Hi! SO, did you run out and buy Twilight??? Saturday at 8am, the kids and I headed out to Wal-Mart to pick up our copy. I even splurged and bought the soundtrack. I LOVE it. Not my typical music (it's emo), but it's working for me :) I listened to it ALL day long. It's growing on me. We bought snacks, and watched the movie when we got home. I LOVED it :) I would have liked the snacks, too, but I was being good on my diet. I guess that's why I bought the generic cheese puffs, rather than the real ones - LOL! We do what we have to, I guess.
In keeping with my "Twilight" theme for the day, I designed a WordArt Pack for Twilight quotes, which I can't sell - LMBO! Because of copyrights, I'm not allowed to sell any quote that is under 40 - 50 years old. Well, that's from a movie, song, or person, anyways. SO, I have this AWESOME WordArt Pack that I'm gonna be giving away. Look for it next week. I'm gonna split it up over 4 days, and if you come each day, you'll be able to get the 4 pack. Wanna see a preview??? Oh yeah, I'm sure you do :)

AND, have you heard about DSA?? Digiscrapaddicts is a brand new Scrapbooking site, from the creators and owners of Scraporchard. Their plan is for it to be the next Digishoptalk. I've even got an ad running there, that I made all by myself - hehehe. I was quite impressed with myself. LOL! It's a good think it doesn't take much to impress me - LOL!
I went through some more emails today - sigh. That's a never ending process. BUT, I'm finally done with the ones from 2008. Woohoo!!! And I have under 100 in my inbox. Thank goodness! So, if you haven't heard from me, I'm still getting to it. I need another couple of extra hours in the day. Anyone have some extra hours they want to give me - ROFL! Wish it worked that way :)
Oh yeah, get this. So the rental house inspecter came Friday, right, and put in 2 work orders for us. One, for a new screen for the kitchen. It doesn't have a screen. OK, that makes sense. The other one is for a peephole in the door to the garage. What? Why??? He said that the front door is metal, and it wasn't possible to put one in. And Texas law (or was it just El Paso) is that you have to have a peep hole in a door that goes to the outside. And a door to the garage counts. Weird. I'll be sure to peep into my garage (storage room) before I go in there to get something. Sigh. What ever did we do before all these laws. I guess we had to think for ourselves, and do things for ourselves to keep us safe. (I know, I know, it was made for a good reason, I'm sure).
As I sit here on Saturday night, prepublishing, I think I'm gonna go talk my hubby into watching Twilight with me again. LMBO! He and Jacob were at the Boy Scout campout (which was GREAt, by the way), so he didn't get to have a Twilight party with me. :( I think I'll go remedy that problem :) Date night at home!!!!
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG files, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks, girls!

Faith, Hope, &, Charity - AL Professor
box.net (yes, I know it's out of bandwidth, but it's gonna re-up any time for the month)
Thank you so much for sharing your wa!! i LOVE it! :)
Yesterday, my son, who read ALL the Twilight books too, brought the movie home and DH, DS and i all sat and watched it! i liked it, DS LOVED it and DH was ready to bail on it but stuck it out and watched it through. He liked it too!! looking forward to the next movie already, i am! hehe DS told me some of what happens in the books and it sure sounds interesting!! :) Have a GREAT day!!
thanks for sharing. i am super excited to score some twlight word art from my fav designer hehe thanks hun!
Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but the verse is wrong... It should be LOVE, not Charity.
1 Corinthians 13:13 (New International Version)
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Love the new twilight word art! Can't wait to get it! We are having a girls night to watch the movie next weekend!
I saw that in the NIV version, but I use the King James version, so it's the once I WordArt-ed :) I like the more historical scriptures :) Personal preference of the designer, I guess - LOL :)
One of the best scriptures ever. Basically, what it's all about! This is fabulous! Thank you!
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