It's that time again!!! Fresh Fruit Friday at the Orchard, and you're chance to get my new stuff at 20% off!!! (Only $2.00 a pack!!). But first, here are a few FABULOUS layouts by my CT, using my new WordArt packs :)
Here's one my Minna
And another by Minna :) (this one is AWESOME!)
And a hybrid by Jaimee (gorgeous!!)

Click HERE to go to the Orchard to start shopping :)

Well, I was almost done with the post, and I somehow deleted THE WHOLE THING. 20 minutes worth of blogging, gone. Lost. Never to be found again. Not so cool!
Let see if I can highlight was I was talking about - sigh - sob - cry!!!
Captain America and I had a financial appointment yesterday morning at 11am, and I spent all morning getting papers copied, and found, and gathered. We went to Wal-Mart to buy the food for our trip before the appointment, but only got about 1/2 done before we had to head over to the appointment. We headed back home about 1:30, and started packing. I headed back to a different Wal-Mart (closer to home) to get the rest of the food stuff, and Captain America started packing the truck (I hate that job, anyway!)
I almost cried when I realized that this particular Wal-Mart didn't carry book on CD's . I wanted to buy Twilight on CD to listen to on the trip over to Houston. 12 hour drive - 12 hour Book. Makes perfect sence. AND, Jacob, Thomas, and Emeline were pretty excited to hear it. AND, Captain America didn't have time to read the book, so here was his chance to hear it.
I had to decided wether it was important enough for me to track it down elsewhere. You know me. If it's not at Wal-Mart, is it really worth getting??? LOL!!
Well, the Book won out. I drove 20 minutes, one way, to find a Barnes and Nobles to buy the silly thing. I didn't really wanna help pack anyway - hehehe.
When I finally got home, a lot of the stuff had been laid carefully out on the front walkway, and the trailer was all hooked up to the truck. It looked like Captain America had a pretty good handle on the situation.
I packed the clothes for the driving days of the trip, and my things, and got the food organized. Boy, does it take a lot of food to feed this group! Too bad we weren't all like little Joe - we'd save a TON of money - hehehe.
We finally headed out the door, and on our way at 6:00pm. We stopped once for fast food dinner (Whataburger wasn't all it was cracked up to be - hehehe, it was OK, but not fabulous), once for vitamins at GNC (yeah, not for me - hehehe), once for gas, once for a potty break and ice cream at McDonalds (after we were done, Captain America headed to the truck ahead of everyone else. It was dark-ish by now, and as I walked out of the store, I noticed him next to our truck, on the side walk, doing push ups. I was MORTIFIED. People were looking at him funny as they were going in the restaurant. Nice, honey. Next time, do your push ups where the general public can't see you - hehehe), once because the police were pulling us over (NO, i wasn't driving. Captain America was doing 78 in a 65 (and he thought the truck couldn't go that fast!) and we had no tail lights. The officer gave us a warning, and said to drive ahead to the next exit and get off the interstate before we checked out the taillights for safety - THANK YOU, Mr. Policeman, for NOT giving us a ticked!), once to check the taillights (OMGosh, the stars out in the desert are WONDERFUL!!! We turned off all the lights in the truck, and pulled the kids out to see - we could see the big dipper, and the milky way, and everything. We've been in the City, and the pacific northwest too long to see the 'beautiful heavens'. It was FANTASTIC!), once to switch drivers (Captain America was getting sleepy, and I decided that I could follow the taillights of the truck in front of me, and listen to the budding relationship between Bella and Edward, and be thoroughly entertained :), and once to stop at the hotel.
Here's one my Minna

Click HERE to go to the Orchard to start shopping :)

Well, I was almost done with the post, and I somehow deleted THE WHOLE THING. 20 minutes worth of blogging, gone. Lost. Never to be found again. Not so cool!
Let see if I can highlight was I was talking about - sigh - sob - cry!!!
Captain America and I had a financial appointment yesterday morning at 11am, and I spent all morning getting papers copied, and found, and gathered. We went to Wal-Mart to buy the food for our trip before the appointment, but only got about 1/2 done before we had to head over to the appointment. We headed back home about 1:30, and started packing. I headed back to a different Wal-Mart (closer to home) to get the rest of the food stuff, and Captain America started packing the truck (I hate that job, anyway!)
I almost cried when I realized that this particular Wal-Mart didn't carry book on CD's . I wanted to buy Twilight on CD to listen to on the trip over to Houston. 12 hour drive - 12 hour Book. Makes perfect sence. AND, Jacob, Thomas, and Emeline were pretty excited to hear it. AND, Captain America didn't have time to read the book, so here was his chance to hear it.
I had to decided wether it was important enough for me to track it down elsewhere. You know me. If it's not at Wal-Mart, is it really worth getting??? LOL!!
Well, the Book won out. I drove 20 minutes, one way, to find a Barnes and Nobles to buy the silly thing. I didn't really wanna help pack anyway - hehehe.
When I finally got home, a lot of the stuff had been laid carefully out on the front walkway, and the trailer was all hooked up to the truck. It looked like Captain America had a pretty good handle on the situation.
I packed the clothes for the driving days of the trip, and my things, and got the food organized. Boy, does it take a lot of food to feed this group! Too bad we weren't all like little Joe - we'd save a TON of money - hehehe.
We finally headed out the door, and on our way at 6:00pm. We stopped once for fast food dinner (Whataburger wasn't all it was cracked up to be - hehehe, it was OK, but not fabulous), once for vitamins at GNC (yeah, not for me - hehehe), once for gas, once for a potty break and ice cream at McDonalds (after we were done, Captain America headed to the truck ahead of everyone else. It was dark-ish by now, and as I walked out of the store, I noticed him next to our truck, on the side walk, doing push ups. I was MORTIFIED. People were looking at him funny as they were going in the restaurant. Nice, honey. Next time, do your push ups where the general public can't see you - hehehe), once because the police were pulling us over (NO, i wasn't driving. Captain America was doing 78 in a 65 (and he thought the truck couldn't go that fast!) and we had no tail lights. The officer gave us a warning, and said to drive ahead to the next exit and get off the interstate before we checked out the taillights for safety - THANK YOU, Mr. Policeman, for NOT giving us a ticked!), once to check the taillights (OMGosh, the stars out in the desert are WONDERFUL!!! We turned off all the lights in the truck, and pulled the kids out to see - we could see the big dipper, and the milky way, and everything. We've been in the City, and the pacific northwest too long to see the 'beautiful heavens'. It was FANTASTIC!), once to switch drivers (Captain America was getting sleepy, and I decided that I could follow the taillights of the truck in front of me, and listen to the budding relationship between Bella and Edward, and be thoroughly entertained :), and once to stop at the hotel.
It was a long day, and here it is midnight EST, but we're in central time, so I guess it's 1am. Yes, I need to go to sleep :) I'm waiting for the ole sleeping pill to kick in - I have a hard time sleeping in strange environments. Sigh. I'm tired, but can't fall alseep - now that doesn't make any sense at all - hehehe.
I'm pretty sure this one was a request, but because of my limited interent, I can't look it up at the moment. So, if it's your request, just leave a comment, and let us all know :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work ;) Thanks!

My internet at the hotel is too slow to upload it anywhere else - maybe when I get back home...
Thank you for sharing your AWESOME wa! :) Have a GREAT weekend!
I used to come only for the Word Art, but now I wake up in the morning and can't wait to read about your adventures :)
I too have the Twilight Series on CD, we commute a lot and family is far away, I love audio books!
Thanks again for your wonderful creation!
HATE IT! when cyberspace eats a post!
And certainly understand the 'exhausted but can't sleep yet'
(have to take time to unwind!)
Loving your DH's push-ups!!!
Have a great time!
I've been in Twilight mode for the past week too. Watched the movie on Tuesday, been listening to the soundtrack, and been having an audio book marathon. I'm now listening to Eclipse.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful word art!
Wonderful! Thank you!
Haha!! That's too funny, I just went on a road trip and since I've watched the movie so many times I really wanted to re-read the book but don't have time to devote to reading at the moment, so I also purchased the audio book and I loaded it on my mp3 player and now I can listen to it while washing dishes and doing housework!! Puts me right back in Twilight world and makes everyday chores so much more fun! Did your family like the story??
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