Howdy girls!!! Another day checked off this week. Boy does the time fly by when you're busy having fun! I was up yesterday at 7:45am, ready for the day. It's amazing how good you feel when you're asleep by midnight. I would have been to bed earlier, but I'd found a new Twilight Fan Fic. I know, I know, I should read something real. LOL! I just LOVE them, though. And they're SO much shorter than reading a real book. Pathetic, yes. But I don't care!
Here's the link to the newest one. I don't know if it gets raunchy or potty mouth yet. I'm only on chapter 8 or 9. Read at your own risk. You were warned ;)
Oh yeah, here's a few pics of us from the other day. Captain America had to try on his Dress Greens (pickle suit) to see if it still fit, and since I was taking a pic of him, I decided that I needed one of myself too - LOL!

We were going to go to the sprinkler park today, but since it was SO freakin' hot outside, we opted for an Air Conditioned event - LOL! We all brought food to Andrea's, and had lunch there. I'd made a pizza on Tuesday night (from scratch), and froze it. Don't know why I did, but it worked out PERFECTLY for lunch. I also made Peanut Butter & Jelly/Peanut Butter & Butter sandwiches (I have 2 kids who don't like Jelly - Odd, I know), and Lemon Bars. Fabulous! They actually turned out well. Katy made a broccoli/chicken casserole (YUMMMMMMY!!!), and Adela made tuna. It's days like these that make me wish I ate - ROFL!
Here's Katy's casserole

My lemon bars

And my pizza

So after eating, we decided to go outside and sit on the patio for a little while. I just LOVE Andrea's patio set. Isn't it wonderful???

Here's Emily - Such a cutie!

And us girls! 2 brown and 2 white - ROFL!

And, more self portriats of me - I just can't stop with the camera - hehehehe. No wonder my kids run from me when they see the camera in my hand :)

Joe, Ben, and Jim spent the entire 4 hours outside with the hose on. Dang, eh? They had a TON of fun filling up the little pools, and making mud. Silly boys! Here's Joe hosing off Jimmy.

And the 3 little boys wallowing in the mud

Ben came up and said "I had explosive diarreah" I thought I was gonna pee I laughed so hard - LOL!

Joe kept running away from me, so this is the best photo I got of him :)

And, back inside. The girls being silly :)

We walked home at 4pm (yeah, was wishing for the truck - it's only 1 block away, but it's SO hot outside), and cleaned up the house, and made dinner, and such. I had to design and get products loaded in my store, so I spent a few hours doing that. Captain America was home when I got home, and set up with his brothers to play Battlefield later in the evening.
The girls and I had a girls night planned for 9pm. SO exciting!!! We're doing pedicures and make-0vers! I'm SO bringing my camera - hehehe. I made diet jello for myself (so I'll have something to eat). We oughta all be tired on Thursday for pool day. Girls nights usually last WAY into the night. hehehe. Look for pictures tomorrow :)
This Wordart request is from Rose, back from January. Sorry, girl! I know it's taken forever! But, here ya go! The quote is from the movie House Bunny. I couldn't make it look good with the movie quoted, so I just left it off - artistic license, I guess - LOL! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Kindness - Rage Italic
LOVE - Pharmacy
what fun you girls have!! Brent looks great in his pickle suit!! and who needs anything but a hose and dirt when it's hot out!! fun!!!
I like reading about your kids and daily adventures!
I must confess that I love reading Twilight fanfiction also. In fact, I just spent the whole night reading's 8:00am and I haven't been to bed! My biggest problem is reading stories that never seem to get finished ....drives me insane....I've got about 10 stories on alert & trying to keep all the different E/B versions straight.
I've looked for some True Blood fanfic but have been unsuccessful finding good quality stories/writing.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 6 post on Jul. 16, 2009. Thanks again.
LOL oh my goodness those mud photos are the BEST!!! too FUNNY! thank you soooooooooooooooo much for sharing all that you do! i truly enjoy ALL the photos! :) Have a GREAT day, Bethany!
Thanks Bethany! I love getting all your word art.
I also love reading about all your adventures on your blog. Have a great time at girl's night!
That is a WONDERFUL expression! Did you make that up? Thanks so much for the word art!
Thank you for the fan fic link - I haven't read that story yet. I just finished Boycotts & BarFlies. It was a fun story about Edward + Bella and the rest of the Cullens, sexy but no lemons and it's complete. In case you are interested:
Oh wow....I love all the pics...especially the addition of food!!!!!!!....your friends and family look so kind. Your a very pretty woman too....I hope you know that!!! I just like to compliment people...Im not wierd...(hahahahaha)
Aww, I'm feeling special, I got two requests in a week! (although I suppose it did take a but to get them done lol. I actually forgot I asked for this one!) Thanks, as always it is fantastic!
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