Oh wow. I don't know if I'm gonna survive this round of trainings. hehehe. Yesterday was the LONGEST 24 hours I can remember :) "Johnny" came to visit, and I was just feeling "blah" all day long. Do you ever get that way??? I felt like a moody teenager all day long - LMBO! I'm sure hoping that today is better.
I did watch the 1st session of General Conference, which was wonderful. I somehow missed the 2nd session. I was designing and listening to the Twilight soundtrack after conference, and must have lost track of time - hehehe. I'll go back and either read it when it comes out, or watch it online.
I think part of my problem was that I was on the computer WAY too much. I just felt "sad", so I kept trying to find things online to do to distract myself. No, it didn't really work - hehehe. I guess I did do a few productive things. I cleaned my room. Now I really sound like a moody teen. LMBO! So now, Jimmy's room, Jake's room, Tom's room, and my room have been gone through, and are presentable for someone to come and pack us up. That's the last thing I need, is to have movers pack up garbage papers, broken toys, and general "messy kid room" crap, and bring it to the new house - ROFL!
I got all of my WordArt packs designed for the week. 3 that are the new style, like yesterdays WordArt. Distressed Family, Distressed Home, and Distressed Kid WordArt packs. And that's in referrence to the style, not the family/home/kid. I know you were thinking it - hehehe. The other 2 are Smile WordArt Packs. One is regular, and one is Linear. They're pretty neat :) Those are released on Friday, but I have to have them done by Wednesday. I'm ahead of the game, there :) Woohoo!
Captain Americacalled last night. He'd made it to Ft. Benning. Sounded like he had a great trip. He stopped at a few Civil War history sites. I'm pretty sure he doesn't read these posts, so I'm safe to say I'm glad he did it on his trip - LMBO! I'm not the history buff that he is. Although I do enjoy seeing how happy seeing places like that makes him. I'm happy that he's happy. But then, I can be happy that he's happy when he's back home telling me about it - ROFL. But shhhhh, don't tell him. I woudln't want to hurt his feelings :)
Another reason I felt crazy yesterday was that on Friday night, the kids and I ate a WHOLE bag of Hersheys Chocolate Eggs. Yeah, most of that was me - hehehe. SO, I had a chocolate withdrawl headache today. LUCKILY, I have migrane medicine, so it was gone within an hour of starting, but still. I was in a drug stuppor on top of "Johnny-fied", and chocolate withdrawl-ed. SO, to make it all better, I ate a tube of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for dinner. Really. And guess what? I didn't make me feel better. Surprising. Remind me not to do that again. I just felt sick afterwords. Sigh. I'm a slow learner, sometimes :)
So, to complete my moody teenager day, I decided to put on the "emo music" soundtrack that is "Twilight", start reading "New Moon" (because Bella is depressed, I feel depressed, misery loves company, that kind of thing - she's missing Edward, I'm missing Captain America (and Edward - ROFL!!)), and stay up until the wee hours of the morning.
Today had BETTER be better :)
So, in keeping with my Sunday faithbooking freebie, here's a WONDERFUL scripture that I found. I know that Heavenly Father can help me have a better day today. And I'm sure he will :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG files, and leave some love if you like my work ;)

Possible - AL Verdigris (you can buy it at 2Peas)
Thanks for the wordart. It's so nice of you to share with us.
Hey.....Didn't you say you were starting your diet? Don't make me fight this battle alone!!!
I love today's word art!
Thank you! :)
i am sure EVERYONE gets that way sometimes! just blah! sure hope today is better for you too! :)
So glad Brent got there safe and sound!!
Thank you so very much for sharing your AWESOME wa!! i LOVE it! :) and it's soo true too! ;) Have an AWESOME day, Bethany! :)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! Thank you!
Sounds like your diet gets sabotaged like mine...LOL--I always say, "Maybe tomorrow."
Glad you are caught up for your busy week. Moving is such a pain.
I think I just needed to see todays word art.....good reminder. As to your life, diet and moving, well it sounds like you just described my life!!! LOL Hang in there.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 05 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 06 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Love the WA! And love that font! I went to try to buy it and can't find it at all :( Thank you so much for your generosity...and all things really are possible!! Hugz
Thanks so much for sharing all of the wonderful word art. Now if only I could find the time to use it all! :-)
I know how you feel -- especially being on the computer too much! Beautiful word art! Thank you!
Isn't that the truth?!? Thank you!
This is so beautiful!
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