SO, here goes...
Joe at Scouts - LOVE the eyes

Joe's crappy car. Sorry, Joe. It was an "out of the box" kinda car. As in, take it out of the box, slap on some wheels, and a sticker, glue a few pennies on the end.....

I think Jake was still in bed when we were taking those...
Captain America and I right before the Ball

If I'm bored, one of my favorite pasttimes is taking weird photos of myself..... OK, so you know I'm weird now....

Happy Easter :) Hope it was a nice occasion for everyone! We slept in, and it was SO nice. I rolled out of bed at around 9:30 or 10am, since it was General Conference. Our church service is broadcast from Salt Lake City, Utah, twice a year, and this was one of those times. It's a chance to hear from the prophet, and the leaders, and I really enjoy it. Plus the fact that we can watch it on the internet is WONDERFUL. Church at home in your jammies is always a plus - hehehe.
We turned on Conference, and cooked breakfast for the kids while listening. Pancakes and fruit and scrambled eggs. Then Captain America and I stuffed jelly beans into plastic eggs for the egg hunt we'd planned between Morning and Afternoon session of conference. Plus a few eggs with pennies inside. I know, we're big spenders - hehehe.
Between session, Captain America took a nap, and I did whatever I did, and the kids played with their new toys, and it was just a lazy Sunday afternoon. Conference came back on from 2-4, then we cooked some Mashed Potatoes as our side for Easter dinner, did our Egg hunt (after conference rather than between sessions), got all ready, and headed to Hilarys house for Easter dinner.
Captain America and her hubby, Paul, got to hang, and Hilary and Laurie and I hung. And all 12 of our kids. It was SO crazy. Dinner was good. It was ham, and potatoes, and Lauries DIVINE fresh green bean casserole, and baked beans, and rolls. Mmmmmm, good.
For dessert, Hilary made homemade strawberry shortcake, with home whipped whipped cream. OMGosh it was good. I think I'm ready to re-commit to the diet on Monday. SUPER ready.
We got home at 8:30pm, and put the kids to bed by 9pm. All in all, it was a great day :) Warm and sunny and nice. Gotta love springtime!
SO, I was thinking that I wanted to give you all this WordArt, and have you guys make "about me" layouts. Cause they're always fun. And I like group participation - hehehe. SO, here ya go. I'll provide the WordArt, and you provide the rest. Just post, in the comments section, a link to whereever your hosting your layout :) Sound good ?]
And yes, I know that "bestest" isn't proper English. I'm going for cute and quirky here.... just go with it :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks~

Really fun pictures and I'm so glad you had a lovely Easter.
Okay, your remark about the links to layouts where your wordart was used, made me look through my layouts... Seems I've forgotten some links. So, even if it's not (yet) about this particular wordart, maybe you'd like some others in action. ;)
And thank you for the new wordart!
Sounds like Tigger! ;)
Here goes:
Wash his face:
Wasting time:
Love Chocolate:
Time stands still:
Quality time:
Okay, that's it for now.
I do hope you liked them a bit.
Happy Easter!
Great job, Dinphy!!! LOVE those layouts :)
Love the Word Art, the pictures, and hearing about your Easter! I missed most of conference because we had non-LDS family in town and spent Friday night, Saturday, and some of Sunday with them. We got two Easter dinners, though, and I didn't have to cook all weekend (score!)! I wondered if you have any Twilight themed word art? I looked around and didn't see any ... we went to Forks over spring break and I just wanted to use some word art on a couple of the layouts if there's any out there ... plus I know you love Twilight, so ... !!
LOL You are so funny Bethany!! Love all the funny photos. Thanks as always for the WA
Here's some for ya!
Left you something at my blog.
Tom looks soooo handsome in his footy jersey!
We have our egg hunt on Saturday too. Kinda don't want to step on Gods toes, if ya know what i mean lol
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank you for sharing. Love the photo's, reminds me of my niece!
hehehe, it's official...I love your wordart and now I luv u..gotta luv a crazy girl who likes to have fun!
thanks for the smiles and your kind sharing!
Loved all the pictures!!!!!! Especially the crazy ones. I used to have to bribe my nieces and nephews with 1 silly pic for every serious one. Too funny!!!
Thanks for the freebies!!!!!!
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