Don't know if it had to do with the juice or not, but I got into a SUPER cleaning/reorganizing mode (well, more reorganizing - hehehe). I decided that the weird closet/non-room off of my living room would be acceptable for a computer room. So, I cleared it out of all the junk that was in there, got the computer stuff ready to move. Then, I realized that there was no outlets in the room, and no cable box (to hook the internet up). Well, I could run an extension cord out the door, and 1 foot to the outlet. That part was an easy fix.
Then, I could run our SUPER long cable from clear on the other side of the room, to the little non-room (now to be referred to as the computer room - LOL!). I dug out the ladder from the garage, and climbed up it, to run the cable along the ridge in the ceiling/wall. Since the cord was white, it was disguised very nicely.
So, i got the computer moved into it's new room, and everything hooked up, and the internet wouldn't work. Dang! Now what??? I tried several times at pluging things in, and unhooking, and resetting thing, but with no luck. The cable was bad. Yep, the one I just braved the ladder to get perfectly in place.
So, Jimmy and I loaded up in the truck and headed out to ... yup ... Wal-Mart. Did you know that they have everything you could ever need?? ROFL!!! So, I got some groceries while I was at it, and the cable. Then, back home to re-string the new cable, and voila! Internet access.
Then, I rearranged my living room. I put the TV and videos in the computer nook, and moved the furniture around. I thought it looked pretty good :)

Captain America called last night, and we got to chat on the webcam for a little while. Even though he's not here, it was good to see his face. Boy, do I miss that man...... Even when he's driving me crazy (I KNOW you know what I mean - how do men do that? LOL!) Less than a month to go :)
This WordArt request is from Kelly. Her 3rd grader is going to an elementary school dance with the boy down the street, and her 5th grade son pulled the boy aside, and told him he'd "gone over to the dark side" because he was taking a girl to the dance - ROFL!!! Isn't that hysterical :) Typical boy - LOL!
So, hope you like it! Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.
the tv room looks GREAT!!! and soo spacious! sounds like you found the SUPER juice!! sure got alot done anyway! hehe i LOVE your photos!
Thank you so VERY much for sharing your WoNDERFUL wa!! Have a FANTASTIC weekend!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on Apr. 25, 2009. Thanks again.
Thanks so much! The WA is perfect!
And congrats on your cleaning spree! LOL You'll have to share the juice, because my house sure needs a cleaning spree!
love the look of the house~ great word art and new blog look!
I love the layout with Joe...awesome. I also like your new header Sweetie Pie.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 25 Apr [LA 07:02pm, NY 09:02pm] - 26 Apr [UK 02:02am, OZ 12:02pm] ).
I love the new banner on your page!! Super cute!! PS. Thanks for all the great word arts you do!!
Great photos! Haven't seen a TV that small in years, lol. My children actually have a smaller one that is their favorite. Why did I bother buying the large screen? My dh left this week for a TDY and I was so excited! he was getting on my nerves. The bad part is I don't want him to go to NYC where the swine flu (and he) are now going to be! (sniff, sniff)
Thanks for the word art! Great job! Love the new header too-It's amazing that you find time every day to post! I'm in awe of you!!Have a great day!
Thanks so much, I love this wordart !
Thanks! This is great for my teen!
LOL! The "dark side" is what I call the alternate windows operating system on my computer, LOL! Thanks for the great word art!
Great wordart! MANY THANKS!!
:) Mags / MagsGraphics.com
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