Speaking of Tom. He came home from school yesterday, sad. He lost his class election. Then, to add injury to insult, McCain lost too. Poor Tom. I thought he was gonna cry. His comment, after the fact, was "Well, at least we both lost together". hehehehe. There ya go, Tom :)
Are you guys still watching for my special 100 days thingy? Yeah?
So, guess what, girls? You get double WordArt today! One for WordArt Wednesday, and one from my series! Aren't you lucky!!! Here's my WordArt Wednesday Week 20. Holy cow! Week 20!!! Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and remember, you have to be logged into the gallery to get the WordArt.
This request is from Fenn. She lost her dog a few weeks ago. I thought that there would be many of you who could use this one too. :) Hope you like it!

Here's the next part in the series - I think this one is my favorite :) I just LOVE how my layout turned out . Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

see previous post - LOL!
see previous post - LOL!
Happy Birthday to Tom! Another November baby! Yesterday was my birthday! I'm loving your new series, Bethany. It's great!
Love this one - I am gong to use it on one of my 50th anniversary layouts.
LOL at you're being a comedian re the font! I wasn't going to ask again LOL I actually can remember that all this series uses the same fonts.
Thank you so much. Appreciated it very much. Thank you.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 05 Nov [LA 08:00pm, NY 11:00pm] - 06 Nov [UK 04:00am, OZ 03:00pm] ).
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