Here's another WordArt suggestion from Raina. I've known enough dogs in my lifetime to know that this is true. Hehehe. And they like to shake off near a dry person :) But, they do love you, and that's the point!
Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.
thank you , it's so true
I have used that certain quote for a long time on my emails and it was so lovely to see it so beautifully 'WORD-ARTED'(Is that a word?)
Thanks so much for making my day!
I've used this word art in a layout for our puppy. I've had it downloaded for a while because we have golden retrievers and they are forever in the water. It was too appropriate when hubby came in and told me what puppy had been doing.
Great WA! Thank you very much for it!!!
OMG!!! It's so true, lol. I saw this wordart and I instantly thought of taking a pic to my dog Lara nex time she gets a bath ;). I promise I'll show you the results. Cris
BTW, I love your work!
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