So, Wednesday was a "don't leave the house" day. Do you ever have those? Where you stay in your jammies ALL day long. It's fabulous, every once in a while. hehehe. Too often, and it starts to create emotion troubles - ROFL! So, my UPS package was set to arrive on Wednesday, so I coudln't leave the house. Jacob's homeschool computer was arriving. I decided to spend the day cleaning. But first, I wanted to finish off my Twilight Fan Fiction I was reading. It only had 4 or 5 more chapters, so I figured it wouldn't take that long. Goodness! Those were the longest chapters ever. I didn't get finshed until after lunch! Then, I found out that it was a work in progress. Drat! I hate to have a story unfinished.
Joe was playing with the big kids and the neighbor boy, and ended up getting hurt. I told Joe that he shouldn't play with this boy, because he's too old to be playing with a 6 year old. The kid needs to play with kids his own age. Anyway, I don't know what exactly they were doing, but they were screwing around, and Joe got hurt. Not on purpose, but hurt none the less. Check out the MASSIVE goose egg on poor little Joe's head. This is right before we iced it. It grossed out the other boys. I figured that as long as it went out and not in, he was good. He was a little worried about starting school on Monday with it looking this way. I think it'll just be a bruise by Monday. I hope....

I cooked Mac N Cheese for the kids for lunch, and it felt TOALLY wrong to be serving it on a day that wasn't Sunday after church. We've had that for lunch every Sunday since we moved on post. I don't know why, but we have - isn't that funny :) I'm a creature of habit, I guess.
So, the computer came, and I cleaned for a little while. I did 3 cycles of the dishwasher and a drain rack and 2 dish towels worth of dishes. I know, I know. That's a lot of dishes. I'll try and keep up with them better from now on :)
I organized a tiny bit in the kitchen, then decided to go finish designing for the week. I already had 3 WordArt packs done, so I only needed 2 more. I ended up making 3 more. Overachiever, I know - LOL!
Then, I watched some Orientation videos for Jakes School. I'll never get those 2 hours back, no matter how hard I try. SO boring. It taught me how to send an email. Really? And use a forum. Yeah, like I don't use those every day (insert sarcasm). OH well. I guess they're trying to get everyone on a level playing field. I just have one more to watch. Being safe on the internet. Sigh. Maybe it'll be faster than the other 2. We'll see. I'm not holding my breath.
I'm coming out on Friday with a new WordArt Pack that highlights the most popular baby names from 2008. They look VERY similar to the WordArt below. Giant first letter of their names in a scripty font, then the name. I had SO much fun making them, I thought I'm make you guys up a freebee in the same vain. Hope you enjoy!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Ooh what fan fiction are you reading? Your last reccommendation was fantastic :D
Loving the wordart!
thanks for the share=)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 12 post on Aug. 20, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 20 Aug [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 21 Aug [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Yikes! Poor little guy. I hope the swelling goes down super-fast & that by Monday there won't even be a bruise!
Love your work & love the blog :) thanks for sharing with us!
Love it :) Thanks.
Your work is always so amazing! Thanks for the freebies. I need my kids names like the names you put out--they are gorgeous. However, like my name, they are not names you would find on pencils or wordart! lol Thanks again
I found out recently about texting to emails too. I send myself texts as reminders, or notes about things I need to look into more like new books.
You've got me hooked on the Twilight Fan Fictions too. It's been a few weeks since I read an actual book.
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