Last night, I was all ready to post the freebie for today, then realized that it was Memorial Day, and I should have something appropriate. Do you know how many really awesome soldier/fallen hero quotes there are? A TON! The first one I picked because I like the song, and the 2nd one I picked because....well... just read the quote and you'll LOVE it too!
Today, at 3:00pm EST, there will be a moment of silence to remember those fallen heroes we are so grateful for. Remember what Memorial day is really all about :)
Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

yeah, gonna have to get to this later :) sorry!
Thank you for todays wordart. The first one was the song sang at my husband and sons memorial service
in Germany in 1988. I have yet to scrap it. Really need to.
The second will
be perfect for a layout of my USAF
husband for as a memorial page. I
have been looking for the perfect wordart for a picture of him in uniform for 5 years. I now have it.
Thank you once again for sharing your talent with me.
Thank you so much! Today's word art brought a lump to my throat. We appreciate all those who serve to keep us free!!
Thank you! Lee Greenwood's song always makes me cry. I am so thankful to those who protect us. Thank you for making this quote.
I thank youf ro sharing this phrase. I'm a military wife and this wil make a good wording for a pictures. Also for one of my FIL that has pass. He was also in the military and I will totaly use. Thank you all for the good comments for the military man as my husband. We are very proud of him and all tha serve with him.
For the military family thank you also for supporting them and being behind them 100%.
Have a great week to all and blessings.
I liked your freebies and I just had to include it into my favorite 10 Memorial Day freebies on Digital Scrapbooking Source
Keep up the great work!
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