Anyway, what I was really talking about was that after I got the kids to bed, I went over to Andreas house. She was helping a friend make Breakfast Burritos to sell the next morning at some army function as a FRG (Family Rediness Group). She wanted to know if I wanted to come and watch/help/moral support them. I headed over at about 8:30ish. Katy came too.
Well, mostly Katy and I watched them work. hehehe. I did fold a few tin foils on the burritos, but I think I did them backwords - LOL! Oh well. I said I was coming for moral support. We cooked, chatted, and laughed till the wee hours of the night.
Kim (the FRG leader girl) left when the food was completed, since she had to get up at 5am to sell them. Katy, Andrea, and I stayed and chatted FOREVER. We convinced Andrea to try and let her baby "cry it out", and he ended up sleeping through the night! I was so proud of Andrea for not getting him. He cried for a while, but it wasn't an out of control cry. It was more of a "come and get me, i'm awake" cry. So proud! I started letting my kids cry it out at 6 months. I'm all about my personal space when I sleep, and don't like interruptions. hehehe. Not even Captain America. No touching. I have my 1/3 of the bed, he has his 1/3, and there's the 1/3 buffer in the middle. It's amazing we have 5 children, eh? ROFL!
It was good to hang out with the girls. It'd been about a week since we'd stayed up late talking (really, was it only a week??? it seemed like longer), so it was good to catch up again. It was a long weekend for us. Crazy how we cram so much life into our days, that they seem like weeks - LOL.
Anyway, I came sneaking home at quarter to 5am. In fact, by the time I crawled into bed, laid down my head, and snuggled into my pillow, Captain America's alarm went off - LOL! He had no idea I was just coming it - hehehe. I didn't even her when he came back home after PT (Physical Training), showered, changed, and headed back to work. I woke up a few time because kids needed me, but I briefly answered them, and immediately went back to sleep. I was up for the day at 9:30am.
We quickly threw on some clothes, and headed out to the "free lunch" park. Kelly park. It was a hot day, but the kids enjoyed the cool water there. I tried calling and talking to my mom before my friends got there, but she wasn't answering her work phone. Hmmmm, curious.
My friends go there at around 10:30am, and we let the kids play, and then lunch was at 11am. Ham and cheese hoagie sandwiches, pork n beans, watermellon, and milk. Mmmmm. My kids like it :)
I had Emily (Katy's daughter) take a few pictures while we were chatting. These are for you, mom! They do this every Wednesday from 9:30 - 12:30, along with free lunch. No charge for the fun or the food. Gotta love army life!

We ended up staying and hanging out until 3:30pm. The kids had a BLAST playing. Katy and Emily came over to visit too. We had a good time.
When I got home, I started my final desiging for the week. I finished up the WordArt packs, and played a little facebook. I tried for a mini nap, but it wasn't happening. I worked on my Cub Scout stuff, getting the Parent Meeting all organized. We were plannign a Bike Rodeo, and a Marshmellow Gun evening. Fun times!
Captain America and the 11 year old scouts (Jake's group) were going on a 5 mile hike, so we had 2 separate activities. They left the house at about 6:20pm, and we left at about 6:40pm. We, of course, were one of the first ones there. This ward runs SO slow. Anyway.....
We planned our events, and let the kids run hog wild in the background. I have 5, Kayley Kirkman (another mom) has 4, and Andrea has 3 (but her's weren't there). We all know how to tune out the craziness, so it wasn't too bad. We decided that it would have driven a dad INSANE. Well, the dad in my family, at least. Captain America wasn't designed to deal with kid commotion - LOL
Back home, and more designing. I got all my products loaded in the store, and started blogging. Captain America came home, and I download the pics he took on the camera from his activity. They hiked the Canyon. We did that one day - it was pretty hard. Jake said he had fun, dispite the big blister he got on his foot - poor kid!
Here's Captain America

OK, so I know the temptation is to make EVERY possible variation of Grandpa/Grandma, but I just don't have the time. Or the enegry. Really. I don't :) OK, so maybe I do, but I don't wanna spend it on that. I guess that everyone has the same amount of time, right? 24 hours in a day. We just spend it on different things. But I chose to not spend it on that - hehehe. Sorry, girls. See, Andrea. That's how you say no - LOL! Anyway, this WordArt request is from Audry. Hope you like it, girl!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Well, that's what grandmas and grandpas are for, isn't it? For spoiling the grandkids! It makes my day! Thanks for the Word Art. And continued thanks for the peak (?) into your family life. When you have a busy day it is REALLY busy!! So you are entitled to those 'jammie' days, too.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 14 post on Jul. 30, 2009. Thanks again.
that free park with lunch and inflatables is AWESOME!!!! FUN photos too! Thank you so much for ALLLLLLLLLLL that you share! :) Have a SUPER day!
Sounds like you have a great bunch of friends! I wish I could figure out why nobody around here does anything fun like that. Sigh. Thanks for the word art, too! My kids unfortunately don't have grandpas anymore (DH's father died before we even met, and mine died in 2001), but maybe I can dig up some old pics of my dad with the kids and put the WA on that!
Thanks so much. Just love these.
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