Anyway, it started raining on the way to church yesterday, and then at about 6:00pm, it really cut lose. Thunder, lightening, and a TON of rain. Well, at least I didn’t have to go and water the neighbors garden! Ha! It was really coming down.
We’d had a nice relaxing day after church. Church? Well, it was good, but anything from relaxing J I had early morning meetings at 7:30am, then church at 9am. Captain America came with the kids, and got there during the opening song. I’d saved seats for everyone, though.
I got to take a nap in the afternoon, and actually slept for an hour or so. I have SUCH a hard time sleeping when it’s not bed time. Don’t get me wrong. I’m tired enough to sleep, but usually my mind won’t shut off. Know what I mean? I hate that - LOL!
We had dinner, and Captain America and the big boys had just connected to the “Battlefield” server. They played for a few minutes, when the power shut off.
Emeline and I were watching an episode of Doctor Who online. The kids lost our Season 4, last disk (I know!!!), so I had only seen those episodes once or twice. I was just starting episode 12 when the power went out. But, the good thing was that it was streaming video, and it had already loaded. So, Eme and I finished off ½ the episode of Doctor Who (the other 20 minutes was at a different site), and went to find candles.
We had about 30 candles, which we lit and clustered on the kitchen counter. We put one candle in each bathroom. The kids wanted one in their room, but that’s the last thing I needed. To have the house burn down - LOL! I know my kids, and know that they’re don’t to be trusted with fire. Or melted wax. Can you imagine the mess that would make on white carpet? No thanks!
When Captain America was young, his family would always gather to play Uno during a power outage. Most often, during a Tornado warning. He had fond memories of it, so he thought it could be a fun tradition in our house too. We brought a tray of candles into the living room to the coffee table, and all huddled around it.
Why didn’t we use the big table? Good story, I’ll tell you. So, when we first moved in, I arranged the big bookshelves where I wanted them, and just slapped the books up there. No order. Remember me telling you that Captain America wouldn’t like it - hehehe. Well, there were 2 painted white bookshelves, and 2 brown (unpainted) bookshelves. Captain America decided today that he wants to paint it.
Me? I could care less. I don’t even notice that it’s brown. But he didn’t like it. So, he takes it outside and starts to paint it. Huh, guess what? It’s not so fun to paint bookshelves. He loses interest after a while. I’m inside, watching episodes of Doctor Who, and he comes in and asks if I will paint the rest for him. What?
What’s he doing that’s so important that he can’t finish off his OWN project. He said that he had to study. OK, I can handle that. Then he adds, “And my brothers and I wanted to play Battlefield”. Nice. So, I’m finishing off his STUPID project so he can play on the computer. Nice.
But, I practiced some of the forgiveness/conflict thing that I’d been taught last week, and gave him the benefit of the doubt. I knew that he wasn’t out to get me. He wasn’t trying to dump stuff on me. He wasn’t approaching the project with that intent. Sigh. That’s what I kept telling myself. Over and over again. While biting my tongue. Hard. Now he owes me J hehehe.
Wow, I forgot what I was talking about. What a long tangent - hehehe. Big table. SO, we couldn’t use it because all of the books from the bookshelf were on it.
So, Uno was good. We played Harry Potter Uno, which was fun. Captain America always calls out the score at the end of the rounds, and he was using his Severes Snape voice - WAY too funny J
Joe got last place, Eme can in next (FULL of tears and drama, I might add), Captain America, or should I say Severes, came next, Tom and I tied for 2nd place, and Jacob (or light boy - as he had on a head lamp light, and would look at whoever’s turn it was to give them light - TOO cute!) came in first. Only one person asked to quit, crying, so I count that as a success!
The kids went to bed, and Captain America studied for his Army test. I worked on a freebee for today, and “pre-blogged” into a Word Document. I’ll copy and paste this once the power comes back on. Aren’t I tricky! LOL!
This WordArt freebee was a request from someone SO long ago, I can’t even remember who it was. I found it on a notepad, from back when I was giving away the Twilight freebees. Sorry, whoever it was who requested this one. I thought it turned out nicely, though!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work! Thanks, you guys!

that's a very nice saying that you made WA :) thanks a lot!
I know what you mean about not being able to sleep much when it's not bedtime, I'm the same way. I can be really tired and still can't sleep, but have learned about a trick of fooling my mind so it thinks it is dark. By using very dark curtains, black-outs I think they are called, or just hanging a quilt over my original curtains works. It makes the room dark as night. :)
Great wordart today, thanks for sharing it.
Beautiful! Thanks!
i hear you on not being able to turn on your brain... this is what i do...i start with my toes saying they are tired and now relaxed and i say that going up to my foot, ankle, shin & calf, thigh, going up to your face and head and either i am sleeping by the time i get to the top, or VERY soon afterwards, cause now your whole body is relaxed! worth a try! hehe :) there are also breathing techniques and meditations that will help shut off the brain for sleep but i am hoping the first method works for ya!! :)
thank you so much for sharing your wa!! Have a MARVELOUS day!! :)
Bethany, that's beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Jun. 29, 2009. Thanks again.
thanks much!
soo true - thanks for this wonderful WA.
I wouldn't have done the bookcase to let dh play Battleship...hmmm I would have let it stay brown.
Anyway I hope they figure out what is happening with the power and get it under control before it gets really really hot there.
We have some "candles" that run on watch batteries in the kids' room (course they are teenagers)...but the watch batteries can get kinda expensive...but they seem to last a long time.
Thanks for the word art.
So pretty! Would you mind sharing the name of the font for the "T" in "Time"?
Thanks a bunch!
I love this saying. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us.
Fabulous! Thank you!
I LOVE this WordArt, thank you!
Karen from Moscow
Hey guys - the font is "Precious" for the T in Time :) Thanks!!!
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