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Monday, July 13, 2009

Falling In Love....Again

OK, I'm all about games :) And clothes - LOL! So, here's my 5 new shirts (well, 6, because the little white shirt under #2, 4, and 6 I bought that day too). Which one is your favorite??? AND, can you believe that I got them all for $24??? See, it pays to shop at Goodwill. I just LOVE that store :)

Here's what you need to do. Leave a comment, and tell me which one is your favorite. Can you guess which one is my favorite??? Or which one is Captain America's favorite??? I'll come back in a few days, and pick a few of you to win WordArt packs! BUT, you've gotta leave your email addresses, or I'll have no way to get a hold of you, so you won't win - hehehe. I'm good, but I'm not that good :) ROFL!

OK, enough of me being vain - LOL! Church was pretty good today. We do have this one kid in prmiary who is Autistic. Asperbergers, I think. He won't stay in class, or in sharing time (the big group part), and runs away constantly. We've talked with the parents, but it hasn't seemed to help that much. We don't quite know what to do. Today, he was brought to his parent, and they returned him to class, and apparently he escaped again. We found him running around in the parking lot 3o minutes later. After we finally got him to his parent, we told the bishop that it wasn't working out. He could come to primary, but only if he either had a parent at all times, or someone else there just to watch him. We were afraid that something bad would happen to him, and we can't be liable for that. Sigh. Just another day in primary leadership.

Other than that, church was good. Well, I guess it was kinda tricky getting to church. Our truck's brakes are having issues. Captain America took Jim, Joe, and I to church in his Saturn, then came back for round 2 with Jake, Eme, and Tom. Shuttling to church was the best we could do - hehehe. I'll have to take the truck to the shop tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be an inexpensive fix.

The rest of the day, we just hung out at home. A nice, relaxing afternoon. We had Mac N Cheese for lunch, and left overs for dinner (LOVE left over night, cause then I don't have to cook :) I watched the season finale of Harpers Island (yeah, didn't see that one coming), and a little bit of Torchwood, season 3 (spin-off of Doctor Who - 1st 2 seasons were REALLY raunchy, so I didn't watch them, but this one wasn't like that).

Monday, we're supposed to go to the pool, but I'm not sure how we'll get there. Maybe between Adela and Katy, they have extra seats in their rigs. I'll have to coordinate that :) I don't wanna be stuck at home all day without a vehicle.

This WordArt request is from Sharon. What a great saying. I thought it would be good for anniversaries, or moms holding kids, or any long term loving relationship pictures (husbands, wives, grandparents, children, etc). Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leaves some love if you like my work. Thanks!!!


Love - Zothique Demo
Falling - Felix Titling MT


Debbie said...

If I were as a cute as you, I would be a little vain as well, lol! #3 is my favorite...#5 is yours...and #1 is Brent's....
BTW, although I don't say it nearly enough, I love your word art!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...


I like outfit number three, think your hubby will like number two and your fav is number 6


Thanks for all the stunning word art

MemoryKeeper said...

I'm excited to be the first to post! You look great!


You can really tell you are staying on program! I am so jealous! But it's a good jealous (the happy kind)!

I like them all. I think Brent loves the skirt and blouse in number 1 you look so beautiful and who can resist?

I think your favorite is #4 where you look super tiny! My favorite is #4 because you look like a model...no way do you look like a mom with 5 kids!

I love your deals! I sometimes can't top the deals you get, but sometimes I CAN....ROTFL!

I would love to offer some suggestions for your little boy with autism if you want to chat.

Email: memorykeepersmail@yahoo.com

Here’s to more happy scrapping, and
Hugs from the heart,

Come scrap your blog with me…
Easy Custom Blogs


MemoryKeeper said...

Well I was first when I was composing the lengthy email....LOL!!!

Bobbi-Lynn said...

love them all, such great deals! But my fav is #2, blue looks so good on you! I bet that is Brent's fav too. I think your fav is #5.
You look great!

kicksmom said...

I love the look of #2 and think Brent likes this one too. I think you would go for #4.


Sarah Barton said...

I think #2 is my favorite. I've seen lots of pics with #5...is it your favorite? I actually am thinking those jeans in #2 and #4 look great! All the pics look good. Maybe I should make a goodwill run:-)

Anonymous said...

My favorite is #4 - absolutely wonderful, and it looks GREAT on you. Your own favorite I think is #5 - jst cuz you used it in yesterday's post. DH then ... hmm ... #3 I guess. Looks sexiest ;)

And thanks for the WA today - great as always!

Sharon Kay said...

Thank you very much!! I love the word art!

Rubypat said...

Love the shirts, Bethany! My favourite is #1; I think #2 is your favourite, and I think #3 is Brent's!

Anonymous said...

I really like #4 - it shows off your great figure and has great color! I think your favorite is #5 - haas a modern look to it. And Brent --- well probably #2 it's a little more dressy looking than 3, 4,& 5 but still young looking.

Man - I can't believe you got them for $24.


Joy said...

I don't see a number 6... but my favorite is #5 and I think #5 is yours and Brent's favs too! :)


TragedyScrapinAnne said...

# 5 is my fave and Brents.
#3 is yours...


thanks for the chance to win,.

*Cornelia* said...

ok I will try too, my and your favourite is #3, brents is #5
was really hard to choose

mail: CPramendorfer@gmx.at

Hugs Cornelia

MandMKoehn_3Kids said...

I like #4, #4 is Brent's too and #2 is your. LOVE your work! All of it is just beautiful! mramos14@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

Cute tops! Regarding the child with Asperger's -- he definitely needs closer supervision. It is unrealistic for the parents to expect that the child can just be dropped off for class without any special arrangements being made for their son. If they prefer not to stay for class, perhaps someone else from church would volunteer. One thing that will really help the child is if you map out at the beginning of class exactly what you will be doing that day. Just a simple statement like "today, first we will have play time, then we will be coloring, and then we will have group time. Finally, we will sing songs together." Children with Asperger's thrive on predictability. I would ask the parent to provide an alternate activity that the child can do during group time. I would as privately as possible tell the child in the beginning of class that while the other children have group time, he can do that activity. Many very successful adults have Asperger's. From personal experience, I think that there is a good chance that this child, by the time he reaches high school, may be one of the easier kids for a teacher to have in class. It is difficult when the children are young though, and everything is new to them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 7 post on Jul. 13, 2009. Thanks again.

Lei said...

My Favorite is #4...yours is #5...and Brent's is #2.


Anonymous said...

My favorite is #4.

Tracey@Aloha Monkeys said...

They're ALL very nice, but my fave is #4. I'm guessing that's also yours and Brent's favorite too =)


Anonymous said...

My favorite & I'm gonna hope your's is too is #5. Brent's favorite is #4.

Crystal Howser said...

My Fave is #1 and I think Brent's fave would be #1 also and your Fave I think is #5.

Brandi said...

OK...I'll play!

My fav...#1
Your fav...#5
Hubby's fav...#4


Thanks for the GREAT wordart!

nachtstern said...

oh my.... would say...
my fav is 3
your fav is 5
Brent's fav is 1
? :)


now that was way hard :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite is #2. Yours is #4 and his is #3?

I *love* when I have a good day at Goodwill! I got a whole bunch of workout clothes there last month for $20...woohoo! :) -Karen


Heidi said...

I'm so jealous of your Goodwill! Mine would a) never have shirts that cute (people here take it all to DI, which marks them to a ridiculous rate) and b) be asking six dollars a shirt if they did have them. I've heard that the Goodwills in other parts of the country are really good, though.

Your favorite and mine are 5. Your hubby's favorite is 3.

*Christie* said...

Lovely! I think your fave is #4 and Brent's fave is #3!

Dawn said...

You are looking great in all of them girl!! If I had to pick I would say #2 is my fav, I really like that shirt!! I would say #5 is your fav and #1 is Brents fav!! I really look forward to your blogging everyday hehe ... I feel like I am one of the girls every time I read about your days!! Thank You!!


Anonymous said...

I would be happy as you are if I would of dropped all those lbs. Looked at the before picture and it dont' even look like you! Seems you are getting prettier all the time. I like #4.
Hubby likes #5 cause the capri's make it look hot! and you like #1. Can't go wrong with black and white. Thanks for posting and I am still waiting to hear what you did with the yeast you bought?? Pigs in a blanket are called KOLACHES..you are a Texan now! LOL
Mary Ann

lorene said...

I think #2 is my fav!!! you look great in all of them, but I will stick with #2 across the board.

thanks for the chance to win!

Lorene H

xashee's corner said...

you know this isn't as easy as you might think!! hehe you are ADORABLE in ALL of them! :)
ok i think i like three the best (shows your little waistline) and you like (couldn't you give us a hint!! lol) #5 and Brent's fav is, um, #2!! lol who knows? i LOVE them all!! :) Thank you soooooooo very much for sharing this FUN AND your AWESOME wordarts!! i scrolled to get yesterday's wa too! Have a MARVELOUS Monday!! :D

nie said...

Gorgeous!! My fave is #4!! IT looks so cool I think! Your fave is the last one(#5).... Brent's fave is the blue shirt?
OH... just my guess...
nyempluk2001[at]yahoo[dot] com

Unknown said...

#2 is my favorite, followed closely by #3. I like the idea of pairing the white shirt under some of them - adds a nice touch! :-)

apenglishthompson [at] gmail.com

Happy Monday!

SAHM said...

I like outfit #3, though the plain white T is also a good find. As for yours - uh, no idea, maybe #5? [I'm never good at these things!]

Thanks for the word art ...


Anonymous said...

We have an autistic child in our primary also and our bishop gave a calling to her dad to be with her. Her dad just sits with his child in class and sharing time. Since this child doesn't understand like the other kids what is being taught, her dad whispers in her ear in simpler terms what is being taught. It works really well for us. He also has a lesson manual and goes over the lesson several times with his daughter before Sunday, so that she can participate if she wants to.

Teri said...

I like #1 best, but I think you like #6 best and Brent probably likes #4. Ok...I don't really know, but those are my guesses!

Teri said...

Well, I meant #5 LOL, not #6. Stupid typos!

Vana63 said...

First, you look adorable in all of them :-) My fav is #2 and I think yours is #4...makes no sense but I think you look most comfortable in that one. And I bet Brent agrees with you for #4 as it makes you look very cute and curvy :-)

Vana63 said...

arghhhh, I forgot to put my email addy in...its Monday right, LOL


Shauna said...

They all look good, but I think #4 looks the best. Love the touch of red in it.


Thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

A few years ago we had a kid in primary that had autism it was my calling to "teach" him. I spent the 2 hours keeping him. we tried class and walked around the building and made paper airplane his fave activity! jusst thought I'd share

Maddie said...

I like #4, isn't di, or in your case, goodwill wonderful! I've gotten all my favorite shirts there, for $4 or under each! Where is the white undershirt from?

Mom2mykids said...

Great deals on the tops! Why can I never find anything that cute when I go thrift shopping? *Stomp!* We had a similar situation with some kids in our Primary a few years ago. The PP talked to the bishop and they called a person to handle the child in question. It worked so well they do it pretty routinely now if that happens again.

Great word art again today! I've been lax about writing a comment here, although I always leave one on 4Shared!

As for the tops! I think Brent likes #5, and you like #4. Maybe. LOL.


Emily Shaw said...

I would say #4 and #5...I love those the best on you. What a fantastic deal though!

Emily Shaw said...

Oops... memilyrae@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

on you i like #3 shows off your nice skinny bod best. #6 makes you look like you got a belly again (just an observation) which is brents fav? hopefully #3 lol.

anyway thats my guess.


Juli and Brett said...

My favorite is #5. I think that #4 is your favorite and #1 is Brent's favorite.

I love your blog Bethany. I don't comment as often as I should, but I read it every day. I don't know how you keep up with five kids and your husband. I don't have kids yet, but my husband keeps me busy enough! =)

Thanks for the opportunity to win some WA. I love your stuff...just don't have the money at the moment.
Anyway, my email is julijewelz@gmail.com


Cherri said...

Hey, I like them all but favorite is #1 I think. Also guess that your fave is 5 and Brents #3. Thanks for all your wordart! My email cherri312@hotmail.com

IkeaGoddess said...

For me it's a tie between #2 & #3. Ever thought about the top from #1 with the jeans?

Amber (bambi64) said...

My favorite is #1. I think your favorite is #3 and Hubby's favorite is #5 (or all of them!)

Have only found your word art a week ago and am loving it! thanks so much.


Denise said...

#2 is my favorite, #1 is yours, and #3 is Brent's. GrannyNKy has it all wrong and you can tell her I said so, lol. richdigigirl @ gmail.com

Ms Kittie said...

If I was as little as you are I would be vain as well, I really like all of the looks but my fav is #1, Brent's #3 and yours is #5. Thanks for the word art!

Corynn said...

Holy Comments! Um, I think you like number 4 , I like number 4 and Brent likes number 5.


Dawn said...

Bethany...a woman after my own heart! GW "Boutique" is the best!!
Hmmm #1 is my fav

thanks again for all your wordart! love it!!


Keitha said...

My fav is #2
yours is #5
Brent's is #3.

Thanks for the great word art!


gloriam224 said...


Anonymous said...

Number 2 is my favorite - a classic look. Don't like number 5 at all. Wear a shorter skirt or a slim skirt with number 1- you have nice legs!

gloriajknight@yahoo.com said...

I prefer #3, I think #3 is Brent's fav, and yours would be #4.

Thank you for the wonderful Word Art that you do. I am new to word art and really enjoy all the topics you do.

Emily said...

Thanks for the great work art!

KSinMT said...

My fav is #3, your fav is #2 and Brent's is #3. I also love #1 so elegant!! Oh well...
I love reading your blog about your family and I love your word art! Keep it up! Kathy

Mari said...

I like #2 best and I am guessing its Brent's favorite. I am also guessing you like #5 best cause its what you wore to that party. #3 is fantastically cool, too! Great job!

The Johnson's said...

It's a toss up for me between #3 & #4. Very nice outfits. I think those would be your's & Brents as well. Can't wait to hear your answers! Fun!! jendanjohnson@hotmail.com

BrownEyedSusan Designs said...

You look good in all of them and I LOVE Goodwill. : ) Brent likes #3 and you like #6 and I love your capris. : ) I can't wear them alot because our work is cold and I get cold ankles. I adore your Wordart and own way to much. Not really I can own more, really I can, I always look forward to your free wordart and when you show us your Fresh Fruit Friday wordart. livingmydash@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

HI Beth, you look good in everything but my fav. & I think Brent's too is #3. I think your fav. is #4.

Jessica said...

I'm going to say you love #3 - because of how your hands are placed lol!

and probably the last one is Brent's fave!

jmutchler said...

oh my gosh...look at all the comments!!!! I think your favorite is #6 and Brent's is #1.

jmutchler said...

duh....make that #5 for yours and #1 for Brent's. It took me so long to get to the bottom that I forgot what the number for the last top. LOL!

You are a hoot and I just love reading your blogs everyday. It's like I've known you for years!

Anonymous said...

I think # 5 is your favorite, and # 3 is Brent's. I like them all--especially #3.

Thanks for all the FABULOUS word art!!


Beth-DSM said...

Hmm.. #4 is my favorite! The cut is sooo flattering! :) I love the shoes you're wearing too!! Uhm..I think Brent likes you in #2 & that #5 is your fave! :D

On a separate note, wasnt sure where to post a wordart request..I sent you an email..hope thats ok!!

Jessica said...

I think #4 is your favorite and hmmm... I think Brent's is #5? #4 is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

My favourite for you is number 4, because the colour combinations are great and you look so slim in it. I'm guessing that you would prefer #5, because it's cute and comfortable. And Brent just might prefer you in #1...you look very pretty. Actually you look terrific in all of them!

Jennifer Dove said...

I think you like #4 the best, My favorite is #5...but your hubby likes #3....oh this is so fun!

Jennifer at just4funcrafts dot com

Unknown said...

Great shirts, all. :) My fave is #2. I'm going to guess Brent's is #3 and yours is #4 (my second fave). Thanks for the great WA, too. :)

Unknown said...

I think #5 is probably your favorite, not sure about Brents , maybe #2. I think that #3 and #2 show off your trim self the best!!!

LOVE your word art...and thank you so much for sharing! Oh, i also love your new header photo - very nice!


Tamma said...

My favorite is #2 and I think Bret's would be #3. You word art is fabulous. Thanks!

Melle1974 said...

I think my favorite is #4 where you look super tiny, absolutely wonderful, and it looks GREAT on you, no way to think you are a mom with FIVE Kids...
Hm, your favorite is #5, and Brent´s is the #3 - i think...
But they are all fantastic! You looks soooo wonderful. I´ve only a Mom of Four and i wish i would look so good!


Anonymous said...

#3 is my favorite, and I think that would be Brent's favorite too. I think #5 is your favorite.

Tanya said...

My fav is #5 and i think that #5 is your favorite too! i think Brent likes #3 =) TanyaH666@yahoo.com

Michelle said...

I'm guessing that 6 is your favorite and that your hubby's fav is #3. My favorite is #4....I like the shape.
BTW, you look fabulous!!

mnhub-junk at yahoo dot com

Sharon-shutterbug said...

I'd say Brent's is #3 (it shows off your girlish figure the most), yours is #5 (seems like your style), and mine is definitely #2.

They all are great though - what a find!!

sorzy (at) wideopenwest.com

Jewelle said...

They are all very pretty shirts, but I like #4. I'm also gonna guess that is YOUR favorite. You can e-mail me at jubeejewels6(at)msn(dot)com

Anna said...

#4 and #1 are the best for you!!!
Love your blog - Love your wordarts!

Anna said...

Oops - my e-mail is annabrettj at hotmaildotcom

Sue - Texas said...

I like # 5. The colors look great on you even though they ALL look great. You're just so beautiful. ;-)

Unknown said...

I love #4...too cute! I am guessing that you love #5 and Brent #2. Thanks for letting us play. BTW--I love your blog...I read it with my coffee every morning--you make me ROFL most days and start my day off with a smile. Thanks for sharing your life with us--it is a blessing. (And your word art rocks too!)


Dana said...

Well, you look awesome in all of them but I love #1! GL!

Unknown said...

My favorite #2
Your favorite #3
Brent's favorite #4 (I got my hubbie's advice on this one. lol!)


Kali said...

ok i forgot to leave my email addy it wouldnt let me sign into google

I chose #3 as the one i think looks best on you, and brents fav didnt like #6

email addy is oneclassiclady@shaw.ca


Kali said...

on you i like #3 shows off your nice skinny bod best. #6 makes you look like you got a belly again (just an observation) which is brents fav? hopefully #3 lol.

anyway thats my guess.


kabouchon said...

OK, here is my guess.
yours is #5
Brent's is #4
mine is #3!


Sharon Kay said...

Guessing your fave is #5 and Brent's is #1. Forgot to guess yesterday.

amsangel said...

I like #2 - my fave color of the bunch, but they are ALL awesome!

You like #4 - it's a little nutty, just like you (it's a good thing, tho!)

Brent likes #5 - it looks slippery. I feel safe in saying guys like the slippery outfits ;)

You look awesome in all of them and I think I need to go to Goodwill now...

amsangel said...

oy, forgot the email!

I like #2

You like #4

Brent likes #5

mrsiems (at) gmail

amsangel said...

OK, one more thing... I was skimming the other posts and one near the top says pigs in a blanket are KOLACHES. Where I come from, OK my Czech heritage, says KOLACHES are bread-y treats with jam in them. Or poppyseed filling.

I just found this "The term "koláč" in the Czech language simply means any of a variety of cakes, but Americans use "kolache" to refer to specific types of pastry (the small pastry with filling in the center indentation, or a larger roll with meat and cheese inside)." I think they might taste better with meat and cheese in them!! I might have to try it and tell Grammie about it too as I'd never heard of putting meat and cheese in that dough! Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Wiseman Photography said...

Like them all honestly...I mean come on I love anything from the GW Boutique and the Salvation Army too. I believe you have found some fabulous finds there. I would have to say that my fav is the 5th one and probably is yours too. As for Brents I will say #3..don't really know but either way. You got a deal and they all look great on you. Who says you have to have $5000 dollars to buy a new wardrobe. Clinton and Stacey (WNTW) better watch out!!! LOL

Lisa said...

I like #3 and I think your DH does as well. I think you like #5. Thanks for a chance!

Lisa said...

oops I forgot my e-mail:

Kim Sandling said...

I love #2, and I think Brent likes #4. Thanks for sharing you and your talents!

Kim Sandling said...

Oops! Forgot my email. kim@sandling.org

a said...

Thanks to Everyone who commented!!! If you left your email address, I sent you an email! If not, I'm so sorry :(

Anyway, the CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. Any comments after this point will not be rewarded. Appreciated, but not rewarded - LOL!

Rachel said...

Hi Bethany - love your blog - I read it everyday!
My guesses on your fav is #5, Brent's is #4 and My Fav is #5.
You haven't said lately how the diet is going, but judging by the pictures, you are doing fabulous!
Thanks again for all the free word art - I love it!

Unknown said...

Oooh! I think #4 is my fav. It is pretty hip and shows off your figure! I'm so lovin your blog! I sent you a comment yesterday saying this was the first time I've been to it. I can't stop coming back! I keep finding myself browsing through. However, I'm having problems. It says that there is an "error on the page" and it won't let me view some of it. Oh well, you're still fabulous!

TAmara Bennett

Lois B said...

I like #2, it really is flattering to you.


Unknown said...

Hmmm, I like them all, but having trouble deciding between #2 & #5...Ok, my fave is #2, Your fave is #5, & Brent's is #2....Love your wordart, Hun :) dara.ann@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

First let me say that you don't look like a Mom of 5! My favorite is #5, I think Brent's favorite would be #1, and I think #5 is also your favorite. Hope I'm not to late, Kim kimscrapping@gmail.com

Rose said...

Ok, I'm a little late, but I'm here just the same! My favorite is #2 or #4, I think Brent's is #3 and I think your fave is #5. Love your art! Plus it helps that you're hilarious so I love reading your blog :)

Alicia said...

My favorite is #2 but then blue is my favorite color. I think Brent will be happy with whatever you pick. :)


Unknown said...

my favorite is #4, with no doubt !!!!! and... I love your wordarts ;o))

Arianna said...

My fave is #4 and I think it's your fave too.
Brent probably likes #5 the most, but without the white shirt... ;-P

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the word art

Anonymous said...

You are adorable. My fave is 4. I think I would like 5 without the white shirt.

Stathis Five said...

#3 is my favorite and #5 is yours and # 2 is Brent's. Thanks for your word art. I Love it.

Anonymous said...

love #3 - yes, if after 5 kids and I looked like you - I would certainly be a smidgen vain - we are allowed!

Heather said...

I would say that Brent's favorite is 4. I would say your favorite is 5. I like 2 and 5. Very cute shirts. gilroy4me@yahoo.com

melliel said...

I really love your wordart. Says what I want but more elegantly. I think this would be good for a page about our upcoming 40th anniversary. Thanks for sharing.

Mincrisar said...

wonderful wordarts!! i love all of them

Vera said...

Simply beautiful. Thank you :)

benziengirl said...

I usually post my thank you's on 4shared, would you rather see them on your site? Thanks for the word art...I like all of the tops, but #3 and #4 are especially cute! You look the most confident in #3...let's face it, you'd have a hard time making a shirt look ugly!