Here's Captain America and I before our date on Friday night. I had something else on, but a kids spilled a WHOLE waterbottle of water on my, so I had to change. Even my jeans. Sigh. Aren't kids fun - LOL!

So, first off, I wanna talk about my Fan Fic link from yesterday. Remember how I said it was pretty tame. Well, that was the first half. The second half was not. Not by a long shot - LOL! Not that it was vile or anything, but it wasn't rated PG, that's for sure :) Definitely steamy in places. Not for the faint of heart. Just throwing that out there. Wouldn't want to lead you into something you weren't prepared for - hehehe. I'm just saying :)
So, from that, we move onto church was good! hehehe. The kids did very well, and Primary went without incedent. We were late, but since church always starts 7 minutes late, we were on time. I like to be there, seated, a good 12 minutes before the meeting starts. 15 would be even better. Not the case when riding in the same car as Captain America. He is always making us late. Oh well. We weren't "late", so we were good. Next week, I'll try and get him going faster.
We took a family picture after church. We set the timer and placed the camera on the bookshelves, and took several pics of ourselves. Here's my favorite, and the funny one. You always have to take a funny one. Didn't you know that's the rule- LOL!

I came home, fixed lunch, and relaxed in my room. The kids and Captain America just took it easy for the day too. The little kids and I met up with our friends at the neighborhood park in the evening (it was SUCH a beautiful night) to chat. There were people everywhere. We stayed until it was super dark. Everyone else had left. But it sure felt nice outside.
We're going to the pool again today. Then Jake has a GT (gifted & talented) meeting tomorrow from 8 something to 11 something, Cub Scouts on Wednesday, pool again on Thursday, and our Ward (church congregation)'s campout is on Friday/Saturday. Busy times :)
This WordArt request comes from Sue. Her father passed away a few months ago, and this was one of his favorite songs. She wanted to make a layout of some of his final days. Not to be disrespectful, but I also thought this wordart would be PERFECT on pictures of your kids making messes. Or kids fighting. Or anything that would make one sigh in frustration, and say 'If I had only known". Like husbands and their messes. Or their hobbies. Or their annoying friends. You get the idea. LOTS of possiblitities for ths one :)
Click on the linke below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I'm sitting here is Queensland, Australia (in the middle of Winter) with tears streaming down my face. Thankyou so very much for taking time out of your busy "life" to do this WA for me. I'm most thankful and very humbled that you can extend your genorousity so far around the world. You have truly touched my heart. God has certainly blessed you with a beautiful family (those kids always crack me up!) and a wonderful talent. Thankyou again from the bottom of my heart.
Sweet wordart, thanks! Hey, did you get Brent's shirt (from your date night) from the PX? My hubby has the same shirt. :) Good ol' AAFES! :D
Your hair looks nice that way, but I thought it looked good with the curl too. :) Mine had natural curl when it was cut short, but the longer it gets the straighter it gets. Love the family pictures , it's nice to see a family having fun together. Thanks for today's wordart, love it! I've posted a LO on my blog today using one of your past wordart. Have a great day!!
The word art is great. I only thought of the humorous aspect of it until I read your post. Then it made me think about all of my loved ones who have passed - some unexpectedly and it realy made me think. Keep up the good work and take care of that wonderful family! :0)
This word art is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talents.
We have a family wedding planned for this summer and the first thought I had after reading today's wordart was a layout for the wedding.... If I had only known, I would have found you sooner...or a mention of love etc., or something like that. This is a very useful wordart, thank you for sharing it.
Hi Bethany, I made this LO with a wordart freebie from ages ago and wanted to share with you...I can't seem to get anything to upload to Scrap Orchard so here is a link to another gallery...hope you like it
thanks for wonderful wordart..
Thank you!! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 14 post on Jul. 21, 2009. Thanks again.
Thanks for the great word art. I loved the pics of your family. I have just the photo in mind for this word art. Have a great day.
OMG I love the wacky family photo. If I were you, I'd get a put on a huge canvas and hang it in the entryway. With a sign underneath "Continue at your own risk..." LOL
Actually I think I'll do that in our hallway.
Love reading your blog.
Thanks so much. This couldn't be more timely as my daughter was close friends with one of the boys we in MN lost last week. I'll be using this to make a page of her and Ben.
BTW, been out of touch for awhile now, beautiful pix on your header!!
Thanks, Carla
Four Boys and only One Girl!!! Well at least you got a girl. I have 4 boys in a row. Now I'm jealous.
Thank you, Bethany. This will help finish the final page for my memorial book.
Wow ! You have a beautiful family. love seeing your layouts with the pictures of all of you.thanks for the word art :)
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