bit dated at the time, and it told me "everything I needed to know" from when to wear gloves to what kind of couch to buy. : ) It would be a hoot for you to read something like it today. The times HAVE changed! But the military was a great life for us, and I hope you and your family find it the same for you.
Sounds like you had so much to do, but are managing quite well. Have fun at the dance tonight, and thanks for the great word art!
The wordart is gorgeous as always! I love the birth month wordart... so cute! And, I am enjoying your blog every morning. I don't know how you do all you do! You are an inspiration!! Keep up the good work!
Laura email: Lauraucf@yahoo.com
I love those birth month word arts.
Thank you for the wordart.. I love it. I love all your new stuff.
I think it has been awhile since I have been here.. I see you have changed your blog.. it looks cute.
I have been enjoying the Love is in the Air series. Of course, I enjoy every word art you produce. I was fortunate to stumble upon your blog early on (pre-Scrap Orchard days), and I follow you daily. I love reading about your family's antics! Great idea for a book, too. With your down-to-earth, humorous writing style, it might be a good book for you to write!
Ha Ha...I feel that way about never knowing what's going on and my hubby isn't even in the military-LOL! Really love your Word Art...always look forward to see what you've got coming up next! Thanks so much for all the freebies too...they are AWESOME!
I read your blog every morning! I love your wordarts!
Good luck as you finish getting settled!
Thanks for your wonderful site. I don't always get download wordarts, I come to read your blog...lately its been a comfort as my mum was just diagnosed with Colon Cancer that has spread :( I come and read whats going on in your family to get out of mine for a bit.
I have 4 children and understand how busy life can be. Tomorrow our youngest boy is turning 7! Yup he was and still is the best valentines gift a mother can get!
He is very excited to have his indoor minigolfing party and then to take the pictures to the hospital for gramma to see them on the lap top!
Thanks again Bethany for your blog!
Thanks Bethany for sharing your creativity with us all.
Blessed are the angels who walk with us, though we are unaware, Those people who take the time to listen, to understand and care. Blessed are those with unseen halos, earned through deeds of love, For they will always be to us, sweet blessings from above.
Bethany, make sure YOU get to the Dr.'s and get that check-up that is long over due. You take care of yourself cause your family depends on you...God Bless You and Yours! Have a "Happy Valentine's Day!"
Thanks for all the great word art! I love your stuff.
I love your wordart bethany. Glad to hear that you are getting closer to being settled in your new home. I hope I win your giftcard because I just love the stuff you put in your store!
Isn't being a Military wife so much fun? ;) BTW, we use USAA and really like them. Of course, we have no local office here so all of our stuff is done online but they are super nice.
Love the word art, as usual!
Have fun at the dance!!!
Love the birth months!
Thank you Bethany! Your word art is always amazing. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and weekend!
You should write that "when your husband joins the army" book! i know, you don't have the time but you would be a GREAT author!! You have gone thru so much in the short time that i found your blog, you are an AMAZINGLY strong young woman and i am soo proud of you and for you!:) Thank you so very much for sharing your wordart talents!!
oh a Fifties Valentine dance, how FUN!!! i hope you have a GREAT time!!
oh and by the way, PICK ME PICK ME!!! hehe
Have a LOVELY day, my friend and a very SPECIAL holiday too!
Thanks so much for all your lovely word art. Have fun at the dance!
I came across a quote the other day and thought of your talents:
There are things that make me Dad,
you are all of them
Bethany, I enjoy your blog everyday, even the sweet treats you leave us! what an adventure you are on! hang in there with all the unpacking. I know it seems unending. but soon you will unpack your last box!
thanks for the chance to win!
qlt7scrap at cox dot net
Thanks for the word art. I love reading your posts every day. Hope the dance is fun tonight. Our ward is doing a very similar theme...I think its a sock-hop. Thanks again!
I love your WA! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for the word art - expecially with everything else you have to do!!
I love reading your blog ea day. You have a busy, fun life. Thanks so much for all the great wordart you share. Moving is hard but you are kickin it. Good luck with the rest of the boxes. And take some pics at the dance tonight!
I too love reading your blog. It is always full of fun. You know what, my husband also had warts on his foot. He went to the doctor to get them taken care of. $125 later they never went away and multiplied. Aaaah! My dad is retired army and they have tricare west. My mom recently suffered a stroke so we have had to deal closely with them. They have been really good throughout our experience. There is so much to learn about the military. Growing up in it, I still don't really understand it. Hang in there. One of these days it will become second nature. Your wordart is also so awesome!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Valentines post on Feb. 13, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you for the cute word art. You need to add, "See you later, alligator" to the 50's word art pack! LOL!
Thank you for the cute word art. You need to add, "See you later, alligator" to the 50's word art pack! LOL!
I am so feeling your pain...
even after being in the German Airforce for 6 years, being married to a US Army soldier is way confusing and Tricare is one of the worst.
I am so not looking forward to our overseas move from Europe to the US in 3 months...
I just keep telling myself that so many other women manage, so that I should be able to do it too! :)
There are several books about being a military wife (Today's Army Wife is a good one to have, especially if you're an Officer's wife), along with Military Etiquette...and I think The Army Spouses (or Wives?) Handbook. All good to have, cover a lot of things.
I'd have to say, it would do you no good to write that book...it's the Army. Whenever you learn how to do something, they change the way it needs to be done. Seriously. Just get used to it. You'll learn a lot...you'll have dozens of pairs of curtains that never fit the windows in your next house. You'll learn creative packing. You'll learn to set up your house, banking (every time you move, you have to add all new payees, even in USAA, lol), friends, schools, church, etc. You'll learn to do it fast.
Welcome to being an Army wife.
Thank you for the lovely word art today. I think this style is my favorite of the 4 you have done this week.
USAA is the best bank/insurance company ever! We have been with them for 9 years for insurance and stuff and about a year for banking. Very helpful.
Good luck figuring it all out. I am sure that you will find a military wife that can explain it all. But remember this... as soon as you figure it all out, it changes. Yep, thats the military for you. I was in the NAVY but I was single. I am so grateful for that now that I see how hard it is on my friends when the DH or DW deploys.
BTW - I replied to your email a while back... not sure if you got it!
Thank you for the beautiful word art and have a blast tonight! Sounds fun to me! Glad you like the new area you live in and the ward members are treating you well, that's always the worst part for me is fitting into a new ward and finding new friends. Ick. Thanks again!
oh my goodness, those birth month word art's are so cute. it has been fun following your trip to texas. glad you got there safe. thanks for all the cute word art's you create for us. i love each and every one!
Thanks for the awesome word art! I love reading your blog!!
Love the new month wordart. So cute!
count me as another one who thinks YOU should write the "Everything an Army Wife Needs To Know" book...GF, you've got the knack with words and story telling! Luv your blog and your wordart, Thanx for sharing!!!
I love reading each "edition" of the love is in the air every day. I admire all you DO accomplish every day and although I don't comment each day, I do read and enjoy. Thank you :-)
Glad to hear you're settling into your new home and that you're able to do it together as a family. Thanks so much for always having great WA freebies! I love your new slang sets too. Very awesome,lol!
Thanks so much for all the love - the "love" wordart, that is!!
Thanks for all the freebies!! Love reading your blog - it makes my day :)
Thanks for the chance! I always look forward to seeing how life is going in your world. :)
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 13 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 14 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
Hi hon, just wanted to pop in and say BIG cheery hello and glad your all settling in now, and bet you will all have a blast at the dance don't forget those piccies now..hahaha...always the way when we move all the packing unpacking etc but at least now you can all start to relax a little..been to check out your diet info also, thank you for the information..and wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your beautiful word art, being on a disability pension cant get much else and sooo look forward to coming each day to see what your up to and what you have made for us thanks for sharing not only your gifts but your time n talents with us all..a HUGE HUGE HUGZ n happy Valentines day tomorrow from Australia sweetie..
Thanks Bethany, your word art is awesome! I check your blog daily!!I love reading your stories about your family!!
Thanks for the great chance to win...however $10 won't go very far when I want it ALL!!! lol. I know what you mean about the toys, I don't know how many times I've cleaned the bathroom only to go in half an hour later to find that my three year old has once again peed on the back. I know, gross right??!! Even if it stayed clean for a whole day I would be happy hehe
Thank you, Bethany for all the fabulous WA you share. I love reading
your blog!!! Love reading about your new home in Texas. :)
Hi there, I stop by every day to read your stories of life in the army, I love keeping up with you, but I do admit I stay pretty quiet, the chance of a coupon I'll admit it, has brought me out of hiding!
I LOVE your work, but most of all I enjoy "your company" and your ramblings!
I agree with the above comment. Dont bother learning. It ALWAYS changes hahahaha . Just when you think youre all set , nope then they forget a form you need, or invent 3 new ones to replace and old one blah blah blah. Just ride the rollercoaster and enjoy the family. i really like the new word arts... I cant for the life of me remember why Ive fallen and i cant get up meant anything? lol
Bethany, thanks for your generosity. I enjoy reading your blogs each day -- the WordArt is just an extra treat! :) As always, this series is beautiful. I need to find time to do some scrapping and put them to good use! THANK YOU!
Bethany I just love your stuff! Thanks for all you create. I really love the decade word art. what a great idea!!
Thank you so much for all your wonderful art work. Not to many artists just concentrate on word art and it is something we all need. Your work is fabulous.
Wow woman you are very clever - I love your word art - I and this latest lot is absolutely amazing :o)
Love the look of the new blog...it's cute. Im goig to buy the birth month word art now, how adorable are they. Thanks for sharing your amazing talent. Yu truly are a super woman. i don't know how you find the time to do all that you do. have a great valentines day.
Ellana -xxoo-
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