I was up at 7:30am. I got showered, and started on Party prep. I made frosting and frosted/sprinkled all the cupcakes, and put them in air-tight containers. If you've ever lived in the desert, you know what I'm talking about - hehehe. It's amazing how fast things dry out here. I found all the party supplies, and made sure that I had tape and balloons and such.
I filled a few water balloons and put them in my cooler. I got my kids breakfast, and saw my hubby off to work. I chatted with my mom on the phone for a few mintues, and ran out the door to the park.
We staked claim on a pavillion nearest the park enterance (but furthest from the activities/food - oh well - I didn't wanna carry my stuff that far - hehehe). We put up balloons and streamers and tried to make it look festive. Joe was pleased with my efforts - hehehe.

Our friends started showing up at 10am. By 11am, they were all there. They played on the bouncy things, played in the sand, played Star Wars games, played in the sprinklers, played cowboys and indians, and just had good kid fun. We ate lunch at 11pm, the usual for Free lunch. But with potato salad this time.

After lunch, we sang to Joe, he "fake blew" out his candle (no matches - nice, eh?), and they had cupcakes. I had enough that several of the kids could have 2.

Joe was SO excited to open his presents. He got a lot of fun stuff. Thanks so much, everyone! For his first b-day party with friends, I think it was a HUGE success.
Joe's present from his buddy in his primary class (sorry, they're new and I can't remember their last name...I think the mom's name is Tiffany.... Maybe - LOL)

After the party, we took the kids home, got them all situated, and the Mom's went to Taco Cabana for lunch. Since we didn't eat at Free lunch park. Jimmy and Eme laid in my bed and watched a movie, and Jake, Tom and Joe were more than occupied at the kitchen table playing with all of Joe's new stuff.
Andrea and I rode with Katy to Taco Cabana. I just ordered a LARGE soda. I'm on day 9 of my no cheats, and I really want the $$$. I brought my cucumber, crackers, and cheese. I was good. BUT, the only soda they had was Diet Coke. I drank 2 giant sodas, all with Caffiene. Nice. But, it's girls night, so maybe it'll be a good thing. I"m gonna seriously be going through withdrawls on Thursday. Sigh.
We had SO much fun at lunch. We got there at 1, and stayed till almost 3. Just chatting and laughing and having fun. Inside was way crowded, so we sat outside. It was so nice :)
When I got home, I made arrangements with Laurie to pick up my "fundraiser" dinner. She had ordered them too, and was already going to get them at 5pm. I dropped off the money at her house, and came back home.
I thought that Jimmy was gonna fall asleep when I was at lunch, but nope. I went in my room with him and laid down with him for a little while, hopeing he'd fall asleep. After about an hour, he was still awake. I guess no nap for him today. Oh well, he'll go to bed earlier tonight, I guess.
Laurie came by at 5:30 with the food. The young women were running a little behind, which made Laurie a little behind. We didn't even leave the house for Cub Scouts until 5:52, and we were supposed to leave at 5:30. Oops. We got there a little late.
First, we finished cutting the pipe to length. You needed a 1/2 inch PVC pipe, cut into one 7" length and five 3" lengths. Then, you need 2 elbow pieces and two end caps and two tees. When you get it all assembled, you have a MIGHTY FINE marshmallow gun. Here's Brother Bird with his. (his is a little longer than everyone elses :)

OK, not the most attractive of poses. Next time, I'm not really gonna blow. Look how nasty my cheeks look - ROFL!

OK, this was the COOLEST place I've ever seen. It was all fenced in, and had these awesome spool to hide behind. And little plywood buildings. And broken cars. And old barrels. And old tires. And an old tank. It was SO awesome. I've decided I want my backyard to look like this. My kids would never come inside. Heck, I'd play out there with him. You think I'm kidding, about the backyard. I'm serious - hehehe.

Kayley running away from Brother Bird. He found that if you lick the marshmallows first, they go farther and faster. And hurt worse - hehehe. Run, Kayley, run!!!

The Cub Scouts decided to gang up on the moms. It was Andrea and I and Kaylee against all the Cub Scouts and Brother Bird. We ran and screamed and fought back, and had a blast. I SO wanna go back and play again. Dang, it was fun!

Part of the reason that we got to use the facilities for free was that we promised to pick up ALL of the marshmallows. It took longer to pick them up than it did to play in the first place - hehehe. But, with everyone working together, we got the job done. Anyone wanna come over and have a marshmallow war with me???
So, it's almost 9pm on Wednesday night. I'm gonna put the kids to bed, and head out for girls night at Katy's house. Helen and Kim and Andrea and Katy and I and Adela. The group is finally ALL back together again. We're gonna play Scategories and Pictionary and who knows what else until the wee hours of the night :) Life is SO good :)
This WordArt request is from Sarah. I thought it was a WONDERFUL quote :) But then, if I didn't, I wouldn't make a WordArt from it, right? ROFL! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Wow your photography is always amazing. What an incredible family. And your word art is SO TRUE! Thanks for sharing.
i can hardly wait til Sonic comes to our area!! they have been building one, but not fast enough!! lol
oh how i wish it was so easy to celebrate a birthday still!! my youngest will be 25 tomorrow and i don't think he wants balloons anymore! daRn! lol
how WONDERFUL Joe's party looks!
That place with the big spools looks AWESOME!! you guys do so many FUN things!! :) i would LOVE to be on your marshmallow team!!! hehe :D
Thank you so much for the giggles this morning AND your BEAUTIFUL wordart!! Have a GREAT day! :D
sorry for the deletion but my comment posted twice! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Aug. 13, 2009. Thanks again.
I love the quote, and the way you have it arranged! It's perfect.
This is soooo true! Too many people these days get married and once the lovey dovey stuff wears off, they assume the marriage is over.Too many people are "in love" with the idea of the wedding day rather than the marriage that follows, Hence the high divorce rate. We need to teach our children better in the ways of marital bliss.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh this is perfect! That is exactly what happened to us when we went to DisneyWorld in May for our 25th wedding anniversary! Thank you! This will be on my layout for sure!
Love the word art and the message is so true. I remember before we got married (40 years ago) hearing someone say "Everyone is entitled to their opinion - even when they are wrong" ! Remember that when arguments happen & it will get you through a lot. We are more in love now than the day we got married. Thanks for sharing your word art.
I love this word art... I think I'm going to use it on my new desktop background I'm designing for September! yay!! Thanks!!
Thank you
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