So, how was everyone's Mother's Day? Fabulous, I hope!!! I had a nice day, with my kids being very attentive, and loving :) My 10 year old wanted to make sure that I had everything I needed all day long. What a sweet boy! And, we had a family with some teenagers sit by us at church, and help with Jim (2) and Joe (4), so I could actually listen to the talks! My husband sits up front, so some days it's tricky to contain 5 kids for an hour in a pew at church by myself :) But, as my hubby always tells me, I have super mom powers (hehehe).
This WordArt request is from Sharon, and I LOVE the way it turned out! I also made one for "future" eagle scouts, which would apply to ANY boy in scouts. or younger siblings. Heck, I could even make up a page with my daughter at Scouts with this WordArt. Wouldn't that be cute :) Hope all of you enjoy!!!
Click on the images below to download, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Thank you so much for all of your wonderful word art. I have many many of your freebies and recently purchased some of your sports/family packages. I am trying so hard to come up with something for a thank you page in our softball scrapbook for our coach. I have a great picture of him and would like to let him know how much we appreciate him taking his time and sharing it with our children. Is there anything that you have or could make? I would greatly appreciate your insight! Thanks so much Karie,
Oh Bethany!!! Thank you so very much!! I will most definitely use this is Scott's Eagle album! I also have a picture of his younger brother in his Boy Scout uniform and your other word art can be used with his picture!! woo hoo! What a great idea! I can use that both in my youngest son's Scout book *AND* in his school album as he gets his picture taken in his Scout uniform each year!! Thank you so much!
I just had an idea on Karie's request... how about a word art that says "thanks coach" and maybe a softball, bat, and mitt with it??
THank you SOOOOO much! Love these for my son's scouting pictures.
Thank you so very much! I have a Boy scout and a Cub scout, so these will get a lot of use.
these are great! my nephew is 16 and will be starting to work on his Eagle Scout project soon. These will be great when I get pictures of it! Thanks so much!
My son will (hopefully) make Eagle in the next year - these pieces will be perfect for the accomplishment pages! Thanks!
Thank you so much. I am working on a scrapbook for our Church and found an old news article. One of the young men, an Eagle Scout, had saved another young man from drowning in a well. I've been searching for the perfect element for his page. Thank you for providing it.
Thank you so much my cousin just made it to Eagle Scout and i am puuting together a book for him. These will be very helpful :)
Thank You for these. It seems Scouting is very active among the digi scrap comm. Which is a wonderful thing. I have two grown sons who are both Eagle scouts, & for one of them Scouting gave him self confidence that he hadnt had before.
Thanks for all your WA. :)
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