Yes, I know that I called it the Tony Robbins series yesterday, but I didn't really like that. Not everyone knows who Tony Robbins is, anyway. So, since this quote talks about a life philosophy, I thought that "How to Live Series" would work. If you have any other suggestions of a catchy name for the series, leave me a message.
I thought that this would make a cute layout with an adventurous child. Doing something semi-dangerous :), or creative, or new, or different. Really. lots of applications. Hope that you like it!
Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.
This is a gem of a quote and you treated it nicely. Thank you so much :)
Beautiful! Fit's my son perfectly. Thank you ma'am.
Thank you for your beautiful word art and all the time and talent that it takes. You are so very kind in doing what most of us can't do and giving it away freely. I really love coming to your site to see what word art I can add to my collection from you and you never disappoint me.
On a side note, I have tagged you because I love your site so much. Please visit my blog to find out what to do.
God bless you and your family in all your endeavers.
Wow, love your art. And I really have to smile at your about me and why word art. I'm the same way, but I've found that my art pales in compairson. Glad I've decided to move on to templates, lol.
Thanks for sharing.
My cyber friend, Carol, told me about your site...actually, she gushed! Your word are is such fun! Thanks for, generously, sharing it with us.
I, also, do virtual school with my oldest son. We did eclectic home school for 3 years, previously. I think the curriculum is great, too!
I just found your blog! I love your word art, thank you so much!
your wordart is so beautiful, thank you for sharing so many wonderful quotes. Deb
Hi Bethany,
I just wanted to say thank you so much for always sharing your wonderful word art with us. You really have outdone yourself with these wonderful quotes! :)
I was just curious what font you used for the fully and experinece part? I just love it!!!! Thanks again and take care.
Thank you.
Just wanted to thank you again for all your wonderful gifts of wordart!
Many thanks :)
Thank you so much! I love your word art.
Thanks Bethany! As do an outstanding job.
Love this one. I've never seen it or said it, but it is ME!!!
wonderful once again. thanks
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