For Texas, you have to first get a vehicle emissions and safety test, then take that to the Registration place (luckily they have one on post), where they gave us new license plates and registration. Then, we got parking stickers for Fort Bliss. It took ALL morning long. We'll get new driver licenses another day. I didn't shower yesterday (bandana day), and didn't want THAT one on my license - LMBO!
We got home around 2:30, just in time to get the kids from school, and I did unpack about 4 kitchen boxes before Captain America got back from post. We got dinner, and headed out for the hockey game. Yep, I left my camera at home....again! Geesh, no one's gonna believe I actually moved to Texas if I don't have the pictures to prove it - LOL!
It was a fun game, though. It was Scout night at the Rhinos (El Paso's Hockey Team),

Our team scored the first goal in 20 seconds, and we could tell it was gonna be a fun night. In the section next to us, there were a bunch of "Army Dudes" (to quote Jimmy (3)) in their PT (Physical Training) shirts & Jackets, and jeans. I think they must have been AIT (Advanced Individual Training - the one just after BCT (Basic Combat Training), because they looked pretty young. There were probably 200 of them. It added a bit of spirit to the game, we'll say :) We were in the front row next to them, and we watched, as all night long, the front row of "army dudes" tried to get "high fives" from anyone walking by. It was pretty fun to watch who gave them "5's" and who didn't. I even got "5's" as I walked by - hehehehe.
After the 2nd period, we had 2 sleeping kids, one super tired, one drawing pictures, and another who wanted to stay and watch the rest of the game (Tom - 9). Poor Tom lost, and we headed home. Those benches were hard on my bum - hehehehe.
We stopped at McDonalds on the way home and got them ice cream sundaes. (I was good and didn't get one. Sigh. But I did get some strawberries from Wal-Mart, so I was happy) Much cheaper than snacks at the game - LOL! Who knew that snacks at the game were so expensive? Apparently everyone but me - hehehehe. It was a fun game, and I'm glad that we went. The score was 5-1 Rhinos when we left, so I'm pretty sure we won :)
OK, on a side note, a blog reader, Jill, emailed me yesterday, and had a few questions. First, she wanted to know who did my picture at the top of my blog. Well, that was done by Irene Alexeeva, from Scraporchard. She's FANTASTIC!!! I know that she used to have a "Custom Drawn Avatar" product in her store, but I didn't see it last night when I went to look. Hmmm. Maybe she'll bring it back soon??
Her second question was this:
I have been put in charge of a Memory Book for my Mother in-laws 90th Birthday Party….all I can think of is to have people write on pieces of paper and drop into a basket or something then put it all together later…sounds kind of boring…any suggestions?
I thought that you girls would be FULL of good ideas for Jill. So, any suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?
And finally, here's your Freebee for today. This suggestion comes from Mardine. I thought it was HILARIOUS (sorry family, no offense - LOL - LOVE you guys). Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Friends - Annabelle JF
Welcome - Perpetua Titling
All rest - Underwood Champion
Friends - Annabelle JF
Welcome - Perpetua Titling
All rest - Underwood Champion
This is too cute, thanks!
Thanks for the word art. With regard to Jill's question - for my mother's 95th birthday we sent out calico squares and asked people to a)write a message; b)draw a picture; c) do embroidery; d) print a photo, etc. and then after the party we put them all together into a wall hanging.
Another idea is to ask everyone who has been invited to either do a 12 x 12 scrapbook page, including a photo of themselves, any photos of the person being remembered, and some journalling about the person. If anyone is not into scrapbooking, they can forward the photos and information, and one of the family members will put it together.
There are lots of other ideas, but these may help.
I love this one.....where did you find the annabelle font? I can't seem to find it is so cute for journaling,
thanks Patti
Glad you guys had so much fun at the hockey game, but better luck next time on the unpacking deal! :)
LOVE the quote, too! Thanks for sharing. It's great!
Love this, and it is perfect for me! LOL Thank you
I jsut did a memory book for my mom's 80th birthday using her photos and publishing it through Took about 3 weeks of hard work, but it turned out beautiful!
LOVE the quote! My niece's 2nd birthday is on Valentine's day and she is having a tinkerbell party. Could you possibly do a tink/peter pan quote for me to use with her birthday pages? Thank you!
LOVE the wordart and thank you so much for sharing! :D
i like the idea of the calico squares that Rubypat (above commenter) offers! :D
sorry i couldn't be more help.
Hope you have a LOVELY weekend!
I've been meaning to comment for awhile. I just want you to know how much I LOVE your word art! It's beautiful! You really have a talent for it. I've downloaded so many, and plan to finish going through your archive to download some more:) I recently did a double page LO with 5 of your word arts in it! Anyway, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your work:) Thank you!!!
I love it lOl so funny
thanks for sharing it with us
Hey Bethany, You could make a scrapbook of pictures of your MOL and a lot of blank space. Then when people come in they could write things in the book instead of on little pieces of paper. Cut out the middle man, right? And it's always nice to have everyone's original handwriting in it. Good luck.
Thanks again for more of your awesome wordart! Glad to hear you're enjoying Texas so haven't lived til you've enjoyed at least one good 'ol hockey game (yes, I AM Canadian ;))...
For an idea for the gift thing, we've done giant cards (3 12x12 pages decorated, stapled together with a cover and personal messages written in) and scrapbooks as mentioned already - (sometimes hard to get after everyone to give you their page).
Wanted to let you know how much I love your word art .. there is an award for you on my blog
I have an idea for the birthday. For my grandmothers 75th birthday we had a huge surprise party. With the invitation we included a paper with instructions for the invitee to write their favorite memory of my grandmother and include a picture. At the party we had a binder with sheet protectors and everyone inserted theirs into the book. It was out all night so if someone forgot theirs they could write one up and add it to the book or you could browse through and read everyone else's memories. I suppose after the event we could have done up a really nice scrapbook but we didn't. This was many years ago and I know my grandmother treasured it.
Thanks for all the cute wordarts! Where do you get the Annabelle and Stephanie Marie JF fonts? I love them!!!
OK, so I can't believe you actually posted the saying that I sent in! Don't get me wrong, I love my family! Mine & my husband's. But, we are a really BIG family and sometimes it feels like they should make an appointment! JK! LOL! Anyways, thanks for posting it. I just found your website through a friend this week and I'm addicted!
ROFL!! I love my family but I felt just that way when my baby was born, my family was everywhere, they would have stayed in if we allowed them, he he. And I was soooo tired and lost with a newborn home... I'll make a sign to put on the front door for when the next baby is born... LMBO!! just kidding or... not?
Thanks Bethany! Cris
OMG Bethany!! That is such a great wordart I LOVE IT!! I get such a kick out of that type of humor!! I love your wordart and hope you do some more like this type too!! Wooohooooo!!! Way to go Mardine for sending this one
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 07 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 08 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
Hello, I love the new couches, and i'm glad you're getting settled in. Thanks for all the cool wordarts, too. Also, I've given you an AWARD (yes, another one) on my blog. Check it out.
Thanks! I love this one! So true!!!
Lol! Cynthia
Depending on how much time she had, I would ask everyone to bring a picture of themselves with the birthday gal, at various stages of her life, and maybe do a scrapbook all laid out, so they can just pop the pictures in at the party. Then she would have a wonderful keepsake of the people that attended with wonderful picures to keep.
Too funny! Thank you so much for sharing.
I know it wasn't your intention to hurt anyones feeling by this saying however it upset me which isn't your fault:( I went to see my father whom I have only seen once in 13 years ( his choice ) after moving back to the state we're from the first thing I saw was a sign on his front door that said friends welcome anytime family by appointment only so When I saw your post it brought back those feelings again:( I'm not trying to upset you by posting this but I had to tell you how it made me feel. I love all of your other word art it's all beautiful thank you for hsaring your time and talent:)God bless..kc
I have this in a wooden sign on my door...and it gets Rave Reviews! I love your work!!!
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