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Saturday, April 11, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

OMGosh it was a LONG day yesterday. I was up again at 6:30 (must have something to do with the fact that I packed the curtains. WAY too sunny in the AM). I had a few hours to gather up the "don't pack" stuff to one room (we pulled stuff out that we used the night before) before the movers showed up at 9am. It only took the 1 1/2 hours to get it done. Crazy, eh?

Our stuff was loaded into a semi, full to the top. After the movers were done loading, a few of them helped me "walk" our trailer from the side yard into the garage. That way, I could load it, and shut the garage door, and do what I needed to do before we left. Smart idea, eh?

I loaded and pack for the new few hours. At 12;30, we left the house and went to Wal-Mart. The movers had packed my broom, and I needed a cargo net for my trailer (ours died last weekend). We had lunch at McDonalds, and walked around Wal-Mart for about an hour looking for the stuff we needed (new toliet paper holder for the downstairs bathroom, dry wall fixer for the walls, and paint for a door).

After Wal-Mart, we headed onto post. Our lease signing was at 2pm. The lady wasn't ready for us. She said that there had been SO many people not showing up for lease signings, that she was only drawing up leases for people who called to confirm. Yeah, like I knew that. But, she got it done for me. Only took about 30 minutes. Doesn't sound too bad, but that's 30 minutes with 5 kids and a box of giant legos in a TINY office, waiting on papers. The kids did remarkably well.

After signing the papers, we headed over to the new place. The lady didn't have the keys ready for us, but she'd called someone from maintanence to come and get them off of the lock box for us. We got to the house, and waited for about 30 minutes for his to show up. We did get a chance to meet the neighbors. They seemed VERY nice. They've been here about a year. Her hubby was enlisted for years, then got out, then came back in as an officer. She was here with the kids while he was in trainings last year, just like me :) They have a college aged kid, a high school girl, a 4th grade boy, and a 3rd grade girl (who's smaller than Eme - hehehe).

Finally, the guy came to give us the keys. He showed us around the house, and pointed out all of the GREAT features. OMGosh, the house is AMAZING!!! It's SO SO SO much better than the other house, and you all know how much I LOVED the other house. I'm taking pictures today, and will have some up tomorrow. It has HUGE vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, thick soft carpet, ceiling fans in almost every rooms. Wow. I SO love it :) Anyone wanna come help me decorate????

After we checked out the house, we headed back to our old (well, relative term - ha!) house. We (well, more like I) cleaned and packed. I started upstairs, and went from one room to the next, cleaning and closing up the doors. After the upstairs was done, I moved downstairs. Kitchen, living room, library, Eme's room, bathroom, garage.

We loaded up all the boxes into the trailer, and the truck. It was PACKED. I sure hope that all of this JUNK I brought for the weekend was necessary. If it just sits in a box until Monday, I'm gonna be mad. The movers could have taken it away for me - hehehe.

We were ready to go by 8:30, but I was having a hard time getting the trailer out of the garage. I got it hitched up ok, but it kept trying to clip the side of the garage. Finally, I unhooked it, straightened it out, and re-hitchd it. I know, cheating, but I was desparate.

Our new bungie net wasn't as good as our old one, so I had to tie a rope around our stuff too. I wasn't too confident about the trailer, so when we left, we only drove 35 miles per hour. SUPER slow, since most of the way the speed limit is 55. Hehehe. The cars behind me didn't appreciate it, but I know they'd much rather have me go 35 than get a vacuum on their windshield - LMBO! When we stopped at the Ft. Bliss gate, the check point guys sure got a good laugh. They kept stareing at my load. I know they were jealous. They TOTALLY wanted my trailer. ROFL!!! One of them even turned to watch us drive off. Ha!

When we got to the new house, I'd decided to just park on the street. And then, for some crazy reason, I thought that I should try and back the trailer into the garage. I KNOW?? What was I thinking. Well, I'm proud to say, that after 20 minutes of manuevering, I DID IT!!!!!! I was SO excited. I don't know how I managed it, but my trailer is parked inside of the garage!!!

We unloaded the truck, and part of the trailer, and put in Twilight. Jake and Tom fell asleep watching it, and Eme stayed up to watch it with me. I only got about 1/2 of the stuff we brought unloaded, and only about 5% put away. But, I think I did enough for one night.

My internet is supposed to be hooked up today from 9-11 (you know how that goes, sit and wait). Luckily, someone in the neighborhood has wireless, and didn't password protect it. It's only one bar, but it seems to be sufficient to make this post. THANK YOU, kind person :) While I don't leave my internet unprotected, I'm glad that YOU DO!!! hehehe.

Oh yeah, and I'll post Easter Bunny pictures soon, too. Remember, the Easter Bunny comes to our house on Saturday morning. Luckily, I saved the Easter box from the movers. And it only had 2 baskets in it. What's up with that? What would I only have kepts 2 baskets? Weird. I bought 3 more at Wal-Mart, and a chocolate bunny to replace the one I "stressed ate" the other night - ROFL!!!

You know, I know that I did this WordArt before, but since the internet is spotty tonight, this is what you get - LMOB! I know it's not exactly the same. :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)


Home - Fanzine


Gigi said...

I have been reading your blog each day for a very long time and just wanted to say "Hi!". I so enjoy getting up each morning to see what happened to the Harty's, and following your moves,etc. I appreciate your word art and have made several purchases.

Thanks for the awesome blog!



Pat in Houston said...

You are amazing, can't believe how much you can accomplish in one day. And get your wordart posted to boot. Your right, there's no place like home! TY!

Jani said...

I'm so proud of you for getting that trailer into the garage. Way to go! Even through a move, you still give us word art. You're amazing! Enjoy your new house. Looking forward to the pics

Randi said...

Wow! You are amazing! I would never dare back a trailer into a garage. I'm just not that adept! LOL

Glad you are enjoying the new house! Thanks for the word art. :-)

xashee's corner said...

i tell you often, you always AMAZE me with ALL that you get done in a day and the things you accomplish! you make me soo proud cause i feel i know you! :) Thank you so much for sharing ALL that you do and YES i would LOVE to help you decorate! lol your new home sounds LOVELY and i am looking forward to the photos! :) Have a safe and WONDERFUL Easter holiday!! :)

templework said...

BLESS YOU!!! SuperMom!!!
(had one of those years - 4 moves - argh)
I know it was a trial - but so glad you qualified for base housing!
Stay safe and bless you all!!!
you backed that trailer in! Oh! my! gosh!
Righteous living!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 11 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 12 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

Sharon Kay said...

Good luck! I hope everything arrives safe and sound and in one piece! You did great on backing up that trailer!

TY this is one of my favorites of all the WA you have done!

Cherri said...

You have a great attitude about all this work to move. Congrats on the great house tho. Love all your wordart and trying to get this Home one but the link on 4shared isn't working for me. Is there something wrong? It just shows me the enlarged preview.? Well, don't work too hard this week, I'll continue to keep up. Thanks

Emily said...

Love it! Thank you :)

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