Apparently the girls who made this video have other parodies that they do. The kids and I watched a few of them on youtube yesterday. They're pretty funny as Jack Sparrow. We watched the Terminator one and the Star Wars one. I'll have to go back and watch them in order one of these day - pretty funny. Very clever young women :)
I got some more organization done around the house today. And I hung curtains in Jake/Tom's room, and Jim/Joe's room. Now maybe they'll sleep in a bit - hehehe. I stayed up late on Friday night hanging my own curtains so that I could sleep in on Saturday, but the kids woke me up at 6:30am anyway. Drat. One of these days, I"ll be able to sleep.
Jake/Tom's room is now clean and clear of boxes. It looks pretty good, considering the amount of stuff they have in there - hehehe. Good thing it's a good sized room :) Jacob went to "Saturday school" to practice for the Texas State Assessment test. He was pretty excited about going even. He asked if he could go back next week. They got pizza, which could be fueling the interest - LOL! But I must say, hanging out with middle schoolers has to be more fun than hanging out with younger brothers/sister. I'm just saying....
Tom went to a b-day party for the little neighbor boy yesterday too. He was gone from 4-8ish. He had SO much fun. I'm glad that the neighbor lady invited him. It really made his day :)
The kids spent a good portion of the day playing in the backyard with the neighbor kids. It was a great day. Not too windy, not too cold, and sunny. It was just about perfect weather. Jim, Joe, and I even walked around the neighborhood to "peek' at the garage sales. We didn't stop and browse, just looked as we walked. We stopped at the park to play for a few minutes, then headed back home.
All in all, it was a nice Saturday. Nothing too stressful or major happening. Just hung out at home, and got a few things done. This homebody LOVES Saturdays like that :)
So, my sister wanted me to "WordArt" this scripture for her the other day. She was going Visiting Teaching, and wanted to put it on a handout. She said it's the Visiting Teaching message scripture for the month of April. She was gonna print it out, and attach it to a Betty Crocker Warm Delights thingy. She's so clever!
So, click on the links below to go to my acconts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks, girls!

Delighteth - Fontdinerdotcom (or something like that)
Scriptures - Stephanie Marie JF (JAW Font)
Delighteth - Fontdinerdotcom (or something like that)
Scriptures - Stephanie Marie JF (JAW Font)
What a great idea for VT. I think I may have to copy it! :) Thanks for your great wordart.
As I haven't watched the movie, but am reading the books [you got me curious about them, so borrowed Book 1 from the library and finished it that DAY, and bought the rest the next - sigh!], the video's interesting. :-) Have to admit, though, I kept thinking "This town's like the one in Buffy the Vampire Slayer - nice sweet down, running amuck with vampires and werewolves!" :-)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Apr. 19, 2009. Thanks again.
That is a great idea for VT. I haven't done mine yet.
You always so generously share your talents and I truly appreciate it! Thanks for your word art and thanks for the VT idea. Very cute!
Thank you for sharing!! :) Have a GREAT evening!
I'm so glad I haven't gone VTing yet! I love this idea. Thank you to your sister for the idea, and to you for your wonderful talent and generousity for sharing your word art!
I LOVE what you're doing here, especially all the LDS-themed WordArt. Thanks!
I've seen the parody before! Very funny!
Love the Word Art!
Lovely word art! Thank you!
Thanks, you not only do great work on the Word art, but your blog as well!
Thanks, you not only do great work on the Word art, but your blog as well!
THANK YOU! for the WA - my seniors will love it - will make some chocolate bar covers. THANKS again so much.
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