Yesterday was our last day of church here in Florence. It was a good day. Did you know that I made it 6 months in this ward without having to talk in church - woohoo! Hehehehe. Most wards you move into, they ask you to speak within the first month. Captain America was here for 2 weeks and Christmas, and they asked him to speak - LMBO! I lucked out - I'm TERRIFIED of talking in front of people. Can't you all tell how shy I am (hehehe - reminds me of that Brad Paisley song, So Much Cooler Online)
I brought little 3x4 photo cards with pics of my family and our new contact information for the kids and I to hand out to our friends. I think I had about 30 of them, and between the people at church and family, they're mostly all gone. The kids were SO excited about being able to give them to their friends. Well, except for Jimmy. He just ate his. My mom was FREAKING out thinking that he was gonna die from all the chemicals on the photo paper. TOO funny. I assured her he was gonna be fine :)
We came home, and rested for a bit. I had a headache, and tried to lay down for a half hour to get it to go away. Not so much. But, when your a busy mom, you don't have time for a headache. I just pretended like I didn't have one, and was fine most of the day - hehehehe.
At 3, we went to my Aunts house for a "going away" party for us. We had ice cream sundaes/ice cream cones. Tasty :) My Uncle Steve (aunt sue's hubby) is a long haul trucker, and had Mapquested a route for me! Thanks, Uncle Steve. He printed me out each days itenery, no day traveling over about 400 miles. We're not fast travelers - hehehe.
The first day, to Redding. Second day to Bakersfield. Third day to Blythe. Fourth day to Wilcox Arizona. And then it's just 3 hours into El Paso on the fifth day. I'm sure that it could be done a LOT faster, but, um, we're going for slow and steady wins the race.
Here's a pic of Eme and my niece, Taylor. Aren't they adorable? The girl behind them is Maren, with her AWESOME camera, taking pictures of Clay and Jacob. Joe was trying to butt his way into the picture. There's me, trying to wrestle Jimmy - hehehehe.
And here's the kids and I. There was WAY too much light in the background, but you get the idea. Joe was making this face in each photo - nice - LMBO!!!
After the party, we went back home and packed up most of the truck. Game cube and TV, computer towers, suitcases with the days clothes, misc. stuff around the house. At 5, we had a Priesthood Preview at church. Hmmmm, how do I explain what this is for all of you who don't know. In our church, we believe that Heavenly Father delegates authority to men in his church to act in his name. When boys turn 12, the can get the Priesthood (or power and authority from God on earth). The "job" that the 12 year olds get is to pass the Sacrament (like communion). This meeting was to introduce all the 11 year olds turning 12 year olds to their new leaders and let them know a little bit more about what they would be doing.
It was a very nice meeting, and I know that Jacob will do great with his new responsibilities. He'll be 12 at the end of August. How did my baby get so big - hehehe. Anyway, if I haven't scared you all off by now..... :)
Here's a final-ish pic of the trailer. We put a few more rounds of shrink wrap on it after dark - LMBO!!! I just love the shrink wrap, and my Mom loves it EVEN MORE!!!
So, here it is, Sunday night, and I'm prepublishing the weeks stuff. I decided to go with a series. That gets 4 days worth of freebees done all in one foul swoop - LMBO! My mom has a Thomas Kinkade book ,"Home is Where the Heart Is" that sits on her piano. I'd never looked through it, and grabbed it for inspiration tonight. It's beautiful paintings with inspirational versus and poems. I found this one, and just KNEW that it would be perfect for my series. Below is an example of what it would look like all together. I'm gonna be giving one piece out a day. Aren't you excited!!!

Wisdom - Mary Helen JF
All rest - Microsoft Yi Baiti
Wisdom - Mary Helen JF
All rest - Microsoft Yi Baiti
That's exactly the route we took back from Calif. when we traveled that road. From Canby, Oregon a time or two as well. Good luck, let us know when you arrive!
Have a safe trip!! My husband is in El Paso right now too, for two more weeks. Ahhh everyone gets to go to the good ol' desert but me! haha
Good luck on the trip. Thanks for the wisdom proverbs.
thanks for the wordart. a week without seeing your work? ack!
glad to see the tarp over the trailer. just holding it all in with shrinkwrap would make me nervous.
Wow! That would be a sight to see your family driving down the road! Haha! Hope to hear from you soon...
What a fantastic idea for a series! TFS! And good luck with the move...
Safe travels! As you pull thru Medford-Phoenix-Talent on I-5 think of me :)
The next overpass past Phoenix, (not the off ramp at Talent but the one between Phoenix and Talent)
Look to the left and wave cause I am just on the other side of the hill!
If the kids are needing a pit-stop pull off at Ashland (exit 19) go left over the freeway and drive 1.5 miles in the country. We have a retail landscape nursery and the kids can run around a bit :) From here it is just under 2 hours to Redding.
I wish you could get some photos of the funny looks you get driving down the road. I know I would have to chuckle if I saw your trailer. So I imagine you get some funny faces.
Again PRAYERS are coming your way from lots of us!
i pray for a safe trip for you! Thank you so much for sharing ALL that you do!! LOVE reading your blog and LA LA LOVE your wordart! Have a safe and WONDERFUL day! :D
Thank you for the word art. Have a safe trip to Texas. Prayers will be with you & your family. Love reading your blog.
Thanks for sharing your word art. Now, you may want to keep that shrink wrap handy - with five kids and five days of travel you may need to add one or two of those kids to the load in the trailer.:)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Word Art post on Jan. 19, 2009. Please, notice that I've changed my url(and blinkie). Thanks again and Happy New Year.
I know you are traveling today and probably won't see this, but best of luck to you on your trip, and thanks for the beautiful quote! I'm off to have a baby in a few days, so I'll be commiserating with you as we both "labor" for our families together! :)
I love that you shrink wrapped Tom, too funny!
Love how you shrink wrapped your my previous comment I was wondering what I can shrink wrap and I have a kid that can stand to be wrapped up for a little while... lol
Again Thank you for the word art and Safe Journey!!!
Also as you travel on I-5 from Redding to Bakersfield, wave when you pass Newman..... Don't sneeze or you might miss the exit... lol
Hi, Bethany! Thank you for your wonderful word arts! I LOVE what you doing. Want to show you my LO with your word art and my blog.
Love it... thank you... happy trails. your shrink wrap just cracked me up.
I am so excited about this one! Thanks Bethany! Praying for a safe journey for you and your precious children! I love seeing your pictures of your adventures!
Thank you for the word art. I love what you did to the trailer and to Tom! What a neat idea. Thanks for sharing. Corrine in WA
Thanks for sharing your beautiful wordart. How very ingenous to shrink wrap the trailer,Good luck,
and Blessings for your move.
Fabulous! Thank you!
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