Big Lots gave me cash back, since I used my Debit card to pay for the items the first time, so I was walking around with a wallet full of cash. Sigh. I hate using cash. It goes WAY too fast. I also went to the Commissary (army grocery store) to pick up a few things. The prices there are lower than even WalMart on food, I've decided. I usually pay $6.50 to $7.00 for a bag of Splenda, but the Commissary had it for $5.00. Apples at WalMart were $1.39 a pound (and they looked real nasty), but the Commissary had them ALL flavors for $0.89 - $0.99 a lb. And they looked really good.
I picked up a few things, and went to the "self checkout". I didn't know this when I first went there, but you're supposed to tip the baggers. I'm not crazy about that. There's even signs on the wall (I noticed them this time) that says that the baggers work for tips only. So, I figured that if I did the self checkout, I'd by-pass the tipping. I know, I'm cheap. But, I figured that if I'm driving across town to save a few bucks on groceries, I shoudln't waste the savings on paying someone to do what I can certainly do for myself. But that's just my take on it. No offense to those who work as baggers at the Commissary. I'm sure lots of other patrons will let you bag their groceries.
I think I finally have all of my tax info. I'm SO not looking forward to doing them this year. I usually do them myself, and enjoy every minute of it. I know, I'm a freak. LOL! But, I think tonight is tax night. I'm gonna look at mine, and work on my mom's for a while. So MOM, call me tonight, and we'll play!!!
I missed Lost last night, so I'm gonna watch it today. I SO love that the big networks post their programing on the internet. It's so handy with my crazy schedule. I also need to go back and watch Medium, Chuck, Fringe, Life, and Lie to Me. Hmmm, maybe I watch a little bit too much TV...... nah!!!!
Woohoo!!! I have 6 new WordArt packs in the store this Friday. BUT, I'm giving you all the links to the store a day early. Aren't you lucky??? You betcha! Ha! Kami from Scraporchard and a few of my CT recommend and that I try a new style of WordArt. More grungy and typewriter-ish. Not quite sure if I captured the look they were gunning for, but I liked how they turned out :) I'm liking the grungy style :) Hope you guys do too!
Remember, the first week, all my new products are 20% off. So, each of these WordArt packs are $2.00. Click on the image below to go to my "secret" store - LOL!

And, since I'm made SO much grungy WordArt for sale, I thought I'd make you guys one as a freebee. Here ya go! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)
Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.
I remember when my husband was in the Air Force, he was NOT an officer, and he was forced to work at the commissary bagging groceries, just so we would have extra grocery and milk money for our kids! That,s why its sorta important to tip.
No, I totally understand that the people who work there work for tips. And just because my hubby is an officer doesn't mean that he makes a ton of money. We don't have enough to pay the bills as it is. We have a house in Chicago going into forclosure. We still have to pay the bills here. We have 5 children. Life is expensive. If I can save $5.00 here or there, it really helps. I'm capable of bagging my own groceries, and the Commissary gave me the option of doing so by installing the self-checkout lane. If I went the regular lane, I'd pay the tip, or bag my own groceries. I woudln't knowingly short someone of their tip.
But if I was in charge, I don't think I'd have baggers. That's just me :)
First... Love today's wordart!!! You're the best!
I'm a military wife and I shop often at the commissary. I'm not too impressed with the produce selection here, but as always the meat selection and prices are great! Over the years (14+ years) I have seen the saving the commissary offer really decrease.
As for the Baggers... I have the same feelings as Bethany. I normally tip a dollar or two for $150 to $200 in groceries. I know that doesn't sound like much but I figure that if they were to bag six or so an hour they would be close or over minimum wage which what I made as a bagger in High School.
I missed LOST last night too. I'll be watching it on the TIVO with hubby tonight.
P.S. Fringe is off the air until April. Guess they're taking a little break.
You were right to use self checkout if you didn't want to tip.
I work in an profession where my tip is at least half of my hourly income. I don't understand how people can take advantage of me by not tipping. I say that if you can't afford the tip, don't use the service. I appreciate you being thoughtful!
I like the new style!
Karen from Moscow
i think the bagger thing depends on a lot, i use them all the time because it's worth the convenience to me. but if it's not to you, then it's not. living overseas i'm hit or miss with the commissary's produce. even during the strike at the grocery stores in so cal the produce didn't look as bad as it does sometimes at the commissary. plus, i like the organic options in germany. and i hate to bring this up, but splenda... blech. you might want to do a little checking for yourself on what they do to splenda to make it a diet sweetener. if you're not using it b/c of diabetes you might want to use raw sugar instead (bonus, it's cheaper than splenda and still has the good enzymes intact unlike white refined sugar). if someone is diabetic, stevia is super expensive but the best for that as it helps the person start producing their own insulin.
my DH is enlisted, but i know officers don't make all kinds of money - and i think anyone with 5 kids struggles to keep their head above water $ wise.
thanks for the great wordart, it'll definitely get some use from me (and it goes nicely with your other military ones i picked up at scrap orchard).
If your in the self-check line thats one thing but most of those guys are enlisted and probably need the money. Save $$ how ever you can if that's how it is.
The Commissary also stocks items that our regular stores don't! for example: out here in so. Calif. i have NEVER seen Tastykakes stocked but knew someone on base who could buy them for me there!! sTraNgE!! :)
OH we watched Lie to me, last night for the first time and LOVED It! hehe
Your wa packs are WONDERFUL!
Thank you so very much for sharing your work too!! LOVE your wa!
Have a BEAUTIFUL day! :)
Like the grunge, but also myself well enough to say "also like the slightly elegant stuff." :-)
Also, re tipping - I read a funny the other day. A guy was paying for dinner and his date offered to leave a tip - she asked how much she should leave. He said "How about $4.50" [about 10%] - she told him he was being stingy, left $10, and refused to date him again. His comment was "it was her money, how did I know she wanted me to suggest 20%? I would've tipped 15 as the service was okay, but she'd just gone on about being a starving student hoping to make ends meet this month." I had to laugh - he thought he was being a gentleman - she thought he was being a meanie. :-)
And I used the coupon - after about 15 minutes of deliberation. Hubby thought it was funny watching me "widdle down" to one. :-) Glad I made his day - LOL!
I love a good typewriter font, can see the benefits of grunge, but will miss it if you ditch the elegant stuff altogether. My scrapping is to make my memories just a titch more beautiful than they probably really were ;)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Feb. 19, 2009. Thanks again.
LOVE the wordart today! You are so talented!!!
In my country tipping is discouraged so this is all new to me. However when I have travelled I never know if I am suppossed to tip or not tip. Its great that you get the signs and the options. Love todays WA too.
Thanks, Bethany! This will be perfect for a page of my sister who is being deployed in April.
Wonderful! Thank you very much!: )
Love love those new wordart packs... oh many choices now!
Thank you so much :)
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