So, after sitting on this for almost 2 weeks (hey, it was 2 weeks today :) .....
I started on the coffee table, but the pieces weren't all right. Have you ever had that happen to you? You buy a piece of furniture that needs assembled, and whoever made it, didn't do it right? On my coffee table, some of the holes are in the wrong place. Geeze. But, I think my hubby can fix it. Gotta love 'em :)
We ended up getting our couches from a store on Dyer St called Furniture Factory Warehouse. You know, some of the other stores we walked into, the sales people were ALL over us the whole time. It was a little annoying. But not this place. When we were ready to ask questions, we actually had to TRACK someone down. Very low pressure sales approach - hehehe. But, it worked well for us :)
The couches we picked out were on clearance (woohoo!). The sofa was $469 and the loveseat was $399. It's fake leather, and very comfy. I bought a few accent pillows at Big Lots, and am SO pleased with them :) Oh yeah, the coffee table and end table/magazine rack came from Big Lots too. I just LOVE Big Lots :)
After looking back up at my picture of my couches, I think it needs an area rug, don't you :) I feel a trip to Wal-Mart coming on - LMBO! But only AFTER I unpack a few things. And move all the crud into the garage. Remember the embarassing picture of all the boxes outside my house? Yep, there still there. My hubby is slightly freaking out about how tacky and bad it looks. OK dear, we'll move it into the garage today :) I promise :) And I'll unpack some stuff. But just some. I wouldn't want to cheat myself out of the JOY of unpacking for weeks to come - spread the joy, that's it. That's what I'm doing :) ha!
And thanks to all of you who offered ideas on places to look for stuff. Freecycle was one of my FAVORITE sites back in Chicago and Ohio. I need to sign up with the El Paso one :) And I've been stalking Craigslist too :) My sister's sends me good stuff on there from time to time. I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for stuff :) And that military one was really cool too. I think the one here is called Ft.BlissYardSale, or something like that. Good stuff there too :)
And, I'm gonna get around to trying some of the solutions you all offered about the crayons/sharpies/pencils on the walls, but not today. And maybe not tomorrow :) hehehehe. Remember, I'm gonna unpack something - LMBO!
And, before I give you my freebee for the day, do you wanna see my new stuff in the store???? It's ALL Valentines stuff. And, sad to say, I think I had WAY too much fun making the Attitude ones. I know, I'm bad :)
Click on the WordArt packs below to go to my store, and remember, you can pick up the WordArt packs for 20% 0ff (that makes a regular 4 pack only $2.00) for the first week.

And, on to your Freebee :) This is from a Primary song that the little kids at church sometimes sing, and that I regularly sing to my kids :) Because it is so true. Kindness really does begin with "me". How much brighter would our days be if we started the "brightness" by being kind, and happy, even when we don't feel like it. We might even trick ourselves into being happy - LOL!
So, click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Kindness - LokiCola
Kindness - LokiCola
Thanks for the great wordart!
Your sofa's look great, I am glad it's all coming together for you. I love how you always have such a positive attitude. What a great example to set for your children.
LOVE the new couches!!! i tend to buy from the lower pressure stores too!
Don't ya just LOVE Big Lots!? hehe
i LA LA LOVE your wordart and thank you so much for sharing!! Hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend! :D
Love the new furnture! Yes I think an area rug would be good but this comes from a woman who doesn't wear shoes around the house. You have to free the feet! lol I digress, thank you for the lovely word art. Have a great weekend.
I just discovered your blog and I love your word art. Thank you for sharing it! Kathy
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 06 Feb [LA 08:01pm, NY 11:01pm] - 07 Feb [UK 04:01am, OZ 03:01pm] ).
This is a lovely freebie; thanks for sharing!
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