Church was good today :) I substituted for the 7 year old class, which my daughter is in. We had fun together :) It was a good bunch of girls (4 of 'em).
We went on a family "stroll" before dinner. It was nice and relaxing - what a nice family activity. All in all, it was a nice Sunday! AND, there was a thunderstorm last night - holy cow! It NEVER thunders on the coast. It needs a cold front and a WARM front (which we have very little of - ha!), but conditions seemed to be just right tonight. We only get 2-4 a year. After coming from the midwest for 4 years, I'd say we get just a few more than that! hehehehehe.
This WordArt request is from Jacquie. I'd never thought of doing something like this, but thought it would be good on cards and such. Hope you like it!
Click on the image below to got to my 4shared account to download the png file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

FONT: Primrose JF
My naming suggestion: Words of Wisdom
how about "success stories"?!
how about "Posamistic"
a combo of positive & optomistic! ;)
Naming Suggestion: Ambition
Positive Thoughts is my suggestion
How bout "Go For the Gold" word art since we're all in Olympic mode right now & these are mostly about achieving your goals?
How about "Carpe Diem" or "Sieze the Day". One of my favorite sayings. ;-)
Thank you for the Word Art. It will look great on a card.
My name suggestion is Encouraging Words or Encouraging Wordart.
Your work is fantastic! I am lost without your wordart.
My suggestion is:
"Excellence WordArt Pack"
I also like "Achieve WordArt Pack"
Take care,
Jody H.
Thanks for all you wonderful word art shares.
Attainment WordArt Pack
Motivation WordArt Pack
My suggestion is "sweet success"
How about "Success through Strife", or "Greatness through Trial", or something like that? "Attain Greatness", "Success in Learning"?
eXtra Yz Word Art
Here is a few that popped in my mind right away:
Try Again WordArt pack
Starting Over WordArt pack
and this one - Journey to Success WordArt pack since they are all steps on the journey.
"Lift me up" Wordart Pack
Thanks for the WA! I'm sure I'll get a lot of use out of this one!
How about
Words of encouragement
Think Positive!
Words to live by
my suggestion: ''for the future''
My suggestion is
"I think I can, I think I can"
Life ... what you make it
What about "You can do it" ?
As I speak french I don't have many opportunities to fit english quotes in my layouts but I just love to come daily to see your work! Thanks for sharing...
great job! my name suggestion is failing wonderfully (instead of miserably like the saying normally goes...) :) my favorite quote is Failure is the fertilizer to success... maybe an idea for your word art in the future??? :)
How about calling it "Keep Your Chin Up?" It's charming!
Words of wisdom word art
As for you and your giving I woul;d say'
Leah T.
what about "Granny's wisdoms"?
Thanks for your wonderful WAs again! *hugs*
"Standards of Success" is the first one that came to mind.
How about 'Inspiring Success'
How about Words for Success or Thoughts for Success/ Words (or Thoughts) to Succeed. or Believe and Achieve!
Thanks for the word art, Bethany!
How about a simple title: "Success"...I think that embodies it in one simple word.
good luck!
i've had another thought [similar to my 1st ;) ]
"Positively Optimistic"
What about STRIVE!! Love your work!!
How about "Positivity!"
Thanks for your wonderful word art. My name suggestion is "You can Succeed" or "The Road to Success"
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 19 Aug [LA 12:00am, NY 02:00am, UK 07:00am, OZ 05:00pm] ).
My son's school motto is Strive, Believe, Achieve. How does that fit?
My suggestion "Aim High"
I am glad I don't have to make the decision - there are some awesome suggestions here.
First title to come to mind is *POSITIVELY SPEAKING* WordArt by Bethany
Linda :)
I am enjoying your site and your archives. I have been snagging the word art that applies to families, babies and children to use in my "Esperando Juntas" group pregnancy care room. I will try to get some of them translated into Spanish as well. Thank you so much!
I suggest "The Road to Success"
My suggestion is "Directional Dreams". I love your WA!! Thank you!
How about "Words to Live By"
Jamie N.
How about:
Opportunity Achieves Success wordart pack
Highs and Lows Wordart pack
Secrets of Determination
Ze zijn allemaal even mooi , bedankt!
I make my own cards and this word art will be fantastic to use on the "Get Well" cards - thanks!
I love the word art for get well cards, love the swirlyness (is that a word) of it all. Am I misunderstanding that there are more but I can't seem to find them or are the others on your group to sell? Thank you.
This is beautiful, Thanks for sharing!
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