Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave a quick note if you like my work.

Kit by Bon Scrapitit - Floral Frenzy
WordArt by ME!
WordArt by ME!
This is a picture of my sweet husband and 5 kids. Boy do they teach me a lot! Love you guys. This was taken when we were living at Boy Scout Camp when we first moved to Ohio. See the tiny cabin in the background. Goodness. That was sure togetherness, all 7 of us in a tiny cabin in the woods :)

Kit by Designers of Scrapladies - March Coll
WordArt by ME!
Thanks to Dodo for this lovely layout! Doesn't she do fantastic work! Love how you put it all together! Thanks for sharing :)
WordArt by ME!
Thanks to Dodo for this lovely layout! Doesn't she do fantastic work! Love how you put it all together! Thanks for sharing :)
This is Karen. Thank you so much. Beautiful work.
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing!
Just wanted to show you the layout I did using your wonderful wordart. You can see it at KALDESIGN'S BLOG Thank you so much.
Your word art is wonderful...thank you for sharing. I am trying to download this saying but the link doesn't seem to be working. Would you be able to help me? Thank you.
Thanks so much for the great word art.
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