Saturday, we got to go to an Egg Hunt at a friends house. It was a lot of fun. They had TONS of filled plastic eggs, with candy and dollars and prize tickets. It was so awesome. But, with all the rain as of late, my suburban (1990) got stuck in the neighbors muddy grassy yard. I was just trying not to park in the road, but I guess I got over a little too far, and slid a tad. Yeah, that was real embarrassing. The neighbor down the street had a tow package and a HUGE chain, which they attached to the undercarriage of my truck, and pulled it out.
Later that day, we went to Boy Scout camp to get the rest of our stuff from their storage shed. See, when we first moved to Ohio, we stayed at camp for 2 months, thinking our house would sell. My husband works for the Scouts, so it was no problem to set us up for a short while. Well, the house didn't sell, and we decided to get a rental. ANYWAY, it was quite muddy out there too, and I told my husband that we should park on the gravel part, and not try and take the truck and trailer up by the cabin.
But, did he listen? Nope. He drove straight up by the cabin, and got us stuck in the mud. Guess what? No men with trucks and tow cables to get us out this time! So, we had to take the trailer off the truck, and push it down the slight hill (very muddy) without letting it get away and roll WAY down the hill. We managed, but my poor white jacket didn't. Note to self: don't wear white to Boy Scout camp.
Eventually, we did get the truck un-stuck. Then, it was off to to the storage garage. Some very nice friends here in Ohio have a piece of propery out in the country with a nice 2 car garage on it, that they've let us keep our stuff in. And guess what. The ground looked a little wet. Captain America sent me out to look and see if it was muddy. Yes, I tell him. It looks muddy. So, he decideds to try it anyway. And guess what? We get stuck again! More unhooking of the trailer, and more trying to put rocks, or sticks, or stuff under the wheels as leverage, and we're unstuck again.
What a day! It was quite an adventure, though. OK, thanks for listening to my story, and on to the WordArt :)
How funny is this! And a little bit true! I thought that this would make a good quote on a layout with children making a mess. They sure think they're funny, and we know that they've gone a bit mad! Ha!
Click on the image below to download, and leave a quick note if you like my work.

I just discovered your site a couple of days ago, but I've 'taken' a few things & I have you on my daily read. I keep forgetting to thank you (sorry)!! Your work is lovely, and you are extremely generous to share :-) Thanks so very much!!!
This quote is SO true!
Thanks for all the inspiration I get when reading your blog!
Holy smokes! So the real question is....did you get pictures?! What a loooong day!
I love your word art. I just discovered your site and I have to tell you I was thrilled. I do have a request though. April is Autism Awareness Month and I have one son with Autism and one with Aspergers Syndrome (high functioning autism)I would really appreciate anything you could do for wordart in Autism.
Thanks so much
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