She gave us a few things to do to help him, and we're trying to get him to interact more with the other kids, and make some friends. Weird, because Tom has always been one of my most outgoing, friendly, social kids. Funny how they can switch roles SO fast. Poor Tom.
After that visit, Jimmy and I decided to go on post with Captain America. He had his check in meeting at 9am, but once we got there, found out that the Sgt in charge woudln't be there till 10:30. SOOOO, Captain America had to wait for the Sgt with all the other guys, and Jimmy and I went around post. We went to the PX and the exchange, where they were having a HUGE clearance sale. I found a new pair of jeans for Eme for 12.50, but didn't really want to pay that much for them. I know, I'm cheap.
We decided to go to the thrift store, and look there. I found Eme a new pair of capri jeans and regular jeans, one for 5.00 and one for 3.00. Cheaper! I knew I could find a better deal :) I found a pair of pants for myself, but later discovered that they were a size 6, not a size 9. Nice, eh? No way I'm fitting into those pants! They were mis-labled on the thrift store tag. Wonder if they'll take them back for an exchange? Worth a try, I guess. I also got some wool skirts, that I can cut up for Civil War pants for the little boys.
Did I tell you that there's a Civil War reenactment coming up at the end of the month near Houston that Captain America's going to? And that I refused to travel 12 hours one way to go to it? Well, I've almost changed my mind, and decided that maybe I do want to go :) hehehe. So glad that I'm female, and that changing my mind is acceptable :) We're gonna split the travel into 2 days, so it should be too bad. Anyway, the wool skirts were only 2 and 3 dollars, and I can get at least a pair of pants out of them each. Maybe a vest too! Now, I just need to find some sewing time - ha!
So, back to the thrift store. I found a wooden CARS game. It had checkers, dominos, and bingo, all in a nice wood case. Jimmy was SO excited. It was a good day at the thrift shop :)
We went back to pick up Captain America afterwords, and by then it was 11ish. We went out to lunch, then back on post to register his new pistol. He had a safety breifing at 12:45 (where they tell the guys to no do anything dumb over the weekend), and after that, we decided to go check out the Officers club. They have a pool there, and I guess that if you're a member, you can get free swimming.
As we were pulling into the parking lot, my phone started ringing and making noises, and I realized that it was reminding me that I had a primary presidency (church youth leaders ages 3-11) meeting at 1pm. Too bad the phone didn't tell me that 1/2 an hour earlier - LOL!
So, I had Captain America drive me there (McDonalds with a playland - LOL), and I was just a little late :) JImmy had fun playing, and we got some things worked out for Primary. The primary president, Kristie, dropped me off at my house at about 3:30.
Captain America had another meeting from 3-5, so the kids and I hung out at home till he got home. At 6:30, Captain America and I left for our date night. We were finally getting to go and see "Twilight" at the dollar movie theater. Jacob did GREAT babysitting, and the movie was fun. I can't wait for it to come out on video :)
It was a good, but long day. I'm already on page 114 of the 4th Twilight book, and I didn't really even have that much time to read yesterday. I'll be glad and sad when I'm done. Glad, because I can start having a real life again (ha!). But sad, because, as with any really great story, I never want it to end. I want to know what happens after the ending. Do you do that too?
This WordArt request comes from Katy, kind of - ha! She wanted something for gymnastics. Well, since I'm not into gymnastics, and don't know anyone who is, I don't really have any good sayings for a gymnastic WordArt. See my problem. I did find this quote from a gymnastic forum -does that count?? LMBO!! So, sorry Katy, if it's not what you had in mind, but it's the best I could come up with :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the WordArt, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Well, I am sure I can use this in lots of places - not just a page about gymnastics. I love ready your blog - you have such a down-to-earth approach to life - and I love the way you look at things! Each evening I love to get my hit of 'what's happening in the Harty household!' Keep up the good work.
This is a very inspiration little saying - I love it. Thank you so much.
i LOVE your wa and am soooooooo grateful for your generosity too! :) Have an AWESOME weekend!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Mar. 14, 2009. Thanks again.
Bethany you make me tired just reading about your day! LOL. How wonderful that you got a date night. So good for the grown ups to reconnect.
I wish Thomas the best with adjusting. Poor guy.
Thanks so much for this WA.
Sending love your way. Thanks so much.
Thanks so much for the sentiment. It will be a fun one to have and use.
Bethany, I am a big fan of your work -- it's just beautiful -- and I'm hoping you won't be mad at me if I point out an 'oops' in this quote. I think it should say "what it's like". The way it is now, "what's it's like" is grammatically the same as saying "what is it is like".
Thank you so much for sharing with us...I am truly grateful that you are willing to share all your hard work!! :) -Karen
I'm a bargain hunter too...thanks for the great wordart.
thanks a bunch!
I think this quote could apply to much more than gymnastics. It's lovely. Thank you so much!
thank you
thank you so much! :)
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